note.—Mr. Wyman was the predecessor of Mrs. Susanna Rowson.
See Medford Historical Register, Vol.
VII, p. 25.
Vol. VII, No. 2, Page 38, Line 14, read Mrs. Edward N. Hallowell instead of Mrs. Edwin N. Hallowell.
Strangers in Medford, (continued from Vol. 7, no. 2).
Date.Warned out.Remarks.
Holt, HannahJan. 30, 1791
Holt, PollyJan. 30, 1791
Honey, ElizabethBoston, June 2, 1760March Court,Maid in family of Maj. Benj.
Hovey, BenjaminAug. 31, 1797
Hovey, EbenezerNewton, July 4, 1763In family of Timothy Tufts.
Hovey, JamesJan. 30, 1791
Howard, DavidMaiden, Jan., 1764June 14, 1764
Martha (wife)
Elizabeth (child)
Howard, SarahMalden, Jan., 1764June 14, 1764In family of David Howard.
Mary (daughter)
Howard, SarahWoburn, Apr. 10, 1765In family of Simon Tufts.
Hunt, JeremiahJuly 10, 1751Tenant of John Willis.
(wife and family)
Huss, MaryJan. 30, 1791
Hutchins, SusannaMaiden, Mar. 15, 1763Nov. 3
1785, Oliver Prescott, Judge of Probate, assigned the dower set off to her son Benjamin
Benjamin, born January 27, 1731, m. 1st, Hepzibah Jones, May 3, 1752, 2d, MBenjamin, born January 27, 1731, m. 1st, Hepzibah Jones, May 3, 1752, 2d, Mary Green; d. February 2, 1817; member of Provincial Congress., in consideration of £ 720; which, after deducting his own share, was to be paid to his brothers and si1735, m. Mary Watson, March.
27, 1760, d. November 18, 1763., each £79.9.7
Benjamin, born January 27, 1731, m. 1st, Hepzibah Jones, May 3, 1752, 2d, Mary Green; d9, m. Hezekiah Blanchard, October 6, 1763, died November 28, 1792., £54.6.5
Benjamin, born January 27, 1731, m. 1st, Hepzibah Jones, May 3, 1752, 2d, Mary Green; d735, m. Thomas Brooks, Jr., February 27, 1755, d. August 28, 1757., £29.1.2
Benjamin, born January 27, 1731, m. 1st, Hepzibah Jones, May 3, 1752, 2d, Mary Green; dverted by her death * * * * *
Accordingly I order the before named Assignee Benjamin his Heirs, &c in the first Place to pay and clear the Charges relating to this