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ted Indians at the same number. On September 3, 1762, France ceded Louisiana to Spain. After this, though the seaports of Texas were closed by Spanish jealousy, the trade across the country between Mexico and Louisiana, possessions of the same power, gave some impulse to the settlement and growth of the country, though these again were retarded by the increased hostility of the Indians. In 1800 Philip Nolan, with twenty men, made an expedition into Texas, as is said, in the interests of Burr and Wilkinson. He claimed to be in search of horses. He was attacked by 150 Spaniards, who killed him and some of his men, and made prisoners of the others. Ellis Bean, the second in command, was held a prisoner eleven years. In 1800 Louisiana was restored by Spain to France, and in 1803 ceded by France to the United States. Under this cession the United States set up some claim to Texas, and the boundary-line itself between Texas and Louisiana was left undetermined. Hostilities seem
others, they prevailed on Lincoln, although an ardent and pronounced Whig, to accompany them. They introduced him to the venerable statesman of Kinderhook as a representative lawyer, and a man whose wit was as ready as his store of anecdotes was exhaustless. How he succeeded in entertaining the visitor and the company, those who were present have often since testified. Van Buren himself entertained the crowd with reminiscences of politics in New York, going back to the days of Hamilton and Burr, and many of the crowd in turn interested him with graphic descriptions of early life on the western frontier. But they all yielded at last to the piquancy and force of Lincoln's queer stories. Of these, relates one of the company, Jos. Gillespie, Ms. letter, September 6. 1866. there was a constant supply, one following another in rapid succession, each more irresistible than its predecessor. The fun continued until after midnight, and until the distinguished traveller insisted that hi
pounds of powder, with a fuse in it — we are not apprised of the damage it done. Our muster-rolls were ordered to be made out to-day; n<*> loss. July 1.--This day is long to be remembered, The firing in the morning was light. Our regi ment went into the ditches at twelve o'clock; about three o'clock the mine which had been prepared by the enemy under our works was fired; great was the explosion. Lieutenants Crenshaw and Roseberry were buried alive, to gether with several others. Lieutenant Burr, Geo. Ferrell, Ed. Eaton, and Dunlap of our company wounded. Lieutenant Brather of company B lost his leg. Day very warm. The enemy made no attempt to charge. July 2.--Firing moderate. The troops are becoming very much disheartened. All seem to be of the opinion that we will be compelled to surrender. July 3.--This evening about three o'clock, our, authorities sent out a flag of truce, to make arrangements to surrender the place. The firing ceased-every thing as still as deat
h wrongs brings into existence new and unknown classes of offences, or new causes for depriving men of their liberty. It is one of the most material purposes of that writ to enlarge upon bail persons who, upon probable cause, are duly and illegally charged with some known crime, and a suspension of the writ was never asked for in England or in this country, except to prevent such enlargement when the supposed offence was against the safety of the government. In the year 1807, at the time of Burr's alleged conspiracy, a bill was passed in the Senate of the United States, suspending the writ of habeas corpus for a limited time in all cases where persons were charged on oath with treason, or other high crime or misdemeanor, endangering the peace or safety of the government. But your doctrine undisguisedly is, that a suspension of this writ justifies arrests without warrant, without oath, and even without suspicion of treason or other crime. Your doctrine denies the freedom of speech a
country. No doubt the meeting was increased in size very much by the effors of the Republicans to intimidate by threatening to shed the blood of those who should dare to assemble in a council of peace. But so far from any attempt at violence being made, the whole vast throng appeared to be animated with the one impulse of unbounded enthusiasm in the cause of freedom of speech, and of the right of self-government as it was established by our forefathers. The speeches, which were made by Mr. Burr and Mr. Van Loon, occupied nearly three hours, and were constantly interrupted by the wildest demonstrations of approval. Such was the enthusiasm created on the occasion, that, before the crowd dispersed, it was unanimously resolved to hold another meeting at the centre of the county. The following resolutions were unanimously adopted:-- 1. Resolved, That, while we yield to none in love for the Union of our States, in respect and attachment to our glorious flag, and in fealty and wil
ve,) at which time the entire train and guard had crossed the creek and joined the main army. My scouts brought in numerous prisoners, who were sent to the rear; and my command collected a large number of small arms, and other stores, which were secured. The casualties in my command were: Company A--Private Hillens, killed, First squadron, at Cold Harbor; Lieutenant Early, wounded, Third squadron, at Despatch Station; Private Walters, Third squadron, at Despatch Station; missing, private Burr, Fourth squadron, taken prisoner at Shirley. All of which is respectfully submitted. Thomas R. R. Cobb, Colonel, commanding Georgia Legion. Report of Colonel McCowan. headquarters Fourteenth regiment South Carolina Vol's, near Richmond, Va., July 10, 1862. Captain L. C. Haskell, A. D. C.: Captain: I have the honor to make the following report of the operations of the Fourteenth regiment South Carolina volunteers, under my command, in the late battles around Richmond: O
Charles E. Stowe, Harriet Beecher Stowe compiled from her letters and journals by her son Charles Edward Stowe, Chapter 14: the minister's wooing, 1857-1859. (search)
it will be intense. There is room for the play of all the passions and interests that make up the great tragicomedy of life, while all the scenery and accessories will be those which familiarity has made dear to us. We are a little afraid of Colonel Burr, to be sure, it is so hard to make a historical personage fulfill the conditions demanded by the novel of every-day life. He is almost sure either to fall below our traditional conception of him, or to rise above the natural and easy level oflly and admiringly yours, J. R. Lowell. After the book was published in England, Mr. Ruskin wrote to Mrs. Stowe :-- Well, I have read the book now, and I think nothing can be nobler than the noble parts of it (Mary's great speech to Colonel Burr, for instance), nothing wiser than the wise parts of it (the author's parenthetical and under-breath remarks), nothing more delightful than the delightful parts (all that Virginie says and does), nothing more edged than the edged parts (Canda
Laura E. Richards, Maud Howe, Florence Howe Hall, Julia Ward Howe, 1819-1910, in two volumes, with portraits and other illustrations: volume 1, Chapter 5: more changes--1886-1888; aet. 67-69 (search)
an as shown by the Greek Dramatists: of whom I quoted from Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Aristophanes. A Club Tea followed: a pleasant one. I asked the mothers present whether they educated their daughters in hygiene and housekeeping. The response was not enthusiastic, and people were more disposed to talk of the outer world, careers of women, business or profession, than to speak of the home business. One young girl, however, told us that she was a housekeeping girl; a very pleasant lady, Mrs. Burr, had been trained by her mother, to her own great advantage. December 18. For the [Parker] Fraternity a text occurs to me, Upon this rock I will build my church. Will speak of the simple religious element in human nature, the loss of which no critical skill or insight could replace. Will quote some of the acts and expressions of the true religious zeal of other days, and ask why this means nothing for us of to-day. Her first act of 1888 was to preach this sermon before the Parker
I, 201, 266; II, 167. Browning, Robert, I, 266; II, 5, 84, 171, 227, 306, 367. Bruce, Mr., II, 167. Bruce, Mrs. E. M., I, 389, 391. Bruges, I, 280. Brummel, G. B., I, 316. Brussels, I, 279. Bryant, W. C., I, 209, 304; II, 197, 198. Bryce, James, II, 168. Buck, Florence, I, 391. Buffalo, I, 376; II, 90, 139. Buller, Charles, I, 82. Bullock, A. H., I, 249. Bulwer-Lytton, E., I, 262; II, 206. Burne-Jones, Mrs. E., II, 169. Burns, Robert, I, 139. Burr, Mrs., II, 130. Burt, Mr., II, 248. Busoni, Sig., II, 192. Butcher, S. H., II, 323. Butler, Josephine, II, 21. Butler, W. A., II, 248, 306. Butterworth, Hezekiah, II, 228, 270. Byron, G. Gordon, Lord, I, 68; II, 296. Cable, G. W., II, 87. Cabot, Elliot, II, 363. Caine, Hall, II, 243, 248, 250. Cairo, II, 34, 35, 36, 182. California, II, 131, 135, 154. Calypso, I, 272. Cambridge Club, II, 66. Campagna, I, 95, 134. Campanari, Sig., II, 270. Campbe
Rev. James K. Ewer , Company 3, Third Mass. Cav., Roster of the Third Massachusetts Cavalry Regiment in the war for the Union, Commissioned officers. (search)
Commissioned officers. Thomas E. Chickering, Colonel. Boston, 38, m; manufacturer. Disch. disa. Sept. 1, 1864. Brevet Brig.-Gen. Lorenzo D. Sargent, Lawrence, 37, m; manufacturer. Maj. Sept. 8, 1862; Lint. Col. Feb. 1, 1863; Col. Sept. 2, 1864. Disch. disa. March 10, 1865. Burr porter, New York, 32. Col. March 21, 1865. Disch. July 21, 1865. Exp. serv. Frederick G. Pope, Boston, 38; mason. Capt. Aug. 11, 1862; Major Dec. 12, 1864; Lieut.-Col. Aug. 15, 1865; Col. Col. Aug. 5, 1865. M. O. Sept. 19, 1865, as Lieut.-Col. Ansel D. Wass, Lieut.-Col. 30; soldier. Disch. disa. Jan. 31, 1863. Prior serv. in 6th M. V.M., also 19th M. V. I.; sub. serv. in 19th M. V. I. Col. 60th Regt. 100 days. Brevet Brig.-Gen. John F. Vinal, New Bedford, 42, m; architect and builder. Capt. Aug. 23, 1862; Major Feb. 1, 1863; Lieut.-Col. Sept. 2, 1864. M. O. Aug. 15, 1865. Exp. serv. David P. Muzzey, Cambridge, 24, s; lawyer. 1st Lieut. Nov. 1, 1862; Capt. June 17, 1863; Maj