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Resume of the operations of the army under Gen. Blunt during the last three months of 1862 the bracter after the battle of Cane Hill, Gen Blunt orders his trains to Rhea's Mills couriers sl Jewell. After the battle of Cane Hill, General Blunt ordered forward all his trains from Camp Mdestroy this division and invade Missouri, General Blunt sent couriers to General Herron to bring f and two mountain howitzers, was detailed by Gen. Blunt to occupy a pass in the mountains about twelen we came on to the field the divisions of Gens. Blunt and Herron had just formed a junction, and e the next day, and sent a flag of truce to Gens. Blunt and Herron concerning the picking up of arme were according to the official reports of Gens. Blunt and Herron, killed, 167, wounded, 798; missst our right with a view of breaking through Gen. Blunt's line. Again the enemy came down in line of battle six deep. Gen. Blunt ordered his batteries into positions from which they were able to use[4 more...]
Chapter 2: General Blunt's trains return to Rhea's Mills from Fayetteville resourcesew days after the battle of Prairie Grove, General Blunt ordered his supply and baggage trains backseem probable that it was the intention of General Blunt to attack the main body of the rebel army,f the expedition. Suffice it to know that General Blunt had information that a brigade of Texas cas camp at Dripping Springs. In the meantime Gen. Blunt, who had kept up with us, sent back an orderAfter firing a few rounds from our carbines, Gen. Blunt ordered the bugles to sound the charge, and gh the city we were right at their heels. General Blunt sent out detachments of cavalry on both sihe contraband property awaited the orders of Gen. Blunt. The steamboats, after taking from them suceries of splendid achievements, we hear that Gen. Blunt has made this expedition in the face of ordect working order, but I did not hear whether Gen. Blunt sent his compliments to Gen. Hindman or not.
Chapter 3: The First division army of the Frontier moves from Rhea's Mills to Elm Springs all the Federal wounded in the field Hospitals at Prairie Grove removed to Fayetteville General Blunt relieved and starts north General Schofield takes command of the army of the Frontier future operations to be conducted according to west point tactics the army to retreat to the Missouri line reorganization of the army Colonel W. A. Phillips to command the Indian division a batheir cavalry, artillery and draught animals. We arrived at Elm Springs on the 3rd, and there seems to be a prospect of our remaining here several days, as we hear that there is going to be shortly a reorganization of the Army of the Frontier. Gen. Blunt has been relieved, and bade his troops farewell to-day, and, with his staff and escort, started to Forts Scott and Leavenworth. On account of his personal bravery and the brilliant achievements of his campaign, he has greatly endeared himself
we anticipated they would after their recent victory, they retreated. It was about six o'clock when we came up, and General Blunt immediately commenced to form his troops in line of battle, as the enemy seemed to be making some kind of hostile movements. I was with Colonel Jewell and General Blunt, and some of his staff were near us. We expected every moment that the enemy were going to open fire upon us, for we could plainly see him coming down the road towards us about half a mile off. We their left, which was our right, as we had formed in line. We supposed that they were aiming to turn our right, and General Blunt threw out skirmishers to discover their intentions. Our infantry, consisting of the Ninth and Twelfth regiments frompany of his own regiment, having been on a scout of several days in search of Livingston's band. If the remainder of General Blunt's division, which separated from us at Elm Springs, is occupying the country around Springfield, it would seem Colone
r, at a small cost the water from this spring could be conducted through pipes into the houses for the convenience of families. Our camp is called Camp Moonlight, in honor of Colonel Thomas Moonlight, of the Eleventh Kansas infantry, who was General Blunt's Chief of Staff during the campaign in this section last fall. He is a brilliant officer, and, in personal appearance, one of the finest looking officers we had in the division. He is a Scotchman by birth, and is about six feet two inches ry day. The Indian division left Big Springs or Camp Moonlight on the morning of the 24th, and marched to Illinois River twelve miles south. This brings us within ten or twelve miles of Rhea's Mills, where the Army of the Frontier, under General Blunt, was encamped during the month of December. Colonel Phillips has named our camp here Camp Pomeroy, in honor of Senator Pomeroy, of Kansas. Should a Post office be established at this place after the war, it will probably take the name of
ars of joy. Tie Star Spangled Banner and other national airs were sung by half a dozen ladies and gentlemen-several of the ladies being wives of officers on a visit to their husbands. As an improvised choir they did well, and their voices sounded sweetly, the balmy air of spring being peculiarly favorable for music, instrumental or vocal, to produce a good effect. The solos, duets, and choruses were real treats, as we have had no music of any kind recently. Last autumn and winter when General Blunt's division was all together, we had two or three excellent bands and good music every day. The Ninth Wisconsin infantry, a German regiment, had perhaps the best band in the division, and as they frequently encamped near the Sixth Kansas cavalry, I have often listened to it much delighted. It becomes my painful duty now to mention a serious accident that occurred during our celebration yesterday. While Major Henry Hopkins' battery was firing a national salute of thirty-four guns, on
yet or not, there are certainly strong reasons for believing that they are making preparations to attack our train at some point above here. The heavy firing along the river the past few days is doubtless intended as a feint, to occupy our attention, and to( prevent us from reinforcing the train's escort. But they will find that Colonel Phillips is not so easily too be thrown off his guard. The name of this post has been changed from Fort. Gibson to Fort Blunt, in honor of Major General James G. Blunt, our division commander of last winter, but who is at present commanding the District of Kansas. If Fort Blunt is not to be abandoned almost as, soon as named, the General should use his influence in getting reinforcements sent down here at once, and in having Colonel Phillips made a Brigadier General. After the Colonel has, by continual skirmishing with the enemy, marched his forces down here and took possession of this country, and held it against such odds, and so much furthe
nformation brought in to Colonel Phillips concerning the movements of the enemy, by people living in the country, that we never hear of. Our prospects are beginning to look a little brighter. Colonel Phillips has received a dispatch from General Blunt, who is now at Forth Leavenworth, urging him to hold this post, no matter at what cost, and that he will immediately send him reinforcements. We don't believe that Colonel Phillips has had any intention of abandoning this post, so long as hi throughout the country. It is not, I suppose, so much the question of ability to hold this post, but the question of ability to hold a larger portion of this country that concerns Colonel Phillips most. We do not know the number of troops General Blunt will have in his new command, but I do know that he is an officer who will not be content to remain inactive in the rear and allow his sword to rust, while there is an enemy in front. He is, every inch, a fighting General. A small party
untry looking out for General Cabell's force the escort meets General Blunt at Cabin Creek examination of the battle-field active operating, have been as brilliant and successful as our campaign under General Blunt, in northwestern Arkansas, last fall. Assistant Adjutant Gea Fort Scott, a distance of over two hundred miles. We met General Blunt, July 9th, with a force of about four hundred men, under commanincreasing the garrison, or building new fortifications. It is General Blunt's intention to move against General Cooper immediately on his arrival at Gibson. Those who know General Blunt, do not doubt his fighting qualities. It is safe, therefore, to predict that the enemy will hold his present position undisturbed many days longer, even if General Blunt were not on the way to Gibson, for, as I have already stated, wto rout the enemy, there can be scarcely a shadow of doubt. If General Blunt goes on now to Gibson, and takes the troops there, and attacks
olonel Cloud on the march to Fayetteville General Blunt attacks General Cooper's army at Honey Sprw days, with the view of co-operating with General Blunt, who recently went down to take command ofmmander, has just received a despatch from General Blunt, stating that he attacked and routed the fem, to get the particulars of the battle. General Blunt reached Fort Gibson on the 11th, two days three thousand five hundred effective men. General Blunt's scouts reported to him that General Cabebined attack on Fort Blunt in a few days. General Blunt was therefore determined to hasten forwardoops had lunched, and rested a short time, General Blunt formed them into two columns for making th a hundred yards or so, and halted again. General Blunt then directed Captain Smith to bring his ber South after General Cabell came up. General Blunt called the engagement the battle of Honey uch demoralized to take the offensive, and General Blunt was not prepared to pursue them further so[8 more...]