Browsing named entities in An English Combatant, Lieutenant of Artillery of the Field Staff., Battlefields of the South from Bull Run to Fredericksburgh; with sketches of Confederate commanders, and gossip of the camps.. You can also browse the collection for Bonham or search for Bonham in all documents.

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nt and military telegraph post is stationed there watching the roads from the Upper Potomac and Leesburgh, coming in west, and keeping open communication with General Bonham, who holds Fairfax Court-House and the railroad station midway between Washington and this place. Trains run there night and day. See yonder said my companioting an imaginary circle at different angles. The signs were instantly repeated from post to post, and thus traversed fifteen miles within a very few minutes General Bonham's got his answer before now, I know, said the sentry; I wonder what it is all about, though? There'll be hot work, shortly, or they wouldn't be working that in a few moments, leaving hundreds of killed and wounded behind. Unaware of their force or intentions, Colonel Gregg changed his position and retired towards General Bonham at Fairfax Court-House. This incident was the origin of those wonderful stories manufactured at the North about masked batteries, etc., and which served f
He is jaunty in his gait, dashing in manner, and evidently takes delight in the circumstance of war. It must be confessed his modesty is equal to his merit-he is not imperious or overbearing, bears great respect for his brother officers of the old service, and is never seen to such advantage as when standing on an earthwork, and giving orders, or conversing with animated gesture. It was now the fourteenth of July, and the enemy were advancing in four columns upon Fairfax Court-House. General Bonham's brigade of South-Carolinians held the post, and had fortified it. Having made every disposition for the fight, of which he was in anxious expectation, it was much to his chagrin and disappointment that he received orders to retreat when the enemy were but a few miles distant. With much cursing, the brigade hastily fell back to Centreville, and camped on the heights on the evening of the seventeenth, the enemy's fires being visible about a mile distant. On the same day our brigade rec
ng south of the river, at McLean's (or Wolf) Ford; Longstreet's brigade was at Blackburn's Ford; Bonham's brigade at Mitchell's Ford; Philip St. George Cocke's brigade was posted at Ball's Ford, threeds of musketry fire, fronting Blackburn's and Mitchell's Fords, indicated that Longstreet's and Bonham's brigades at the centre were engaged in heavy skirmishes, though the enemy seemed disinclined tand Beauregard had gal_ loped forward, and taken up a position on a hill to the left and rear of Bonham at Mitchell's Ford, where a full view was obtained of the entire line of Bull Run. The enemy sa The situation was now exceedingly critical, but reenforcements were rapidly approaching from Bonham's and Longstreet's brigades on the right, together with several pieces of artillery and some cavhis advance through the fields enabled him to do easily. Other reenforcements were coming from Bonham, Cocke, and Long, street, and as they arrived were placed in position for a general advance.