M. E., 245
Bigelow, W. H., 377
Billings, David, 580
Billings, H. P., 245
Billings, J. D., 580
Billings, J. D., 605, 621
Billings, J. E., 245
Billings, J. H., 580
Billings, W. D., 580
Bills, J. G., 14
Bingham, A. J., 393
Bingham, C. H., 621
Bingham, S. R., 245
Bingham, S. R., 245
Binney, Amos, 401
Binney, G. L., 206, 245, 507
Binney, H. M., 459
Binney, Martin, 245
BIrd, E. E., 245
Bird, E. L., 245
Bird, F. W., 580
Bird, J. E., 245
Bird, L. J., 245
Bird, P. H., 245
Birney, D. B., 601
Bisbee, Wright, 246
Bishop, E. P., 245
Bishop, W. I., 206, 245
Bishop, W. I., 507
Bissell, E. C., 245
Bixby, Mrs., 621
Bixby, G. H., 14
Bixby, O. J., 245
Bixby, William, Jr., 245
Black, C. E., 14
Black, John, 14
Black, N. W., 14
Black, P. W., 207, 245, 507
Black, W. R., 245
Blackmer, E. T., 245
Blackmer, John, 14
Blackmer, John, 378
Blackmer, W. P., 245
Blackwell, S. H., 245
Blagden, E. R., 245
Blagden, George, 207, 507
Blagden, Thomas, 14
Blair, G. T., 401
3; mortally wounded, 339.
Bell's ferry, destruction of national gunboat at, III., 242.
Belmont, battle of; 17-19; results, 20, 21.
Benham, General Henry W., builds pontoon bridge over the James, II., 375.
Bentonsville, battle of, III., 429-432.
Bermuda hundred, position of II., 248; capture of, 248; Butler retreats to, 254; Smith arrives at, 354; battles of June 16 and 17, 1864, 363, 367, 368; fortifications at, III 4, 7.
Big Black river, battle of, i., 275, 278.
Birney, General D. B., in temporary command of Second corps before Petersburg, II., 369, 382; second movement at Deep Bottom, 505, 511; Butler's movement from Deep Bottom, III., 70.
Blacks, employed in trench work at Vicksburg, i., 337; arming the, 407; at Spottsylvania, II., 208; at mine explosion, 477,481; enthusiasm for Lincoln, 381; arming of by rebels, III., 353.
Blair, General frank P., loyalty to duty of, II., 462; joins Sherman's army in Georgia, 536.
Blockade, efficiency of, III., 224, B
3; mortally wounded, 339.
Bell's ferry, destruction of national gunboat at, III., 242.
Belmont, battle of; 17-19; results, 20, 21.
Benham, General Henry W., builds pontoon bridge over the James, II., 375.
Bentonsville, battle of, III., 429-432.
Bermuda hundred, position of II., 248; capture of, 248; Butler retreats to, 254; Smith arrives at, 354; battles of June 16 and 17, 1864, 363, 367, 368; fortifications at, III 4, 7.
Big Black river, battle of, i., 275, 278.
Birney, General D. B., in temporary command of Second corps before Petersburg, II., 369, 382; second movement at Deep Bottom, 505, 511; Butler's movement from Deep Bottom, III., 70.
Blacks, employed in trench work at Vicksburg, i., 337; arming the, 407; at Spottsylvania, II., 208; at mine explosion, 477,481; enthusiasm for Lincoln, 381; arming of by rebels, III., 353.
Blair, General frank P., loyalty to duty of, II., 462; joins Sherman's army in Georgia, 536.
Blockade, efficiency of, III., 224, B
Big Tybee Island, Ga.,
I., 361; VI., 236.
Bigelow, J.,
II., 106, 250; VI., 25, 291.
Bigelow, J., Jr.
II., 121.
Biglow Papers,
J. R. Lowell, IX., 23, 256.
Biles, E. R.,
VIII., 319.
Billings, J. S.,
VII., 223.
Billups, J.,
VII., 123.
horse of G. H. Thomas, IV., 314.
Biloxi, Miss.,
VI., 312.
Bird's Point, Mo.
(see also Charleston, Mo.), I., 177, 350.
Birdsong Ferry, Miss.,
II., 340.
Birge, H. W.,
X., 197.
Birney, D. B.:
II., 51, 237; III., 76, 90, 208, 321; X., 187, 212, 290.
Birney, W.,
X., 219.
Bisland, La.,
II., 332.
Bivouac in McClellan's Army,
IX., 135.
Bivouac on a mountain side,
Walt Whitman, IX., 132.
Bixley, G. H., II., 193.
Black, J.,
VII., 125.
Black, J. C.,
X., 201, 296.
Black, W.:
youngest soldier wounded, IX., 67.
Black, Judge
Viii., 294.
Black Burns,
horse of G. B. McClellan, IV., 304.
Black Hawk War of 1832, VII., 347; I