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The Daily Dispatch: December 13, 1862., [Electronic resource], By the Governor of Virginia — a Proclamation. (search)
City Council. --The Small Pez Excitement.--A called meeting of this body was held at the City Hall at 12 o'clock yesterday. Present; Messrs D. J. Sounders, N. B Hill James A. Scott, Thos as H. Wynne, Thomas C. Epps, David J Burr. Richard H. Haskins, Fleming Griffin, E. H. Stokes, and P. R. Gratten. The President announced that the object of the meeting was to consider what means were best adapted to prevent the spread of small-pox amongst the inhabitants of this city. The Mayor being prsued between the members as to the propriety of adopting this or that course in order to prevent the spread of the disease, which it was rather broadly intimated, was becoming epidemic in our midst. The following resolutions were offered by Mr. Burr. and, after discussion and amendment, were adopted: 1. Resolved, That the health officers of the city be requested to employ assistants and make arrangements at once for the vaccination, voluntary or involuntary, of all persons who are
cil was held at 4 o'clock yesterday evening. Present; Messrs Saunders, Wynne, Denoon, Scott, Epps, Richardson, Heskins, Glaze brook, Stokes, Crutchfield, Griffla, Burr, and Grattan. The 4th section of the Ordinance concerning the grounds and buildings owned by the city was amended so as to make it the duty of the Superintendy housekeeper shall hang out a white flag on the happening of any case of varioloid or small pox, or failing, shall pay a fine of five dollars. On motion of Mr. Burr it was received that the Committee on the City Jail inquire if it be practicable in any way to enlarge the present jail, or add to it other buildings for the purttee on Arms are hereby authorized to furnish the volunteers from this city in the 1st Va with such as are now on hand belonging to the city. On motion of Mr. Burr. resolved that the Committee on Oakwood Cemetery be authorized to give an order for shade trees to any citizen of Richmond who will set them out in front of any
on the first day of February of each year. On motion of Mr. Scott, Resolved. That the Commissioners of Streets of Madison Ward be instructed to confer with the President of the James River and Kanawha Company in reference to the erection of a bridge across the canal at the foot of 8th street. On motion of Mr. Hill, the Chamberlain was directed to pay the widow of police officer Blankinship the amount due him, if he had lived from Oct. 1st to Dec. 31st, 1862. On motion of Mr. Burr, Resolved, That a special committee of five be appointed by the President, who shall consider what action should be taken by the Council under the recent act of Assembly, increasing its powers in certain cases, and report by ordinance, or otherwise. Mr. Wynne, from the Committee on the City Hospitals, reported that since the opening of the City Hospital in August last there have been received 365 patients; and at the Howard's Grove Hospital, since its opening on the 12th of Januar
City Council. --A called meeting of this body was held at the City Hall, at 4 o'clock, yesterday. -- Present: Messrs Saunder, Wynne, Burr, Hill, Glazebrook Haskins, Apps, Scott, Griffin, Richardson, Grattan, and Denoon. Mr. Hill reported that, acting under orders of the Council the committee of which he was chair man had given to the soldiers all the tents they called for, and sold the balance for $885.50 which amount they had paid over to the Chamberlain. Mr. Eppa presented the petition of a number of draymen to the City Council for an increase of their charges, which was referred to the appropriate committee. An ordinance was passed amending the 16th section of the ordinance concerning the powers and duties of the Assessor of the city taxes. Mr. Grattan presented the petition of George Kinornaging relief from losses incurred in the construction of the new City Alms-House. Referred to the appropriate committee. Mr. Grattan presented the petition of Hanc
City Council. --A called meeting of this body was held at 4 o'clock yesterday evening. Present: D J Saunders, Thos H Wynne, Larkin W Glazebrook, Thos C Epps, David J Burr, Nath B Hill, Wm Holt Richardson, Jas A Scott, Geo K Crutchfield, Fleming Griffin, Samuel D Denoon, Richard O Haskins, and Allen Y Stokes. But little business of a public character was transacted. A resolution was adopted directing the Committee on Police to inquire into the expediency of reporting an ordinance empowering the Mayor, for sufficient cause, to have before him any person who may have only been a resident of the city for the past twelve months, and cause them to give bond, with sufficient security, conditioned for good behavior during their stay. Other measures, looking towards the good order of the city, were adopted, and the Council adjourned.
ng, the following committees were appointed by D J Saunders, President, and confirmed by the Council: On Finance--Messrs Burr, Randolph, Hill, Harkins, and Glazebrook. Commissioners of Streets--Messrs Haskins, Stokes, Richardson, Crutchfieill, and Richardson. On Accounts--Messrs Walker, Clopton, and Glasebrook. On Seabrook's Warehouse--Messrs Scott, Burr, and Richardson. On Claims--Messrs Randolph, Hill, and Eppa. On Police--Messrs Hill, Randolph, and Denoon. City Jail--Messrs Griffin, Clopton, and Hankins. On Fire Department--Messrs Scott, Denoon, Crutchfield, Haskins, and Burr. On Disputed Elections--Messrs Clopton, Scott, Glazebrook, Epps, and Walker. On Aims-House--Messrs Randolph, Gla J Sinton, Jas Evans, W P Mavo, and C T Wortham. Jefferson Ward--Messrs Wm Holt Richardson, A Y Stokes, and R A J Clopton. Madison Ward — Messrs Geo W Randolph, D J Burr, and R F Walker. Monroe Ward--Messrs Denoon, Griffin, and Epps.
City Council. --A called meeting of this body was held yesterday. Mr. Burr, of Madison Ward offered resolutions appointing a committee of these to confer with a committee of the Young Men's Christian Association them to distribute the funds the Council may appropriate to aid the wives and children of the soldiers in the army from this city. The resolutions propose an appropriation of $20,000 for the object last stated. The committee who are charged with the duty of perfecting a general plan for the relief of the poor of the city, will report at a meeting of the Council to be held on Monday.
newly elected City Council held its first regular monthly meeting at 4 o'clock yesterday evening, at the City Hall. Present; Messed. aunders. Walker. Randolph, Doncon, Griffia, Crutchfield, Clopton. Stoker, Epps, Richardson, Scott Heekins, and Burr. A resolution was adopted author arg the Confederate Government to appropriate all the old cannon used as street posts, and belonging to the city, provided they are replaced as soon as removed by substantial stone posts. Mr. Burr offeredMr. Burr offered a resolution, which was adopted, that the Chairman, under the direction of the Committee on Finance, be authorized to re-invest $150,000, now invested by the city in the call loan, in eight percent. bonds of the Confederate States. Mr. Randolph, from the Select Committee on the Relief of the Poor, reported an ordinance to the following effect; That all appropriating for the relief of the poor, not in the Poor-House, Shall be placed in the hands of the Overseers of the Poor. The said Overs
Gas Works at $1,700; and two cents a keg additional to the Keeper of the Powder Magazine. The report was agreed to Mr. Burr, from the Finance Committee, reported on the several subjects, referred to the Committee as follows: 1st. Resolv sum of $1,500 was appropriated to the Female Humane Association, in monthly instalments of $500 each. On motion of Mr Burr, an ordinance was passed ordaining that all certificates of debt or bonds, or other pecuniary obligations of the city, slan for the better defence of the city against the public enemy, on the part of its citizens. The President appointed Messrs. Burr, Scott, Hill, Clopton, and Denoon. Messrs. John Dove, H. L. Thomas, and Jno. P. Little, were elected a Board of Health for the city. Messrs. Burr, Denoon, and Hill were appointed a Committee on the Public Grounds. Lewis L. Barnes was appointed Principal Engineer of the Fire Brigade; John F. Rogers, let Commander; Thos Clemmitt, 2d; Wm A Charters, 3d,
e Senate: Gen W Randolph, 310; R O Haskins, 146. For House of Delegates: Wyndham Robertson, 323; David J Saunders, 196; Thos H Wynne, 184; Wm Taylor, 184; David J Burr, 182, Thos B Bigger, 126; Richard F Walker, 97; Larkin W Glazebrook, 90. Madison Ward--For Governor: T S Flournoy, 377; Wm Smith, 173; Geo W Munford, 217. Re638; R O Haskius, 111. House of Delegates: Wyndham Robertson, 559; D J Saunders, 312; L W Glazebrook, 165; Thomas H Wynne, 278; R F Walker, 186; Wm Taylor, 44; D J Burr, 401; Thos B Bigger, 268. Monroe Ward.--For Governor: Thomas S Flourney, 410; G W Munford, 223; Wm Smith, 181. For Lieut Governor: Samuel Price, 418; John D . For Congress: Wms C Wickham, 486; Jas Lyons, 260. For State Senate: Geo W Randolph, 609; R O Haskins, 114. For House of Delegates: Wyndham Robertson, 413; D J Burr, 318; D J Saunders, 480; Thos B Bigger, 182; Thomas H Wynne, 209; Larkin W Glazebrook, 366; R F Walker, 144, Wm Taplor, 65. Camp 15th Va. Reg't, May 28.