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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Organization of the two governments. (search)
M. T. Hunter, (Va.) July 24, 1861. Secretary of War: Leroy P. Walker (Ala.), Feb. 21, 1861 Secretary of War: Judah P. Benjamin (La.), Sept. 17, 1861. Secretary of the Navy: Stephen R. Mallory (Fla.), Feb. 25, 1861. Secretary of the Treasury: Charles G. Memminger (S. C.), Feb. 21, 1861. Attorney-General: Judah P. Benjamin, Feb. 25, 1861 Attorney-General: Thomas Bragg, (Ala.), Sept. 17, 1861. Postmaster-General: J. H. Reagan (Texas), March 6, 1861. Ii. Reorganization. (Feb. 22, 1862, to April, 1865.) Secretary of State: R. M. T. Hunter, July 24, 1861 Secretary of State: Judah P. Benjamin, March 17, 1862. Secretary of War: Judah P. Benjamin, Sept. 17, 1861 Secretary of War: George W. Randolph, March 17,Judah P. Benjamin, Sept. 17, 1861 Secretary of War: George W. Randolph, March 17, 1862 Secretary of War: Gustavus W. Smith, acting, Nov. 17, 1862 Secretary of War: James A. Seddon, Nov. 20, 1862 Secretary of War: John C. Breckinridge, Jan. 28, 1865. Secretary of the Navy : Stephen R. Mallory. Secretary of the Treasu
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The Confederate Government at Montgomery. (search)
, and he utterly failed to provide for keeping open the seaports of the Confederacy. But he was one of the few who remained in the cabinet to the end. Mr. Judah P. Benjamin, of Louisiana, was appointed Attorney-General, and held that office until the resignation of Mr. Walker, when he was transferred to the post of Secretary oy acquainted with the officers of the navy, and for a landsman had much knowledge of nautical affairs; therefore he was selected for Secretary of the Navy. Mr. Benjamin, of Louisiana, had a very high reputation as a lawyer, and my acquaintance with him in the Senate had impressed me with the lucidity of his intellect, his systmmand of the Florida, may be mentioned. In May, after the reduction of Fort Sumter, Maffit came from Washington to offer his services, and when he met the Judah P. Benjamin, Confederate Attorney-General until Sept. 17th, 1861; Second Secretary of War; Third Secretary of State. From a photograph. writer was in a state of indigna
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., McDowell's advance to Bull Run. (search)
presumably to keep up the impression that we were moving on Manassas, went forward from Centreville with a squadron of cavalry and two companies of infantry for the purpose of making a reconnoissance of Mitchell's and Blackburn's fords along the direct road to Manassas. The force of the enemy at these fords has just been given. Reaching the crest of the ridge overlooking the valley of Bull Run and a mile or so from the stream, the enemy was seen on the opposite bank, and Tyler brought up Benjamin's artillery, 2 20-pounder rifled guns, Ayres's field battery of 6 guns, and Richardson's brigade of infantry. The 20-pounders opened from the ridge and a few shots were exchanged with the enemy's batteries. Desiring more information than the long-range cannonade afforded, Tyler ordered Richardson's brigade and a section of Ayres's battery, supported by a squadron of cavalry, to move from the ridge across the open bottom of Bull Run and take position near the stream and have skirmishers s
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Incidents of the first Bull Run. (search)
ible. We had neither the food nor transportation at Manassas necessary to a forward movement. This subject was the cause of sharp irritation between our commanding generals at Manassas on the one hand, and Mr. Davis and his Secretary of War, Mr. Benjamin, on the other. There was a disposition in the quartermaster's and commissary departments at Richmond to deny the extent of the destitution of our army immediately after the battle. To ascertain the exact facts of the case, General Johnston ocurred in the opinion that they proved the impossibility of a successful and rapid pursuit of the defeated enemy to Washington. This report, elaborately written out and signed, was forwarded to Richmond, and in a few days was returned by Mr. Judah P. Benjamin, Secretary of War, with an indorsement to the effect that the Board had transcended its powers by expressing an opinion as to what the facts did or did not prove, and sharply ordering us to strike out all that part of the report, and send
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The Union and Confederate navies. (search)
hips, upon which Commodore George N. Hollins placed great reliance. Another measure of defense adopted by the Confederate Government deserves mention here, although the navy was in no way connected with it. On the 14th of January, 1862, Secretary Benjamin, of the War Department, telegraphed orders to General Lovell, who was in command at New Orleans, to impress certain river steamboats, fourteen in number, for the public service. On the 15th the vessels designated were seized. They were ine of the Mississippi, in accordance with a plan suggested by two steamboat captains, Montgomery and Townsend, who had secured the adoption of their project at Richmond through the influence of political friends in Congress. In the words of Secretary Benjamin, they were backed by the whole Missouri delegation. The scheme had its origin partly in jealousy or distrust of the navy, and the direction of the River defense fleet, as it was called, was therefore intrusted to the army. The projectors
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., chapter 14.55 (search)
ing Bull's Bay, I had the belief that we were bound for Port Royal, but no actual knowledge of the fact until going on board of the Wabash, as my orders were marked Confidential — not to be opened unless separated from the flag-ship. At the very time we were weathering the gale, the following telegram was sent: Richmond, Nov. 1, ‘61. Gov. Pickens, Columbia, S. C. I have just received information, which I consider entirely reliable, that the enemy's expedition is intended for Port Royal. J. P. Benjamin, Acting Secretary of War. The same telegram was sent to Generals Drayton and Ripley, commanding respectively at Port Royal and Charleston. It was a charming mild afternoon when I stepped on the deck of the Susquehanna. Captain Lardner was delighted with his orders, and, after giving him such information as would be of interest, I obtained permission to go up to the entrance to the swash channel, which was well known to me previously, when sounding out the bar on Coast Survey duty
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The first fight of iron-clads. (search)
me to proceed to Richmond with it and the flag of the Congress, and make a verbal report of the action, condition of the Virginia, etc. I took the first train for Petersburg and the capital. The news had preceded Escape of part of the crew of the Congress. me, and at every station I was warmly received, and to listening crowds was forced to repeat the story of the fight. Arriving at Richmond, I drove to Mr. Mallory's office and with him went to President Davis's, where we met Mr. Benjamin, who, a few days afterward, became Secretary of State, Mr. Seddon, afterward Secretary of War, General Cooper, Adjutant-General, and a number of others. I told at length what had occurred on the previous two days, and what changes and repairs were necessary to the Virginia. As to the future, I said that in the Monitor we had met our equal, and that the result of another engagement would be very doubtful. Mr. Davis made many inquiries as regarded the ship's draught, speed, and capabilit
on law, until he should prove himself guilty. Still the finance of the country was so vital, and came home so nearly to every man in it, that perhaps a deeper anxiety was felt about its management than that of any other branch. The Attorney-General, or chief of the Department of Justice, had a reputation as wide as the continent-and as far as mental ability and legal knowledge went, there could be no question among the growlers as to his perfect qualifications for the position. Mr. Judah P. Benjamin was not only the successful politician, who had risen from obscurity to become the leader of his party in the Senate, and its exponent of the constitutional questions involved in its action; but he was, also, the first lawyer at the bar of the Supreme Court and was known as a ripe and cultivated scholar. So the people who shook their heads at him-and they were neither few nor far between-did it on other grounds than that of incapacity. This was the popular view of that day at th
pervision, but to go into all the minutiae of the working of its bureaux, the choice of all its officers, or agents, and the very disbursement of its appropriations. His habits were as simple as laborious. He rose early, worked at home until breakfast, then to a long and wearing day at the Government House. Often, long after midnight, the red glow from his office lamp, shining over the mock-orange hedge in front of his dwelling, told of unremitting strain. Thus early in the drama, Mr. Benjamin had become one of its leading actors; having more real weight and influence with Mr. Davis than any, or all, of his other advisers. The President did not believe there was safety in a multitude of counsellors; and he certainly chose the subtlest, if not the safest, head of the half-dozen to aid him. With Mr. Mallory, too, he seemed on very friendly and confidential terms. These two he met as friends and advisers; but beside them, the Cabinet — as such-had scarcely a practical existence.
Chapter 19: days of depression. Reverses on all lines Zollicoffer's death Mr. Benjamin, Secretary of war transportation dangers the Tennessee river forts Forrest, and Morgan gloom followMr. Davis soon afterward relieved Secretary Walker from the duties of the War Office; putting Mr. Benjamin in his seat as temporary incumbent. The latter, as before stated, was known as a shrewd lawying decision and independence, combined with intimate knowledge of military matters. Besides Mr. Benjamin personally had become exceedingly unpopular with the masses. Whether this arose from the unalso be its head. His advent, therefore, was hailed as a new era in military matters. But Mr. Benjamin, who became daily more unpopular, had been removed from the War Department only to be returne that, though the foreign affairs of the Government might not call for very decided measures, Mr. Benjamin would not scruple-now that he more than ever had the ear of his chief — to go beyond his own