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Your search returned 229 results in 89 document sections:
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 14. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Chickamauga . (search)
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 17. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), A list of Confederate officers, prisoners, who were held by Federal authority on Morris Island, S. C. , under Confederate fire from September 7th to October 21st , 1864 . (search)
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 20. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.25 (search)
The Daily Dispatch: November 3, 1860., [Electronic resource], English view of the late Royal visit. (search)
City Council.
--A regular monthly meeting of the Council was held yesterday.
Present--Messrs. Saunders, Anderson, Denton. Griffin, Scott, Graitan, Crutchfield, Burr, Hill, Haskins, Richardson.
Absent — Glazebrook, Roddey, Talbott, and Greaner.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
Col. Haskins, from the Commissioners of Streets, reported in favor of giving William Ready the contract for indexing and numbering the streets, in accordance with the plan of the Cit foreman; $100 to each fireman; $600 to the Engineer of the steam fire-engine; $365 to the fireman; $300 to the hostler; and $250 to the Clerk of the Fire Department.
The ordinance is to go into effect on the 29th of November.
On motion of Mr. Burr, the salary of Messenger of the Council was increased to $800, in consideration of the extra duties imposed by the new Hustings Court.
On motion of Mr. Denton, Samuel Ellis was re-elected Clerk of the First Market, and Mr. Thomas Diddep, We
City Council.
--A called meeting of the Council was hold yesterday afternoon, at 4 o'clock. Present --Messrs. Saunders, Anderson, Griffin, Denton, Burr, Grattan, Scott, Crutch field, Hill, and Greanor.
Absent--Messrs. Glazebrook, Talbott, Haskins, and Richardson.
The President stated that the Council had been called at the request of the Watering Committee.
Mr. Grattan made a motion that the Council proceed to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. F. W. Roddey, and the motion being carried, Robert R. Howisof, Esq., was nominated, and unanimously elected a member from Madison Ward.
Mr. Denton stated that the Council had been called to consider the propriety of constructing a new reservoir, and briefly stated that the committee had adopted the plan prepared by Mr. W. Gill, the City Engineer, and Mr. Davis, the Superintendent of the Water Works.
From Mr. Gill's report on the subject, we make the following extract:
"It is proposed to build the new reser
City Council.
--An adjourned meeting of the Council was to have been held at the Council Chamber yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock, to take up and act upon the amended city charter, but as only Messrs. Saunders, Gratian, Crutchfield, Burr, Anderson and Hill attended, nothing could be done for want of a quorum.
The members present, after consultation, agreed to meet next Thursday afternoon, when it is hoped the absentees will attend promptly, and dispose of the public business.
If the charter is to be amended, and it certainly needs it, there is no time to be lost, as the Legislature is to meet at an early day in January, and will get through the work before them with the least possible delay.
The Daily Dispatch: March 5, 1861., [Electronic resource], Local matters. (search)