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from the Senate of the United States.--(Doc. 27.) The British schooner Mars, laden with salt, was captured to-day off Fernandina, Fla., by the United States steamer Keystone State. Her charter party indicated her intention of running the blockade. A small sum of money was found on board, among which were bank-bills and certificates of deposit in South-Carolina and Georgia banks.--Baltimore American, February 14. The Fourteenth battery of Ohio artillery, under the command of Captain Burrows, consisting of one hundred and forty-five men, one hundred and twenty-three horses, six pieces of cannon, six caissons, and one forge, left Cincinnati for St. Louis on the steamer J. W. Cheesman. Salmon P. Chase, Secretary of the Treasury, received to-day the following telegram from the Governor of California: Sacramento, January 31. I am instructed by a resolution of the Legislature of California to inform you that this State will assume and pay into the Treasury of the U
burg 6 32 -- 38 Burnham's H, 5th United States Chickamauga 13 18 13 44 Parsons's I, 4th United States Chaplin Hills 10 19 10 39 Stewart's B, 4th United States Gettysburg 2 31 3 36 Sanger's E, Including loss in the detail from Les Enfans Perdus. 3d United States Olustee 11 22 6 39 Langdon's M, 1st United States Olustee 4 22 6 32 Arnold's A, Appears twice in this list. 1st Rhode Island Gettysburg 3 28 1 32 Wood's A, 1st Illinois Shiloh 4 26 -- 30 Burrows's -- 14th Ohio Shiloh 4 26 -- 30 Randolph's E, 1st Rhode Island Gettysburg 3 26 1 30 Bigelow's -- 9th Massachusetts Gettysburg 8 18 2 28 Leppien's -- Appears three times in this list. 5th Maine Chancellorsville 6 22 -- 28 Ricketts's I, Appears twice in this list. 1st United States First Bull Run 12 15 -- 27 Rorty's B, 1st New York Gettysburg 10 16 -- 26 Stevens's -- 5th Maine Cedar Creek 2 26 -- 28 Adams's G, Appears twice in this list. 1st Rhode
rved through the war. Margraff's   1 1   22 22 23 Blair's Fifteenth. Oct., ‘61 9th O. Reenlisted and served through the war. York's   1 1   22 22 23 Williams's Twelfth. Mar., ‘62 10th O. White's         18 18 18 Gresham's Seventeenth. Oct., ‘61 11th O. Sands's   20 20   30 30 50 Quinby's Seventeenth. June, ‘61 12th O. Reenlisted and served through the war. Johnston's   3 3   17 17 20 Steinwehr's Eleventh. Sept., ‘61 14th O. Reenlisted and served through the war. Burrows's   11 11 1 37 38 49 Veatch's Sixteenth. Feb., ‘62 15th O. Spear's   8 8   30 30 38 Gresham's Seventeenth. Sept., ‘61 16th O. Reenlisted and served through the war. Mitchell's 1 1 2   45 45 47 Hovey's Thirteenth. Aug., ‘62 17th O. Blount's   1 1 1 42 43 44 A. J. Smith's Thirteenth. Sept., ‘62 18th O. Aleshire's   2 2   21 21 23 Steedman's Reserve A C'd Sept., ‘62 19th O. Shields's   2 2   7 7 9 Judah's Twenty-third. Oct., ‘62 20
I started from this camp yesterday, at nine o'clock in the evening, for the purpose of marching on Drainesville. We reached positions above and behind Drainesville shortly after five in the morning, after a very tedious and toilsome march. Major Burrows advanced on the town by the northern pike, which leads to it, with two companies of the regiment, while I, with the other eight, gained the rear of the town and advanced by the Leesburg pike. There were but two picketsmen in the town. Thegerously wounded. We killed or captured all we saw. I cannot close the report without speaking of the splendid manner in which both men and officers behaved. The fine manner in which Majors Jones, Byrnes, Second Lieutenant Fifth Cavalry, and Burrows acted, cannot be too highly appreciated. All acted well, and I cannot but thus publicly express my admiration for their truly admirable behavior. Very respectfully, Geo. D. Bayard, Colonel First Penn. Regiment Cavalry. Colonel H. I. Biddle, A
and a portion of Merrill's horse were to charge upon the camp, mounted, if possible, and if not practicable, charge with revolver and sabre on foot. To Lieut. Dustin, of Company F, First Iowa, was assigned the advance guard, supported by Lieut. Burrows, of the First Missouri. All being in readiness, the column moved forward rapidly, the advance guard driving the enemy's pickets and rushing to the entrance of the camp. The column followed soon after, dismounted, and drew the enemy's fire. Thadvance guard; also Major Hunt, of Merrill's horse; Captains Clinton and Mendell, of the First Missouri, for their gallant and cool bearing during the entire action. Our list of killed and wounded is as follows, namely: First Missouri.--Lieut. Burrows, Ausco Clark, John A. Brown, and James Conia, of Company L; John F. Dumont, Wm. Myers, Thomas W. George, Geo. W. Mitchell, John Hersing, and John McGeary, of Company I. Fourth Ohio.--Capt. Foster, Lieut. Kinger, Benj. F. Dugan, and Samuel
about three quarters of a mile from the river, and shelled the enemy's sharpshooters who had occupied the hills opposite. After dispersing them, I moved the section on the hill immediately overlooking the river, and there exchanged shots, for about half an an hour, with a section of the enemy's artillery, which was well protected by a redoubt. We sustained no injury. I am not certain whether we punished our opponent or not. The redoubt was struck repeatedly. About twelve o'clock the next day, (fifteenth,) I was ordered hurriedly to Wellford's Ford, in the midst of a drenching rain; arrived there; sharpshooters were again dispersed. We returned to camp this morning, having expended about one hundred rounds of ammunition, and having no casualty to report. Lieutenant Burrows was with us also. Officers and men behaved well; and, notwithstanding the rain was calculated to produce discontent, nothing of the kind was manifested. I remain, your obedient servant, C. S. Ford.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 7. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Meeting at the White Sulphur Springs. (search)
in command, If you can hold them back two days, I will be in Memphis. Believing it the best method of delaying the enemy, the officer left in command determined to threaten an attack. Early on the morning of the 19th, taking his escort and Colonel Burrows' regiment, two hundred and fifty strong, having placed his command in a strong position behind Hurricane creek to receive any return attack that might follow, he moved on Abbeville, captured forty pickets on the Oxford road, and charged into town. As the Confederates came in, a large force of Federal cavalry went rushing out. Colonel Burrows, a dashing preacher, who fought as well as he prayed, wanted to charge after them; but the officer in command ordered a halt until he galloped to the top of the hill and saw a heavy force drawn up behind it, evidently to receive a pursuing charge, and withdrew. The return attack came, and was severely repulsed, and the enemy were held back more than two days without discovering the absence o
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 8. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), General Chalmers' report of operations of cavalry division on line of Memphis and Charleston R. R., from 5th to 18th October, 1863. (search)
a supply of ammunition and rations, of both of which we were in much need. While there four detachments of one hundred men each — commanded respectively by Major Mitchell, Eighteenth Mississippi battalion; Major Cozzins, Second Mississippi; Major Burrows, Twelfth Tennessee; Lieutenant-Colonel Marshal, Fourteenth Tennessee--were sent out with instructions to tear up the Memphis and Charleston railroad and destroy the telegraph wire so as to prevent the passage of troops or intelligence. Mitchell and Cozzens were ordered to cut the road east of Colliersville, Burrows and Marshall west of it. The first two were successful in tearing up the track in several places before daylight the next morning, but the others, owing to the greater distance they had to travel, were not able to damage the road so as to prevent the passage of the trains on the next morning. After dark the whole command moved out twelve miles towards Byhalia, and halted for a few hours. I ordered Colonel Richardson t
another. In Fig. 1103, the brake-bars of a train are simultaneously worked by means of longitudinal connecting-rods under the car-beds and gimbal-joint connections between cars. The longitudinal screw-shaft turns in bearings in the truck, and operates a nut which is connected to and actuates the brake-levers. Car-brake. 3. Brakes operating continuously throughout the train are found in the patents of Marks, 1854, acting by rods and chains; Stewart, 1859, having rods and cog-wheels; Burrows, 1862, by rods and levers. Devlan's patent of 1861 acts by grasping the axle of the wheels; Blanchard's, 1866, by a shoe on the rail. Of the car-brakes exhibited at the Paris Exposition, 1862, Creamer's was automatic, instantaneous, and simultaneously applied to all the wheels of each car. The machinery of the system in common use remains unaltered, but there is added to it a reserved power in the form of a closely wound and powerful spiral spring, which may be set free by the pull
Feb. 28, 1854. 10,696.Jones, Mar. 28, 1854. 10,711.Trotter, Mar. 28, 1854. 12,329.Selleck, Jan. 30, 1855. 12,333.Trotter, Jan. 30, 1855. 12,418.Wetherell, Feb. 20, 1855. 12,613.Gardner, Mar. 27, 1855. 13,332.Jones, July 24, 1855. 13,416.Burrows, Extended. Aug. 14, 1855. 13,431.Jones, Aug. 14, 1855. 13,806.Wetherill, Nov. 13, 1855. 15,448.Wharton, July 29, 1856. 15,830.Wetherill, Sept. 30, 1856. 16,594.Kent, Feb. 10, 1857. 20,655.Monnier, June 22, 1858. 20,926.Wharton et al., July 19, 1864. 67,839.Bartlett et al., Aug. 20, 1867. 69,573.Mills, Oct. 8, 1867. 72,032.Hall, Dec. 10, 1867. 73,146.Wetherill, Jan. 7, 1868. 73,147.Wetherill, Jan. 7, 1868. 83,643.Lees, Nov. 3, 1868. 95,484.Jones, Oct. 5, 1869. 108,965.Burrows, Nov. 8, 1870. 138,684.Osgood, May 6, 1873. 136,685.Osgood, May 6, 1873. 139,701.Bartlett, June 10, 1873. 142,571.Lang, Sept. 9, 1873. 145,976.Trotter, Dec. 30, 1873. See also white-lead. Zir-co′ni — a light. One in which a stick