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Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Origin of the late war. (search)
South--a direct assault upon her institutions — an incentive to robbery and insurrection, requiring from our own immediate local government, in its sovereign character, prompt action to obtain additional guarantees for equality and security in the Union, or to take measures for protection and security without it. In view, therefore, of the present condition of our country, and the causes of it, we declare almost in the words of our fathers, contained in an address of the freeholders of Botetourt, in February, 1775, to the delegates from Virginia to the Continental Congress, That we desire no change in our government whilst left to the free enjoyment of our equal privileges secured by the constitution; but that should a wicked and tyrannical sectional majority, under the sanction of the forms of the constitution, persist in acts of injustice and violence towards us, they only must be answerable for the consequences. That liberty is so strongly impressed upon our hearts that we c
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 1. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Editorial Department (search)
ccess. It seemed appropriate that our first number should contain some discussion of the causes which led to the war, the motives which prompted the Southern States to attempt the establishment of a Confederacy of their own, and the spirit in which they entered upon and prosecuted the great contest for constitutional freedom. Accordingly, we present the able paper of the distinguished statesman (Hon. R. M. T. Hunter), who graced the United States Senate in its palmier days — the famous Botetourt resolutions of the distinguished jurist (Judge Allen), which produced a profound impression at the time they were first published, and deserve to be put in more permanent form — the Inaugural Address of President Davis, the classic English of which is only equaled by its sentiments of lofty patriotism — and the address of the Confederate Congress, which is understood to have eminated from the able, facile pen of Hon. J. L. M. Curry, of Alabama, was signed by all of the members of Congress,<
dopted. Mr. Rives proposed that the amendment in the bill respecting the term of the enlistment of negroes, be amended to make the term ninety days, instead of a hundred and eighty. His reason for this was the fact that the families of many of the free negroes so enlisted, having no other means of support, would — as had been the case in his own county — suffer very much from want. Mr. Prince agreed to compromise with the gentleman on one hundred and twenty days. Mr. Anderson, of Botetourt, hoped that the amendment would not pass. One hundred and eighty days were only six months; and if white men could be drafted for two years, he saw no reason why free negroes should be entitled to such charitable discrimination. Mr. Rives replied, that he made the proposition from no particular friendship to free negroes; if it were in his power, he would convert them all into slaves to-morrow. But it was simply to call the attention of the House to the fact that, in his own county, ma
sembly doth unequivocally disavow any desire, or design, or willingness, that the Confederate Administration shall relax its exertions, or the people theirs, to advance and establish the cause to which we are pledged in our fortunes, and by our victories, to the utmost of our talents, to use them in support of the separate independence of the States. The offer of the resolution excited some debate. The question on the adoption was laid over. A resolution was offered by Mr. James, of Botetourt and Craig, for confiscating or sequestrating the property of deserters from the confederate army. Mr. Hall, of Wetzell, said the Constitution would not allow confiscation beyond the term of life. But the remedy for desertion did not lie in that direction. The evil was caused by the shameful conduct of those who have the oversight of the soldiers, and particularly the officers in Richmond. He proceeded to speak with much severity and bitterness of General Winder's department, and also
in the dirty streets of Cologne. Medical stores and implements, fragments of furniture and clothing, broken crockery, cooking utensils, and kindred rubbish, was strewn all over the building, while the grounds, heretofore so picturesque and well-protected, which for their historic associations, if for nothing more, should have been jealously guarded, were a complete waste. The fences prostrate, the stone gate-posts overturned, the sod and trees destroyed, and even the marble statue of Baron de Botetourt disfigured and begrimed with mud. The houses lately occupied by the professors, and situated on either side of the college building, had been used by rebel officers, and profiting by their example, Gen. Jameson, now made Military Governor of the place, had made one of them his headquarters. The General was highly complimented by the Commander for his prompt detection of the enemy's retreat and his early movement into the city. The Ninety-third and One Hundred and Fifth Pennsylvani
ircumstance that a majority of Union men was returned to an assembly so critical. There is no doubt the Convention of Virginia was sincerely anxious by every means in its power to restore the Union. But the party in favour of secession was steadily strengthening in view of the obstinate front presented by the Black Republican party in Congress. Delegates who had been returned as Union men, were afterwards instructed to vote otherwise. Petersburg, Culpepper, Cumberland, Prince Edward, Botetourt, Wythe, and many other towns and counties, held meetings and urged prompt secession. The action of the Federal authorities was daily becoming more irritating and alarming. A garrison was thrown into Fort Washington on the Potomac; and it was observed that guns were being mounted on the parapet of Fortress Monroe, and turned inland upon the very bosom of Virginia. However Virginia might have lingered, in the hope that the breach that had taken place in the Union might be repaired by n
Militia regiment: Terril, George P., colonel One Hundred and Sixty-second Militia regiment: Fleisher, B. H., lieutenant-colonel; Abbitt, Wyatt, colonel One Hundred and Seventy-ninth Militia regiment: Morris, Robert P., colonel; Richardson, John H., colonel. One Hundred and Eighty-fifth Militia regiment: Darst, James H., major. One Hundred and Eighty-ninth Militia regiment: Rowan, John M., colonel. One Hundred and Ninty-eighth Militia regiment: Compton, John R., colonel. Botetourt regiment (Home Guard): Aunspaugh, Charles, major; Burks, Richard H., colonel; Burks, Robert S., lieutenant-colonel. Cohoon's Infantry battalion (see also Sixth battalion North Carolina Infantry): Cohoon, John T. P. C., lieutenant-colonel. French's Cavalry battalion (merged into Thirty-second regiment): Goggin, James M., major. Harris' Heavy Artillery battalion (disbanded June 10, 1862): Harris, N. C., lieutenant-colonel. Henry's regiment Reserves: Henry, P. M., colonel; Hobson,
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 13. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 8 (search)
rts—signed by order of Thomas L. Rosser. Upon his return a military court was convened and I was actually tried upon these charges. The court acquitted me honorably, and in dismissing the charges, recommended that charges be not made again against officers without sufficient foundation. General Early in a recent publication has said, had he had the information at the time, which has subsequently come to his knowledge, he would not have allowed the court to act upon the case. Winter in earnest was now upon us. About this time General Averill made his raid towards Salem, Roanoke county, Virginia, and we were hurried through Rockbridge and Botetourt hoping to intercept him; having failed to get in his rear in time to head him off, we moved back to Callahan's, where, as my regiment was near their homes, we were given a short furlough to remount. When we reassembled at Lynchburg to join the army, I moved back with six hundred and twenty-three sabres. Thus ended our winter campaig
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 19. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), The Nineteenth of January. (search)
ner by Hon. F. R. Farrar. The Incomparable Infantry of the Army of Northern Virginia, Hon. J. M. Hudgins' of Caroline county; First Virginia Regiment, Colonel Henry C. Jones; songs by Captain Frank Cunningham; banjo and songs, Mr. Eugene Davis; First Regiment, Virginia Volunteers, Captain E. Leslie Spence; Cavalry of the A. N. V., Colonel G. Percy Hawes; Artillery of the A. N. V., Major H. C. Carter; Scouts of the Army, Captain John Cussons; Ladies of the South, Major J. H. H. Figgett, of Botetourt; Missouri (by a son of Missouri), Richard T. Flournoy. Speeches were made by Senator Parrish and Major McCann, and Lieutenant-Colonel Crump read an original poem on Lee and Pickett Camps. At a late hour the meeting adjourned. Atlanta, Georgia. The birthday of General Robert E. Lee is a legal holiday in Georgia. Year by year the celebration of it grows in interest. Last year the oration was delivered by Gordon McCabe, of Petersburg, Va. To-day the orator and guest of the occasio
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 26. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 1.14 (search)
elapsed between November, 1861, and June, 1862. Among them may be mentioned some which can be called to mind, commanded by Captain Marmaduke Johnson, John L. Eubank, N. A Sturdivant, Captain J. Taylor Martin, and two other batteries, which constituted the battalion of Rev. F. J. Boggs, W. G. Crenshaw, G. G. Otey, the old Fayette Artillery, Captain Henry Coalter Cabell, all of Richmond. Then there were those of W. D. Leake, of Goochland; Charles Bruce, of Charlotte; Joseph W. Anderson, of Botetourt; Pichegru Woolfolk, of Caroline; Henry Rives, of Nelson; Colonel J. W. Moore's Battalion, of North Carolina; the battery of Captain Dawson, of Georgia; Latham, of Lynchburg; Lewis, of Halifax, and many others from Virginia, Mississippi, one from Maryland, and others which cannot be recalled now. General George W. Randolph in the meantime had become Secretary of War, and during his term in that office the conscription law went into effect. In addition to his other duties as the commanda