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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Book notices. (search)
are many things in them on which we would take issue with him. General McClellan's report is invaluable to the student of his campaigns, and (though full of most exaggerated estimates of the force opposed to him) shows him to have displayed great skill in the organization and discipline, and very decided ability in the handling of his army, while his famous letter on the conduct of the war marks him as a humane gentleman, and will go down in history in striking contrast with the orders of Butler, Pope, Sheridan, Sherman, and others of that class. The books about the navy are of interest, and the manuals are very valuable for those who may desire to prepare for the profession of a soldier. History of democracy. By Honorable Nahum Capen, L. L. D. American Publishing Co., Hartford, Connecticut. We are indebted to the courtesy of the distinguished author for a copy of the first volume of this book, which is warmly commended by leading men in every section of the country. It i
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The treatment of prisoners during the war between the States. (search)
e found in the report of Major-General B. F. Butler to the Committee on the conduct of the war. About the last of March, 1864, I had several conferences with General Butler at Fortress Monroe in relation to the difficulties attending the exchange of prisoners, and we reached what we both thought a tolerably satisfactory basis. The day that I left there General Grant arrived. General Butler says he communicated to him the state of the negotiations, and most emphatic verbal directions were received from the Lieutenant-General not to take any step by which another able bodied man should be exchanged until further orders from him; and that on April 30, 18om General Grant to receive all the sick and wounded the Confederate authorities may send you, but send no more in exchange. Unless my recollection fails me, General Butler also, in an address to his constituents, substantially declared that he was directed in his management of the question of exchange with the Confederate author
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The treatment of prisoners during the war between the States. (search)
ates finally determined to treat even with General Butler, and accordingly Judge Ould went to Fortrehad a protracted interview with him. To do General Butler justice, he seemed even more liberal in th, sealing and delivering it here and now. General Butler replied that he had not the authority to sd not long after the close of the war: General Butler said at Hamilton, Ohio, the other day, thautenant-General. Upon another occasion General Butler used this strong language: The great i New York, August 8th, 1865. Moreover, General Butler, in his speech at Lowell, Massachusetts' s and their sons. Junius Henri Browne. General Butler also produced upon another occasion the fo City Point, August 18th, 1864. To General Butler--I am satisfied that the chief object of yvely, in order to stop exchanges; but even General Butler agreed to a cartel which virtually settledn Judge Ould agreed upon a new cartel with General Butler, Lieutenant-General Grant refused to appro[1 more...]
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Attack on Fort Gilmer, September 29th, 1864. (search)
ublished in the Norfolk Landmark, in which the writer refers to a speech made by B. F. Butler on the Civil Rights Bill. The writer in the Landmark says that what Butler says about riding over a battle-field below Richmond, and looking into the brown faces of the dead negroes, and making a vow to revenge them, is a piece of imagineaten), there was nothing between us and the city, and instead of being burned by our men, as it afterwards was, Richmond must have fallen into the hands of Beast Butler and drunken negroes, though to give the devil his due, we were told by prisoners that Butler was not in the fight at all, but was on the top of his big observatorButler was not in the fight at all, but was on the top of his big observatory at City Point, looking at the fight through a long telescope. Pardon me, General, for having intruded so long upon your time; you may probably have material from which to write an account of this affair much better than this letter, and if you have I shall not be offended that no notice is taken of my effort in that direction
Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, Prologue (search)
correct an occasional lapse into local barbarisms, such as like for as, don't for doesn't, or the still more unpardonable offense of applying the terms male and female to objects of their respective genders, has been resisted for fear of altering the spirit of the narrative by too much tampering with the letter. For the same reason certain palpable errors and misstatements, unless of sufficient importance to warrant a note, have been left unchanged — for instance, the absurd classing of B. F. Butler with General Sherman as a degenerate West Pointer, or the confusion between fuit Ilium and ubi Troja fuit that resulted in the misquotation on page 190. For my small Latin, I have no excuse to offer except that I had never been a school teacher then, and could enjoy the bliss of ignorance without a blush. As to the implied reflection on West Point, I am not sure whether I knew any better at the time, or not. Probably I did, as I lived in a well-informed circle, but my excited brain was
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Going to the front: recollections of a private — I. (search)
ld look back upon those days and smile, while carrying a knapsack as lightly as my heart. That morning my heart was as heavy as my knapsack. At last the welcome Federal Hill, Baltimore. From a sketch made on the day of the occupation by General Butler. On the 27th of April, 1861, General B. F. Butler was assigned to the command of the Department of Annapolis, which did not include Baltimore. On the 5th of May, with two regiments and a battery of artillery, he moved from Washington to te was followed in command of the Department by General George Cadwalader, who was succeeded on the 11th of June by General N. P. Banks, who administered the Department until succeeded by General John A. Dix, July 23d, 1861. On the 22d of May General Butler assumed command at Fort Monroe, Va. orders came: Prepare to open ranks! Rear, open order, march! Right dress! Front! Order arms! Fix bayonets! Stack arms! Unsling knapsacks! In place, rest! The tendency of raw soldiers at first is t
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., McDowell's advance to Bull Run. (search)
enant C. H. Tompkins, through the enemy's outposts at Fairfax Court House on the night of June 1st, and by the unfortunate result of the movement of a regiment under General Schenck toward Vienna, June 9th, as well as by a disaster to some of General Butler's troops on the 10th at Big Bethel, near Fort Monroe. On the 24th of June, in compliance with verbal instructions from General Scott, McDowell submitted a plan of operations and the composition of the force required to carry it into effect. his movements could not be kept secret and that the enemy Fac-Simile of the back of the pass would call up additional forces from all quarters, and added: If General J. E. Johnston's force is kept engaged by Major-General Patterson, and Major-General Butler occupies the force now in his vicinity, I think they will not be able to bring up more than 10,000 men, so we may calculate upon having to do with about 35,000 men. And as it turned out, that was about the number he had to do with. For t
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., chapter 14.53 (search)
l background and never after had a sea-service command.-R. C. H. On the 29th of August articles of full capitulation were signed interchange- Map of early coast operations in North Carolina. ably by officers representing both forces, and General Butler and Flag-Officer Stringham sailed away with the prisoners, leaving the Pawnee, Captain S. C. Rowan, the Monticello, Lieutenant D. L. Braine, and the tug Fanny, Lieutenant Pierce Crosby, as the sea forces; and detachments of the 9th and 20th New York Volunteers and Union Coast Guard to garrison the captured forts, of which I was left in command. Just before the squadron sailed, General Butler sent word on shore that the three schooners left by — the enemy inside the inlet were loaded with provisions that could be used by the troops. An examination proved that the only food-materials were fruits from the West Indies, which were fast decaying. For the next ten days the diet of the stranded soldiers consisted of black coffee, fresh
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The Exchange of prisoners. (search)
disagreeable to him to have an interview. General Butler some months before that time had been appo afterward, I had a reason to believe that General Butler held views favorable to the restoration ofme back into his possession by recapture. General Butler, on the other hand, while admitting that und a better one for the black. At length, General Butler assented to this view, and so we constructe part of the Confederate Government. But General Butler said he was not authorized to do so, and wght appear. I have reason to believe that General Butler urged the adoption of the new cartel with known to the country what his action was. General Butler, in his report to the Committee on the Con put a stop to them. This statement of General Butler is substantially repeated by him in his retchcock. Silence covered Hitchcock, while General Butler, in obedience to the orders of the lieutenorthy fact disclosed in this confession of General Butler. It appears that these maligned Confedera[11 more...]
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Advance on Monterey-the Black Fort-the battle of Monterey-surrender of the City (search)
certainly ten thousand men, was in command. General Taylor's force was about six thousand five hundred strong, in three divisions, under Generals [William O.] Butler, Twiggs and Worth. The troops went into camp at Walnut Springs, while the engineer officers, under Major [Joseph] Mansfield — a General in the late war-commenced road, and of carrying the detached works outside the city, in that quarter. He started on his march early in the afternoon of the 20th. The divisions under Generals Butler and Twiggs were drawn up to threaten the east and north sides of the city and the works on those fronts, in support of the movement under General Worth. Worew position and captured the forts on both heights in that quarter. This gave him possession of the upper or west end of Monterey. Troops from both Twiggs's and Butler's divisions were in possession of the east end of the town, but the Black Fort to the north of the town and the plaza in the centre were still in the possession o