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Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Movement against Jackson-fall of Jackson-Intercepting the enemy-battle of Champion's Hill (search)
ordered McPherson to move promptly in the morning back to Bolton, the nearest point where Johnston could reach the road. Bolton is about twenty miles west of Jackson. I also informed McClernand of the capture of Jackson and sent him the following and pass down the peninsula between the Big Black and Yazoo rivers. We must beat them. Turn your troops immediately to Bolton; take all the trains with you. Smith's division, and any other troops now with you, will go to the same place. If practiother day in order to complete his work; but getting the above information I sent him orders to move with all dispatch to Bolton, and to put one division with an ammunition train on the road at once, with directions to its commander to march with allFrom Raymond there is a direct road to Edward's station, some three miles west of Champion's Hill. There is one also to Bolton. From this latter road there is still another, leaving it about three and a half miles before reaching Bolton and leads
1863. January 8th, 1863. On the 16th of December, the day after the last entry in my diary, I went to Richmond, and found B. B. at the house of Mr. P., on Grace Street, surrounded by luxury, and the recipient of unnumbered kindnesses; but so desperately ill The surgeons had been up all night in the various hospitals, and, as numerous as they were, they were sadly deficient in numbers that night. The benevolent Dr. Bolton had taken his wife and her sister, who had learned the art of binding up wounds, to his hospital, and all night long they had been engaged most efficiently in their labour of love. Other ladies were engaged in offices of mercy. Women who had been brought up surrounded by the delicacies and refinements of the most polished society, and who would have paled at the sight of blood under other circumstances, were bathing the most frightful gashes, while others were placing the bandages. I found B. suffering the most intense agony, and Mrs. P. agitated and anxio
murderers, will be reckoned as genius and patriotism by all sensible men in the world now, and by every historian that will judge the deed hereafter. The Fourth Pennsylvania Regiment from the county of Montgomery, arrived at Washington from Annapolis. It is commanded by the following officers: Colonel, John F. Hartranft; Lieut. Col., Edward Schall; Major, Edwin Schall; Adjutant, Chas. Hunsicker; Quartermaster, Yerkes; Surgeon, Dunlop; Assistant-Surgeons, Christ and Rogers; Captains, Bolton, Schall, Chamberlain, Dunn, Snyder, Allabaugh, Amey, Brooke, Cooke, and Taylor. The regiment numbers about 900, and comprises a fine body of hardy yeomanry and artisans, who left their fields and shops to rally in defence of the National Capital.--National Intelligencer, May 9. The steam frigate Minnesota, the flag-ship of the blockading squadron, sailed from Boston, Mass.--Boston Transcript, May 8. A meeting in aid of the volunteers from Roxbury, Mass., was held in that city.
's and Sherman's corps, and get them to the railroad, at some place between Edward's Station and Bolton. McPherson was to move by way of Utica to Raymond, and from thence into Jackson, destroying thetion of Edward's Station, and the latter to a point on the railroad between Edward's Station and Bolton — the order was changed, and both were directed to move toward Raymond. This was in consequen McClernand's corps, which had moved that day on the same road to within one and a half miles of Bolton. On reaching Clinton, at forty-five minutes past four P. M., I ordered McClernand to move his con arriving at the crossing of the Vicksburgh and Jackson Railroad with the road from Raymond to Bolton, I found McPherson's advance and his pioneer corps engaged in rebuilding a bridge on the former the enemy, that I knew would renter Jackson as we left. The whole corps marched from Jackson to Bolton, near twenty miles, that day, and next morning resumed the march by a road lying to the north of
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 22: the siege of Vicksburg. (search)
of the Big Black River. These columns were led respectively by Generals, McClernand and McPherson, and each was followed by portions of Sherman's corps, which had been divided for the purpose. The immediate destination of the army was the important railway that connects Vicksburg with Jackson, the capital of the State of Mississippi, and also that capital itself, immediately in the rear of Vicksburg. Grant intended to have McClernand and Sherman strike the railway between the stations of Bolton and Edwards, while McPherson, bending his course more to the east, should march rapidly upon Jackson by way of Raymond and Clinton, destroy the railway and telegraph lines, seize the capital, commit the public property there to the flames, and then push westward and rejoin the main force. Very little serious opposition to the Nationals was experienced until the morning of the 12th of May, when the van of each column was approaching the railway. On the previous evening Grant had telegraph
General Joseph E. Johnston, Narrative of Military Operations During the Civil War, Chapter 7 (search)
e orders of his commander. Twenty-four hours after the adoption of this resolution, in the afternoon of the 15th, the army commenced its march, and, after crossing Baker's Creek, encamped near Champion Hill, some three miles from the ground it had left. It had been compelled to march twice as far, however, by the destruction of a bridge by a flood in Baker's Creek. General Pemberton was informed at night, that the camp of a strong body of Federal troops was near, in the direction of Bolton. Lieutenant-General Pemberton's official report. The fires were distinctly visible. It was that of Hovey's division, of the Thirteenth Corps. Early in the morning of the 16th, Lieutenant. General Pemberton received my order of the day before, and prepared to obey it At sunrise. (See General Stevenson's report.) by directing Major-General Stevenson to have the baggage-train turned and moved as rapidly as possible across Baker's Creek on the road by which they had advanced the day bef
n seven days in Meridian. General Sherman sent out several scouting-parties as far north as Louisville and Kosciusko, hoping to gain some information of General Smith's whereabout, but was unable to gather any intelligence of his movements. A number of small expeditions were sent from Meridian in different directions, for the purpose of destroying whatever might benefit the rebellion. Among the places devastated were Enterprise, Marion, Quitman, Hillsboro, Canton, Lake Station, Decatur, Bolton, and Lauderdale Springs. At Enterprise, the depot, two flour-mills, fifteen thousand bushels of corn, two thousand bales of fine cotton, branded C. S.A., two military hospitals, and several new buildings connected with a parole camp were laid in ashes. At Marion, the railroad station, wood-house, and a few small buildings were burned. Quitman was visited, and two flour-mills, a fine sawmill railroad depot, and other storage buildings, with several thousand feet of lumber, fell a prey to
s, and where a battle was fought between the Continentals and the Hessians. Indeed the whole of the neutral ground, as portrayed by Fenimore Cooper, extending to the Croton, the banks of the Hudson, Northcastle, and Salem, connected with the sad drama of Andre, and the, till recently, unsurpassed treason of Arnold, all abound with revolutionary incidents; not forgetting Valentine's Hill, at Mile-square, where Washington was encamped in ‘76, Sir William Erskine in ‘78, and where in ‘82, as Mr. Bolton tells us, a grand foray was made with some 6,000 men by Sir Guy Carleton in person, attended, among other officers of note, by the young Duke of Clarence, afterwards William the Fourth. Dwelling as you do amid scenes so suggestive, there should be no traitors in Westchester, unless, indeed, they are the descendants of the Cow-boys and Skinners, those pests of the Revolution, who were at once selfish, treacherous, cowardly, and cruel; and if any traitors should again be found in our bord<
rough Castle. Winwall House, in Norfolk, England, is of the Anglo-Norman period, has recessed hearths and flues rising from them, carried up in the external and internal walls. It was built in the twelfth century. Rochester, Kenilworth, and Conway Castles, Great Britain, show chimneys similar to that in Conisborough Castle. A chimney in Bolton Castle, erected in the reign of Richard II., 1377-1399, has a chimney thus described by Leland: — One thynge I muche notyd in the hawle of Bolton, finiched or kynge Richard the 2 dyed, how chimeneys were conveyed by tunnels made on the syds of the walls betwyxt the lights in the hawle, and by this means, and by no covers, is the smoke of the harthe in the hawle wonder strangely conveyed. In the old palace at Caen, which was inhabited by the Conqueror while he was Duke of Normandy, the great guard-chamber contains two spacious recessed fire-hearths in the north wall, still in good preservation, from which the smoke was carried away
,491WillcoxSept. 27, 1864. 45,628Pepper et al.Dec. 27, 1864. 48,205PlanerJune 13, 1865. 49,967Bolton et al.Sept. 19, 1865. 52,932RehfussFeb. 27, 1866. 53,514WilliamsMar. 27, 1866. 60,769MerriamJSee also Class C. 11. Presser-Foot. 31,604HydeMar. 5, 1861. 31,646MoulsonMar. 5, 1861. 40,209BoltonOct. 6, 1863. 57,010TewksburyAug. 7, 1866. 89,957TuttonMay 11, 1869. 114,823HudsonMay 16, 1871e 5, 1860. 31,379FishFeb. 12, 1861. 34,357FishFeb. 11, 1861. 40,084RoseSept. 22, 1863. 46,871BoltonMar. 21, 1865. 50,271PerrettOct. 3, 1865. 52,918WestFeb. 27, 1866. 60,111YaleNov. 27, 1866. 6avisAug. 30, 1870. 107,109SibleySept. 6, 1870. 110,045JensonDec. 13, 1870. (Reissue.)4,196BoltonDec. 13, 1870. 112,050KelloggFeb. 21, 1871. 112,578FullerMar. 14, 1871. 113,610YeutzerApr. 11,ectified. See also patents: — Anderson, Au 29, 1848.85,917.Downing, Jan. 19, 1869. 39,876.Bolton, Sept. 15, 1863.124,867.White et al. March 19, 1872. 47,208.Johnston, Apr. 11, 1865.125,055.Kni