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William Schouler, A history of Massachusetts in the Civil War: Volume 2, Chapter 15: Worcester County. (search)
, Six hundred and twenty-five dollars were granted for recruits furnished in place of drafted men. August 15th, The sum of one hundred and twenty-five dollars was fixed as the bounty to be paid by the town to each volunteer enlisting to the credit of the town. 1865. March 6th, One thousand dollars were voted for aid to families of volunteers. June 5th, Three thousand three hundred and seventy-two dollars were voted to reimburse citizens who had advanced money for recruiting purposes. Boylston furnished eighty men for the war, which was a surplus of one over all demands made upon it, one of whom was a commissioned officer. The whole amount of money expended by the town for war purposes, exclusive of State aid, was ten thousand six hundred and fifty-seven dollars ($10,657). The amount of money paid by the town for State aid during the war to soldiers' families, and repaid by the Commonwealth, was as follows: In 1861, $316.05; in 1862, $1,456.26; in 1863, $2,130.40; in 1864, $1
mherst 331 Andover 175 Arlington (see West Cambridge) 467 Ashburnham 603 Ashby 369 Ashfield 254 Ashland 371 Athol 604 Attleborough 118 Auburn 606 B. Barnstable 27 Barre 607 Becket 65 Bedford 372 Belchertown 332 Bellingham 482 Belmont 373 Berkley 122 Berlin 609 Bernardston 256 Beverly 177 Billerica 375 Blackstone 611 Blandford 296 Bolton 613 Boston 582 Boxborough 377 Boxford 180 Boylston 616 Bradford 182 Braintree 483 Brewster 31 Bridgewater 538 Brighton 378 Brimfield 298 Brookfield 616 Brookline 485 Buckland 267 Burlington 381 C. Cambridge 382 Canton 490 Carlisle 391 Carver 540 Charlestown 393 Charlemont 259 Charlton 618 Chatham 33 Chelmsford 399 Chelsea 591 Cheshire 66 Chester 299 Chesterfield 334 Chicopee 300 Chilmark 164 Clarksburg 68 Clinton 619 Cohasset 4