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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Annapolis, (search)
there, and it was agreed that the troops under General Butler should go from Perryville, on the Susquehanna, seizing and holding Annapolis Junction by the way. Butler laid before his officers a plan which contemplated these troops was just in time to save her. Many of Butler's troops were seamen at home, and these assisted ine bar. Governor Hicks was at Annapolis, and advised Butler not to land Northern troops. They are not Northern troops, said Butler. They are a part of the whole militia of the United States, obeying the call of the Pres against his landing and marching through Maryland, Butler replied that the orders and demands of his governme pieces, and hidden them. Terrible stories reached Butler of a great force of Confederates at Annapolis Junctany one know anything about this machine? inquired Butler. Our shop made that engine, general. said Charlesops arrived at Annapolis, and General Scott ordered Butler to remain there, hold the town and road, and superi
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Baltimore, (search)
re the powers of a general commanding a department? asked Butler. Absolute, responded Scott. Butler ascertained that BaltButler ascertained that Baltimore was in his department, and he went back to Annapolis to execute a bold plan which he had conceived. At the close of Aoofs of the latent force of the Unionists of Maryland gave Butler every encouragement. He had proposed to do himself, with ars. They seized the railway station at the relay house. Butler accompanied them, and remained there a little more than a being about, little was known of this portentous arrival. Butler marched his troops from the station to Federal Hill in a dnever relinquished. General Scott was offended because of Butler's unauthorized act, and requested President Lincoln to reme him from the department. The President did so, but gave Butler the commission of a major-general and the command of a mucassigned to the command of the Department of Annapolis, as Butler's successor, with his headquarters at Baltimore. It was e
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Barton, Clara, 1830- (search)
Barton, Clara, 1830- Philanthropist; born in Oxford, Mass., in 1830; was educated in Clinton, N. Y. Her early life was devoted to teaching. In 1854 she became a clerk in the Patent Office in Washington, resigning in 1861, and undertaking the Clara Barton. nursing of sick and wounded soldiers of the army. In 1864 General Butler made her head nurse of the hospitals in the Army of the James. Later she was given charge by President Lincoln of the search organized to find missing Union soldiers, and in 1865 went to Andersonville to mark the graves of Northern soldiers who had died there. When the Franco-Prussian War broke out (1870), she assisted in preparing military hospitals, and also aided the Red Cross Society. In 1871, after the siege of Strasburg, she superintended, by request of the authorities, the distribution of work to the poor, and in 1872 performed a similar work in Paris. For her services she was decorated with the Golden Cross of Baden and the Iron Cross of Germ
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Bermuda hundred, operations near. (search)
Bermuda hundred, operations near. General Butler had intrenched a greater portion of the Army of the James at Bermuda Hnt to Lee from Petersburg and the South. For this purpose Butler proceeded to destroy the railway between Petersburg and Rire had withdrawn his troops from before Charleston to join Butler, Beauregard was ordered to hasten northward to confront thly reinforced. Some of these troops he massed in front of Butler, under Gen. D. H. Hill; and finally, on the morning of May 16, under cover of a dense fog, they attempted to turn Butler's right flank. A sharp conflict ensued between about 4,000 Nnd 3,000 Confederates, which resulted in the retirement of Butler's forces within their intrenchments. For several days afterwards there was much skirmishing in front of Butler's lines, when he received orders to send nearly two-thirds of his effeac, then contending with Lee's Army of Northern Virginia. Butler complied with the requisition, which deprived him of all p
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Big Bethel, battle at. (search)
Big Bethel, battle at. When General Butler arrived at his headquarters at Fort Monroe (May, 1861), he first established Camp Hamilton, near the fort. as a rendezvous for troops gathering there. There were gathered Phelps's Vermont regiment, annder Col. Abraham Duryee, of New York City. Duryee was assigned to the command of the camp as acting brigadier-general. Butler conceived a plan of taking possession of the country between Suffolk and Petersburg and Norfolk, and so threatening the W they made fortified outposts. It was evident that Magruder was preparing to seize Newport News and Hampton, and confine Butler to Fort Monroe. The latter determined on a countervailing movement by an attack on these outposts. Gen. E. W. Pearce, oen a shot from the Confederates struck a glancing blow on his head, and he fell dead. Maj. Theodore Winthrop, one of General Butler's aides, was also instantly killed by a bullet from a North Carolina drummer-boy. Greble's body was taken to Philade
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Blue laws, (search)
Blue laws, The name given to the first collection of laws framed for the government of the Connecticut colony. They were published, in collected form. in 1650, and issued in blue-paper covers. From this fact they derived the name of blue laws. They contained rigid enactments against every social vice, as well as for social regulations, and revealed the sternness of the Puritan character and morals. Copies of these laws found their way to England, where they first received the name of blue laws. After the restoration of Charles H. the word blue was applied to rigid moralists of every kind, especially to the Presbyterians. Butler, in Hudibras, says: For his religion it was writ, To match his learning and his wit, 'Twas Presbyterian true blue. To ridicule the Puritans of New England, a series of ridiculous enactments, falsely purporting to be a selection from the blue laws. were promulgated, and gained general belief.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Boydton plank road, battle of. (search)
oops was defeated by the tangled swamp. These movements had been eagerly watched by the Confederates. Heth was sent by Hill to strike Hancock. It was done at 4 P. M. The blow first fell upon Pierce's brigade, and it gave way, leaving two guns behind. The Confederates were pursuing, when they, in turn, were struck by the Nationals, driven back, and the two guns recaptured. Fully 1,000 Confederates were made prisoners. Others, in their flight, rushed into Crawford's lines, and 200 of them were made prisoners. Meanwhile Hancock had been sorely pressed on his left and rear by five brigades under Wade Hampton. Gregg fought them, and with infantry supports maintained his ground until dark. In these encounters Hancock lost about 1,500 men, and the Confederates about an equal number. Hancock withdrew at midnight, and the whole National force retired behind their intrenchments at Petersburg. the movement was intended to favor Butler's operations on the north side of the James River.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Gatling, Richard Jordan 1818- (search)
Gatling, Richard Jordan 1818- Inventor; born in Hertford county, N. C., Sept. 12, 1818. His first invention was a screw Richard Jordan Gatling. for propelling water-craft. Later he designed a machine for sowing rice, and, on removing to St. Louis in 1844, adapted it to sowing wheat in drills. In 1861 he conceived the idea of his revolving battery gun. This was first manufactured in 1862, at Indianapolis. Subsequently twelve were made and used on the James River, Va., by General Butler. In 1866 Gatling further improved this invention, and after satisfactory trials at Washington and Fort Monroe the Gatling gun was adopted by the United States government. It is now in use also in nearly all European countries. In 1886 he invented a new gun-metal, composed of steel and aluminum. Later Congress voted him $40,000 for proof experiments in a new method of casting cannon. He has also invented a hemp-breaking machine and a steam-plough.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Monroe, Fort (search)
y 300 men, under Col. Justin Dimick, U. S. A. Its possession was coveted by the Confederates, but Dimick had turned some of its cannon landward. These taught the Confederates, civil and military, prudence, wisdom, and discretion. Gen. B. F. Butler, having been appointed commander of the Department of Virginia, with his headquarters at Fort Monroe, arrived there on May 22, 1861, and took the chief command, with troops sufficient to insure its safety against any attacks of the Confederates. Butler's first care was to ascertain the practicability of a march upon and seizure of Richmond, then the seat of the Confederate government. Its capture was desired by the national government, but no troops could then be spared from Washington. Fort Monroe was firmly held by the Nationals during the war. It was then as now an important post, for it is the key to the principal waters of Virginia. Since the close of the Civil War the War Department has maintained a noteworthy artillery school at
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Mumford, William B. (search)
Mumford, William B. On April 26, 1862, he hauled down the American flag on the mint. General Butler ordered his arrest and trial for treason. He was convicted and hanged; the only man executed for treason during the Civil War.