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Charles E. Stowe, Harriet Beecher Stowe compiled from her letters and journals by her son Charles Edward Stowe, Chapter 15: the third trip to Europe, 1859. (search)
to come off so. This was the night of the 9th of August, and after that we had cooler weather, and on the morning of the 13th the wind blew like all possessed, and so continued till afternoon. Sunday morning, the 14th, we got safe into Liverpool, landed, and went to the Adelphi Hotel. Mamma and Georgie were only a little sick on the way over, and that was the morning of the 13th. As it was court time, the high sheriff of Lancashire, Sir Robert Gerauld, a fine, stout, old, gray-haired John Bull, came thundering up to the hotel at noon in his grand coach with six beautiful horses with outriders, and two trumpeters, and twelve men with javelins for a guard, all dressed in the gayest manner, and rushing along like Time in the primer, the trumpeters tootitoot-tooing like a house a-fire, and how I wished my little Charley had been there to see it! Monday we wanted to go and see the court, so we went over to St. George's Hall, a most magnificent structure, that beats the Boston Stat
ing the most intelligent and steady, and therefore the best qualified for freedom; and it would be his interest to train his slaves to be free laborers, and to emancipate them, one by one, as speedily as he could with safety. I fear, however, that the time is gone by for trying this experiment in America. With best wishes for the new year, believe me Yours faithfully, Rd. Whately. Among the many letters written from this side of the Atlantic regarding the reply, was one from Nathaniel Hawthorne, in which he says:-- I read with great pleasure your article in the last Atlantic. If anything could make John Bull blush, I should think it might be that; but he is a hardened and villainous hypocrite. I always felt that he cared nothing for or against slavery, except as it gave him a vantage-ground on which to parade his own virtue and sneer at our iniquity. With best regards from Mrs. Hawthorne and myself to yourself and family, sincerely yours, Nathaniel Hawthorne.
ooklyn, Mrs. Stowe's visit to brother Henry in, 130; visit in 1852, when she helps the Edmonson slave family, 178-180; Beecher, H. W. called to, 476; Beecher trial in, 478. Brown and the phantoms, 431. Brown, John, bravery of, 380. Browning, Mrs., on life and love, 52. Browning, E. B., letter to H. B. S., 356; death of, 368, 370. Browning, Robert and E. B, friendship with, 355. Brunswick, Mrs. Stowe's love of, 184; revisited, 324. Buck, Eliza, history of as slave, 201. Bull, J. D. and family, make home for H. B. S. while at school in Hartford, 30, 31. Bunsen, Chevalier, 233. Bunyan's Pilgrim's progress, Prof. Stowe's love of, 437. Burritt, Elihu, writes introduction to Uncle Tom's Cabin, 192; calls on Mrs. Stowe, 223. Butler's Analogy, study of, by H. B. S., 32. Byron Controversy, 445; history of, 455; George Eliot on, 458; Dr. Holmes on, 455. Byron, Lady, 239; letters from, 274, 281; makes donation to Kansas sufferers, 281; on power of words, 36