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The Daily Dispatch: January 5, 1863., [Electronic resource] 8 0 Browse Search
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[Associated press Dispatches.]more Fighting at Murfreesboro'Dispatch from General Bragg. Chattanooga, Jan. 1. --The following official despatch has just been received: Murfreesboro', Jan. 2--The enemy retired last night but a short distance in rear of his former position. We had a short and smart, contest this evening. We drove his left flank from to position, but an attacking party again returned, with considerable loss to bath sides. Gens. Wheeler and Wharton were again fficial despatch has just been received: Murfreesboro', Jan. 2--The enemy retired last night but a short distance in rear of his former position. We had a short and smart, contest this evening. We drove his left flank from to position, but an attacking party again returned, with considerable loss to bath sides. Gens. Wheeler and Wharton were again in their rear yesterday, and captured 200 prisoners, one piece of artillery, and destroyed 200 loaded wagons, (Signed) Braston Bragg.
The-Triumphs in the Southwest. The Confederate arms have been crowned with most important victories during the past week. In the Southwest. We shall not say that the victory at Murfreesboro', gained by General Bragg, is the most important of the war; but it certainly stands high in the scale. It fills the hearts of our Southern people, with gratification, and inspires them with the deepest sense of gratitude to the God of Battles. The victory itself is a grand one--a triumph of inferivents with which he had been connected had not fully borne out public expectation, and this last achievement retrieves the past in the estimation of minds prejudiced by the past, and inspires confidence for the future.-- "A little more grape, Captain Bragg. Murfreesboro' brings back the encouraging words of Old Zack, and we feel that the man those words made famous is indeed the great General the people considered him to be. The cool, deliberate, and practiced artillerist, whose guns were so t