Your search returned 97 results in 24 document sections:

Jeduthan Richardson, Joseph Wyman, Jonathan Harrington,Surveyors of Lumber. Calvin Turner, Thatcher Magoon, Timothy Dexter, John Dixen, Darius Wait, Jonathan Harrington,Measurers of Wood. Timothy Dexter, John Burrage, Ephraim Bailey, Joseph Church, Jonathan Warner, David Willis, Clerk of the Market. Fitch Hall,Fire-wards. John Hosmer, Jeduthan Richardson, Andrew Blanchard, Abner Bartlett, Richard Hall,To audit the Treasurer's Accounts. Fitch Hall, Nathaniel Hall, Hezekiah Blanchard,To execute the Fish Act. Nathan Wait, Andrew Blanchard, Seth Tufts,Field-drivers and Hog-reeves. Joseph Blodgett, Joseph Church, Joseph Wyman, Ebenezer Symonds, Gershom Tufts, Daniel Tufts, Andrew Blanchard,To sell the right of taking Fish. Samuel Buel, Fitch Hall, Joseph Bucknam, Pound-keeper. The Hon. Peter C. Brooks offered a clock as a gift to the town, expressing in his letter a true and deep feeling of attachment to the inhabitants. The town accepted the genero
Stephen Hall3 Aaron Hall4 Ebenezer Hall5 John Wade6 Samuel Hall7 Watts Turner8 William Tufts, 3d9 William Tufts10 Simon Bradshaw11 Samuel Angier12 Francis Burns13 Zachary Pool14 Jonathan Patten15 E. Hall16 Nathan Tufts17 Samuel Tufts, 2d18 Benjamin Teal19 Timothy Tufts20 Henry Fowle21 James Tufts22 Richard Hall23 Isaac Hall24 Thomas Seccombe25 Benjamin Hall26 Minister's Pew27 Isaac Royal28 Timothy Newhall29 Peter Jones30 Nathan Tufts, jun.31 Timothy Hall32 Hezekiah Blanchard33 Thomas Patten34 Joseph Thompson35 Henry Putnam36 Seth Blodget37 Willis Hall38 Jacob Hall39 John Leathe40 Samuel Jenks41 Andrew Hall42 Isaac Warren43 Isaac Greenleaf44 Samuel Kidder45 Simon Tufts46 Ebenezer Blanchard47 Edward Brooks48 It is specially recorded, that, at the raising of this meeting-house, which took place July 26 and 27, 1769, there was no one hurt. That such an exemption was remarkable, at that period, may be explained by the fact, that probably ou
arts of New England, put the name of Medford on their barrels. He died just as his eldest son, Benjamin, had reached his majority. This son stepped into his father's place, and carried on the business. There is a tradition that a man named Blanchard, who had connections in Malden, was the first who set up a distillery in Medford. It was upon the south side of the river, on the first lot east of the bridge. It was afterwards used by Hezekiah Blanchard, the inn-holder, who distilled anise-Hezekiah Blanchard, the inn-holder, who distilled anise-seed, snake-root, clove-water, &c. These drinks were afterwards produced in large quantities in Medford. In 1777, Medford rum sold at 3s. 10d. a gallon, by the barrel; 4s. 6d. by the single gallon. After the Malden distiller had invested his little all in molasses, and occupied every vat, and was beginning to prosper, there rose a tide so high as to overflow all his vats with salt water. This catastrophe ruined him as entirely as it did his rum. With much of the Anglo-Saxon courage, he kept
Jethro Townsend. Caleb Brooks, jun. Thomas Brooks. S. Buel and Augustus Hunt. Thomas Bradshaw. Andrew Blanchard. Timothy Newell. Hezekiah Blanchard, jun. Ruth Benford. Jonathan Brooks. William Bradbury. Francis Burns. Marah Billings. Hezekiah Blanchard. David Bucknam. John Chadwick.Hezekiah Blanchard. David Bucknam. John Chadwick. John Cutter. Miles S. Wilson. Jonathan Dunham. Aaron Crowell. William Earl. Deborah Francis. Sarah Fulton. Henry Fowle. Benjamin Floyd. Benjamin Floyd, jun. Isaac Floyd. John Fowl. Gardner Greenleaf. Isaac Greenleaf. Edmund T. Gates. Ebenezer Hall. Natll. Hall and Susan Patten. Wi eight rods south of the bridge, and was the largest in town. It was built by Mr. Benjamin Parker, town-treasurer, as early as 1745, and was sold by him to Hezekiah Blanchard, who added a large dancing-hall to it, and called it Union Hall. He left it to his son Hezekiah, who continued it a tavern till his death. The fourth ta
izabeth----, and had--  20-38Elizabeth, b. Jan. 14, 1789.  39Gair, b. Apr. 15, 1790.  40Hezekiah Blanchard m. Susanna----, and had--  40-41Susanna, b. Sept. 15, 1755; d. July 16, 1790.  42Hannah,lanchard d. Sept. 18, 1800, aged 1, c. HannahBlanchard d. Feb. 18, 1803. aged 9 mos.   Hezekiah Blanchard d. 1803.   Joseph Blanchard d. Oct. 24, 1694, aged 43.   Rebecca Blanchard d. Dec. 28, 1 b. Nov. 9, 1793; m. Susan S. Tidd.  12Sarah, b. June 7, 1795; d. 1815.  13Charlotte, m. Hezekiah Blanchard.  14George, b. Aug. 26, 1799; d. young.  15George W., b. Jan. 26, 1801; m. Elizabeth Hal He d. 1804, and had--  72-128Benjamin, b. Oct. 9, 1761.  129Esther, b. May 30, 1763; m. Hezekiah Blanchard.  130Jacob.  130 1/2Mary, b. 1779; d. c. 1795. 39-76John Tufts m.--------, and had--  town. Sept. 30, 1784.Rebecca Tufts, m. John Blanchard. Dec. 16, 1784.Esther Tufts, m. Hezekiah Blanchard, jun. Jan. 13, 1785.Jonathan Tufts, m. Deborah Bucknam. June 12, 1785.Francis
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 3., Medford in the War of the Revolution. (search)
Later, he occupied the Royall House. The New Hampshire soldiers assembled in Medford, and enlisted there in the service of Massachusetts Colony. The men were recruited in a tavern having a large hall. The only one of that description was Hezekiah Blanchard's, at the sign of the anchor, on the west side of Main street, about one hundred feet south of the bridge. Half of it was removed about fifty years ago, and made into a dwelling. It is still standing, and is numbered 133 and 135 Main stSeven men, who served for three months in New Jersey, were entirely lost sight of until last October, when an old book and a receipt were discovered at City Hall which gave their names and the amount of bounty paid them. One of them was Hezekiah Blanchard, Jr., the tavern-keeper, who has numerous descendants among the people of Medford. The Continental money had depreciated to such an alarming degree that those who were fortunate enough to have anything to sell would travel miles to obtain
were marked by the Historical Society, April 19, 1898: John Blanchard, Thomas Bradshaw, Thomas Binford, Capt. Caleb Brooks, Lt.-Col. John Brooks (received title General after close of war), Rev. Edward Brooks (Chaplain), Hezekiah Blanchard, Hezekiah Blanchard, Jr., Jonas Dickson, Benjamin Francis, Benjamin Floyd, Benjamin Floyd, John Le Bosquet, Rev. David Osgood (Chaplain), John Oakes, Lt. Jonathan Porter, James Richardson, John Stimson, JohneHezekiah Blanchard, Jr., Jonas Dickson, Benjamin Francis, Benjamin Floyd, Benjamin Floyd, John Le Bosquet, Rev. David Osgood (Chaplain), John Oakes, Lt. Jonathan Porter, James Richardson, John Stimson, Johnes Symmes, Thomas Savels or Sables, Maj. Samuel Swan (received title after close of war), Benjamin Tufts, Samuel Tufts, Samuel Tufts, 3d, Corp. James Tufts, Jr., Samuel Teal, Ebenezer Tufts, Jonathan Tufts, David Vinton. Unknown soldiers, probably from New Hampshire or Maine, who died in Medford during siege of Boston. Mr. John H. Hooper, whose portrait appears in this number of the Register, and whose article on the bridges in Medford will be found of valuabl
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 3., The Royall House loan exhibition. (search)
his country in the Anne, in 1623, was exhibited by a direct descendant of the original owner. Thus were presented good examples of typical colonial furniture. Other household belongings were family treasures loaned by members of the Kidder, Blanchard, Polly, Symmes, Le Bosquet, Porter, and Hall families—names known and honored in Medford from colonial times. Several articles were shown which were considered genuine Mayflower relics. A china nappy which had been handed down to the eldest dord), and Turell Tufts, who died in 1842, son of Dr. Simon Tufts. A print of the Blanchard Tavern was shown. Here the New Hampshire troops were mustered in, and public meetings were held after the meetinghouse ceased to be town property. Hezekiah Blanchard was the tavern-keeper in Revolutionary times. He and his son both served in the army. His name is on the roll of minute-men. A warrant for Isaac Royall, Senior, issued in 1734, a pair of spectacles inscribed The gift of I. Royall to Si
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 2., The development of the public School of Medford. (search)
had been conveyed to the town by Converse Francis, and in the deed the bounds are thus described: One acre, bounded westerly on a lane running from Maiden road to the shipyards and river, one hundred feet, southerly on land of Daniel Copeland twenty six rods ten links, easterly on land of Richard Hall one hundred feet, northerly on land of said Hall twenty six rods ten links to the lane aforesaid. This land in accordance with the vote of the town was sold with the building upon it to Hezekiah Blanchard for six hundred dollars. The record of the deed bears date April 11, 1800. The opinions of the town were divided fairly evenly, for in true dog-in-the-manger style it was voted again, March 2, 1807, That the Town will not enlarge the old school house, then to reconsider the former vote for not enlarging the school house. Voted That a Committee of five be chosen to report at the April meeting what will be best to do with the school house. Voted To reconsider the above vote and that t
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 4., Medford Assembly or Dancing Class. (search)
dance will be called after 12 o'clock. Nov. 21, 1808. The Committee of Arrangements reported the following statement which had been agreed to and signed by Mr. Blanchard The Committee of Arrangements do agree to pay for Eighty Suppers at least at each assembly—the supper to consist of the following articles to be provided coCheese. Crackers and biscuit. cellery with dressing. Fowles 2 dozen. Liqors. Best Lisbon Wine in bottles, good cogniac Brandy, Gin, Loaf Sugar. Mr. Blanchard agrees to furnish the above mentioned articles at the following prices: Supper at$0.25 Wine for Bottle0.66 Brandy per gall4.00 Gin3.00 Loaf Sugar Lighttle0.66 Brandy per gall4.00 Gin3.00 Loaf Sugar Lighting and Warming Hall and drawing rooms9.00 The Hall, Drawing rooms and Supper rooms to be put in order to the satisfaction of the Managers. Signed, Hezekiah Blanchard, Attest S. Swan D. Hall, Attest J. Hosmer A. Bartlett No lady admitted under 15 years of age.