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Elizabeth Cary Agassiz, Louis Agassiz: his life and correspondence, third edition, Chapter 2: 1827-1828: Aet. 20-21. (search)
refin several jars of thick green glass. When you go there take them away with you, fill them with alcohol, and put into them as many of these fishes as you can find for me. Put something between every two specimens, to prevent them from rubbing against each other; pack them in a little box wrapped in hay, and send them either by a good opportunity or in the least expensive way. The kinds I want are [here follows the list]. . . . It will interest you to know that I am working with a young Dr. Born upon an anatomy and natural history of the fresh-water fishes of Europe. We have already gathered a great deal of material, and I think by the spring, or in the course of the summer, we shall be able to publish the first number. This will bring in a little ready. money for a short journey in the vacation. I earnestly advise you to while away your leisure hours with study. Read much, but only good and useful books. I promised to send you something; do not think, because I have not do
n the fountain, and subsequently by a grand dinner at the City Hall. The writer well remembers his first visit to the pumping station in June, 1870, and the walk over the decaying aqueduct of the canal, that still spanned the river. It was the show place of the vicinity, and a record book was kept for the visitors to sign. The two duplex pumping engines, resplendent in their polished steel and brass, were encased in equally polished walnut, and one was steadily at work day and night. Mr. Born and Mr. Hines arrived from Brooklyn on July 18, 1864, to erect them, and the former remained as engineer during the entire use of the works. He showed us about the station and explained the working of the plant, which a few years later was enlarged to double its earlier capacity and size. Still later it was again enlarged by building an extension of the engine room and the installation of a rotary engine and pump, also an electric lighting plant. This latter was something unknown but a f
er a mistake. It was true that they desired to have a vote, but he was sure that none could deny a courtesy to a gentleman of such unexceptionable urbanity of manner as the one who had just taken his seat. The vote was then taken on Mr. Ambler's motion to strike out, and decided in the negative — yeas 26, nays 80. Mr. Dorman, of Rockbridge, moved that the Committee rise, and on this motion Mr. Armstrong again demanded the yeas and nays.--The vote resulted — yeas 38; nays 56. Mr. Born, of Botetourt, moved to strike out the 1st section and insert a substitute, which we will publish to-morrow. Mr. Morton moved that the Committee rise, and Mr. Borst, of Page, demanded the yeas and nays. The motion was agreed to — yeas 60; nays 37. The Committee then rose and reported progress. In Convention. Mr. Forbes, of Buckingham, presented the proceedings of a meeting of a portion of the citizens of that county, which, on his motion, were referred to the Committee on<
Proceedings in the Courts. Mayor's Court, Thursday, October 3d, 1862--Henry W Lee was brought up for obtruding himself, on Wednesday night, into the private promises of John E. Humphreys, and abusing the watchmen who bought to remove him. Mail was required of him to appear before the Hustings Court Grand Jury on the second Monday in November. Wm Conaway, arrested at a house of had repute in Exchange Alley, was sent to jail for further examination, on the charge of stealing Peter Born's horse. Margaret Parvo was rent to jail to await an indictment before the Grand Jury, for initiating a fight with Pocahontas Kiper, on Main street, Sunday last; and the latter gave ball for her future good behavior, and to appear as a witness against her antagonist. John Robinson, a member of the 5th Louisiana regiment, arrested for obtruding himself in the private office of J. P. Ballard, of the Exchange Hotel, and resisting the watchmen, was detained to be reported to Gen. Winder.