Browsing named entities in John D. Billings, The history of the Tenth Massachusetts battery of light artillery in the war of the rebellion. You can also browse the collection for Bragg or search for Bragg in all documents.

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ween the Rappahannock and the Rapidan.— Gen. Meade: Testimony before Committee on the Conduct of the War, Vol. I., 1865. The infantry, however, were at no time engaged. This movement revealed the fact that Lee had depleted his army to reinforce Bragg in Tennessee, having sent away Longstreet's corps for that purpose, which decided Gen. Meade to assume the offensive at once, and was the cause of our sudden departure. We marched not more than three miles, probably less, before camping for the Jeff. Davis would not permit, and the Rebel commander was forced to content himself with an attempt to turn the right flank of our army, and by crippling it, as he hoped to do, keep it near Washington, so that more reinforcements might be sent to Bragg. Thus it happened, that, whereas Buford crossed the river on the 10th, Lee had anticipated him, having crossed to the north side on the preceding day, and by unfrequented and circuitous routes gained the right of our army before the movement was
ichael, 351. Bisbee, C. L., 28, 29. Birney, Gen. D. B., 105, 120, 126, 132, 138, 144, 160, 161, 168, 177, 184, 193, 197, 213, 216, 220, 227, 230, 240, 246, 250, 279, 283, 291, 298, 299. Blair, G. W., 351, 404. Bladensburg Pike, 39. Blandin, A. A., 47, 150, 201, 208, 209. 440. Blackmer, D. C., 350, 403, 406. Blaney, W. T., 84. Boxford, 22, 23, 30, 31, 37, 39, 52, 284. Bowling Green, 241, 244, 430. Botts, John M., 189. Bradley, John, 262. Bradlee, Samuel J., 31, 80, 147, 198. Bragg, Gen., 127, 130. Brooks, Joseph, 80, 81, 82, 84, 86. Brown, Fred F., 79, 82. Brown, John P., 81, 82, 83, 203, 208, 326, 339, 398, 402, 403, 441. Brown, O. P., 202, 339, 348. Brownsville, 108. Brooline, 436. Bruce, Chas. E., 48, 81, 255. Buckman, Wm., 28, 29. Bull Run, 139, 140, 144. Buford, Gen., 101, 110, 130. Burnside, Gen. A. E., 101, 212, 249, 283. Burnside, Mine, 298. Burkesville, 428, 429. Burroughs, Isaac N., 149,150, 440, 441. Butler, Gen., 189, 228, 277, 299, 345.