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eneral S. R. Curtis, Commanding Department of the Missouri. General Holland's report. headquarters Fourth District, E. M. M., Springfield, January 11, 1863. Colonel: I have the honor to submit the following report; On the evening of the seventh inst. Brigadier-General E. B. Brown, commanding South-west department of Missouri, received intelligence from a scouting-party, composed of detachments of the Fourteenth M. S. M. and Seventy-third regiment E. M. M., under command of Captain Burch, that a large force of the enemy, said to be six thousand strong, under command of Gen. Marmaduke, were moving on Lawrence Mill, Taney County, from Dubuque, Ark., with the intention of attacking this place, to capture the depot of arms and stores, and to destroy all communication with the army of the frontier and St. Louis. Immediately orders were despatched by me to Colonel Johnson, Twenty-sixty regiment, Col. Sheppard, Seventy-second regiment, Col. Boyd, Seventy-fourth regiment, E.
t locomotive-engine, offered by the Liverpool and Manchester Railway Company, and won by Stephenson's Rocket, it was stated that one of the safety-valves should be locked up. See also lock-up safety-valve. Lock — up safety-valve. A British form of the lock-up safety-valve, which is inaccessible to the engineer, except to lift it to ascertain that it is not set fast, is shown in the illustration (Fig. 4544). Fig. 4545 shows two other forms of safety-valves for steamboilers; one from Burch's work on Steam-boilers ; the lower one is Cameron's valve. In Fig. 4546, the lever and weight are toothed on their under surfaces, engaging the teeth of a spur-wheel, to whose axis an index is attached which indicates on a dial the steam pressure at which the safety-valve is set. Fig. 4547 is a safetyvalve, or blow-off valve; operated in the latter case by a stem passing through a stuffing-box in the front of the boiler. Safety-valves. Safety-valve. Safe′ty-valve Le′ver. <
Emilio, Luis F., History of the Fifty-Fourth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry , 1863-1865, Roster of the Fifty-Fourth Massachusetts Infantry. (search)
nberry, Pa. 23 Apl 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Brown, Charles 2nd 23, mar.; farmer. Boston. 29 Sep 63; 7 Mch 66 Boston. Brown, Joseph 35, sin.; hostler; Cazenovia, N. Y. 29 Mch 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Cazenovia, N. Y. Brown, Nathan 23, sin.; cook; Bryan, O. 4 Apl 63; deserted 18 Apl 63 Readville. —– Brown, Thomas A. 44, mar.; laborer; Harrisburg, Pa. 16 Dec 63; 28 Sep 65 Boston. $325. Brown, William 19, sin.; seaman; Detroit, Mich. 4 Apl. 63; died 11 Dec 64 Folly Id. S. C. Fever. $50. Burch, William A. 25, mar.; waiter; New York. 29 Mch 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Cincinnati, O. Butler, George 23, mar., laborers Harrisburg, Pa. 16 Dec 63; 20 Aug 65. $325. Butler, Morris 19, sin.; laborer; Mt. Holly, N. Y. 21 Apl 63; died pris. 12 Feb 65 Florence, S. C. Captd 18 Jly 63 Morris Id. S. C. $50. Calaman, Joseph. 20, sin.; laborer; Trenton, N. J. 29 Mch 63; 20 Aug 65. $50. Carter, Jacob 26, sin.; barber; Syracuse, N. Y. 29 Mch 63; 20 Aug 65. Wounded 18 Jlv 63 Ft. Wagner. $50.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 13. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Official reports of the battle of Gettysburg. (search)
unded. In this battle the regiment had two hundred and seventy-five men engaged. There were one hundred and two killed, wounded and missing. On the 3d inst. the regiment was withdrawn a short distance, where we remained during the day, except while engaged in a short fight with cavalry. At night we were still farther withdrawn to the rear. The men and officers acted very well. I cannot close without speaking of those who acted most conspicuously during the hottest of the conflict; Lieutenants Burch and Ewing, Captains Eubanks and Edwards, are especially noticed for their gallantry in leading their men forward and remaining in front of their commands encouraging their men. Colonel Hardwick and Major St. John were very efficient in performing their part until wounded. It is due to state that in the account of missing, twenty-four men were taken prisoners, with Captain Edwards and Lieutenant Christian, of General Law's staff, while posting pickets after night on the 2d inst. Ver
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 35. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Hanover Grays. (search)
First Lieutenant, George P. Haw, served from April 23, 1862, to 1865; lost an arm. Second Lieutenant, John W. Davidson, served from April 23, 1862, to 1865. Third Lieutenant, William N. Parsley, served from April 23, 1862, to 1865. Allan, James B. Allan, Robert (dead). Atkins, H. C. Atkins, William T. (dead). Batkins, Cornelius (dead). Bowles, William. Boyd, George G. (dead). Boyd, William (dead). Brown, Lucian. Brown, P. H. (lost arm and leg; dead). Burch, E. T. Burton, Marcus. Butler, John M. (dead). Carlton, Charles. Cook, Lawrence (dead). Corbin, John G. Cosby, John O. (wounded and dead). Christian, Horace (dead). Christian, R. A. (detailed; dead). Crump, Edward. Curtis, Armistead (dead). Dunn, John H. (killed at Drewry's Bluff). Dunn, Charles (killed at Drewry's Bluff). Dunn, Robert S. (wounded; dead). Dunn, Henry C. Ellett, Thaddeus (wounded). Ellerson, Thomas H. (wounded). Gaines, Willi
sion portion of the Message: Corwin, of Ohio; Millson, of Va.; , of Mass.; Winslow, of N. C.; Humphrey, of N. Y.; Boyce, of S. C.; Campbell, of Pa.; Love, of Ga.; Terry, of Ct.; Davis, of Md.; Robinson, of R. I.; Whitley, of Del.; Tappan, of N. H.; Stration, of N. J.; Bristow, of Ky.; Morrill, of Vt.; Nelson, of Tenn.; Dunn, of ; Taylor, of La.; Davis, of Miss.; Kellogg, of Ill.; Houston, of Ala.; Morse, of Me.; Mich.; Hawkins, of Fla.; Hamilton, of Tex.; Washburne, of Wis.; Curtis, of Iowa; Burch, of Cal.; Windom, of Min., and Stout, of Oregon. Mr. Hawkins, of Fla. asked to be excused from serving on the committee. He had been informed that if he refused without being formally excused, he would be reprimanded by the House, but his main reason for making the request was that he did not believe in the appointment of committees for Union-saving purposes now, as he had believed heretofore. The time for compromise had passed. John Cochrane, of New York, strongly appealed to Ha
rson miss B B Fall mrs Aug. Balley mrs Sempy Binford mrs Lucy A Bullock mrs Lucy Burroughs mrs G W Buchanan mrs Sarah E Ballard miss Fannie Barnes miss A M Barrett miss M A E Barber miss C A Brandon miss Lizzie Burch miss Marietta Brown mrs Sophia Brady mrs Brennan miss Burck miss Eliza Bates miss Pattie A Brooks miss Nancy Bowser miss Frances Crenshaw mrs F E Curry mrs Lucy L Crenshaw mrs Sarah B Campbell mrs E N G Carter as T Antheny Jno F Allison Jas H Angel Jno S Amiss Rev J H Armistead W A Atkins Alex Abney &Co Berry Andw J Butter A B Brown A G Buck Wm H Branch Wm E Baker Thos Burke Thos Bowen F Brooks Stetson Burch R Beasley R R 2 Barit Robert Bryant R A Bell Reuben' P Barlow Ro G Burus Pat Brickford O G Baker Martin Boone Mathew Bagby H B Barham S B Bradly Jno J Brearly Jas Bailor Dr W Backer Wm L Burton Jas
Thirty-four guns were fired at Providence, Rhode Island, Tuesday evening, in honor of the declaration at Washington of the election of President and Vice-President. A salute of 101 guns was fired in Montgomery, Ala., Saturday, in honor of the formation of a provisional government, and the election of President and Vice President. More than half the convicts in the Massachusetts State Prison are under twenty-six years old. The youngest prisoner is fifteen. James Redpath, the abolitionist, is in Hayti — so the rumors of his presence on the Georgia coast are incorrect. Mrs. Burch died recently at Junius, N. Y., aged 112 years. She was married 90 years ago. Judge Wood, of the Kentucky Court of Appeals, is dead. The 22d of February is to be appropriately celebrated at Augusta, Ga.
r miss Mary S Allen miss Lucy Brett mrs Hudson Bookin mrs Jno M Bolton mrs Florina Bickford mrs E G Barlow mrs Eliza Balley mrs J H Booth mrs Louisa Barford mrs Susan A Baur mrs A D Baldwin mrs Chas Berry mrs S A Buckannon mrs Brown mrs Eliza A Brous mrs Drucilla Bragg mrs Mary S Bragg mrs Va Boseman mrs Sarah C Beaziey miss Mary S Blatt miss Mary Bass miss Henrietta Barnes miss Fannic Bailey miss E B 2 Burwell miss Maggie Brown miss Mary T Burch miss Ellen B Burke miss Eliz'th Coleman miss Ellen Chandler miss M W Christian miss Rody Christian miss S A Christian miss Sally Creushaw miss Nannic Crow miss Adlice Coleman mrs H W Crosby mrs Jas O Cosgrove mrs Clarissa Cox mrs Sarah A Crawford mrs J V Creery mrs Mary A Crawford mrs Mary J Creery mrs M A Crawford mrs E C Crump mrs Annie H Croue mrs Julia Curry mrs Mary J Coghill mrs W C Caldwell mrs F C Chapin mrs Sarah Cook mrs Dinah Dabne
Missouri Convention. --A resolution was unanimously adopted in the Missouri Convention, tendering the thanks of the Convention to Senators Crittenden and Douglas for their efforts to procure peace for their distracted country. Judge Burch, a candidate for United States Senator, made a strong speech against secession, declaring in favor of the enforcement of the laws, and expressing a willingness to support the Government in its efforts to uphold the Union.