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Charles Congdon, Tribune Essays: Leading Articles Contributing to the New York Tribune from 1857 to 1863. (ed. Horace Greeley), A Biographical battle. (search)
hat of novelty; and although they have not escaped censure in critical circles, they are entertaining. But Colonel Parker is in trouble. He is censured by The Atlantic Monthly; he is cut up by The (London) Saturday Review; he is rebuked by Mr. Joseph Bell, who has Mr. Choate's memory in his special keeping; and he is treated by The Boston Courier very much as Captain Lemuel Gulliver was by the first Yahoos whose acquaintance he had the pain of making. Unless Colonel Parker--who is not of theervice of Massachusetts--shall make a great deal of money by the sale of his publication, he will wish that he had fallen upon his own sword, before venturing into the battle of print. The family is dreadfully angry. To speak individually, Mr. Joseph Bell is disgusted, and has written a special epistle to The Courier informing the world of that fact. Colonel Parker's poor little book is declared to be an outrage on the living and the dead. Colonel Parker has already retorted upon the famil
te of John Y. Mason16 Bird, Rev. Milton80 Bancroft, George106 Bickley, K. G. C.111 Bliss, Seth136 Brooks, Preston182 Beaufort, the Bacchanal of197 Bodin on Slavery303 Butler, General317, 318, 320, 322 Burke, Edmund, an Emancipationist328 Bachelder, Dr., a Funny Physician312 Buxton, Fowell384 Choate, Rufus45, 58, 84 Choate, Rufus Scrambles of his Biographers102 Cumberland Presbyterian Church68 Cumberland Presbyterian Newspaper79 Columbia (S. C.), Bell-Ringing in125 Commons, House of, on Gregory's Motion168 Colleges, Southern172 Cotton, Moral Influence of201 Congress, The Confederate222, 238 Clergymen, Second--Hand224 Carlyle, Thomas323 Davis, Jefferson42, 274, 279, 282, 283, 288, 380, 388, 346 Diarist, A Southern124 Dargan, Chancellor160 Dahomey, the Original of the Confederacy175 De Bow on Confederate Manufactures230 Debt, The Confederate285 Everett, Edward45, 181 Fielder, Herbert, his Pamphlet46
Benjamnin F. Butler, Butler's Book: Autobiography and Personal Reminiscences of Major-General Benjamin Butler, Chapter 12: administration of finances, politics, and justice.--recall. (search)
rts of questions, civil and criminal. As of course I could not have time to do that without assistance, I appointed Maj. Joseph Bell, of Massachusetts, A. D. C., a son-in-law and partner. of the Hon. Rufus Choate, of Boston, to be my provost judge s place, from whose decisions no appeals were taken. There was an appeal to me in case anybody was dissatisfied with Major Bell's decisions, and we decided cases of very large amounts and of every possible description in judicial administration. e Court of the United States, and argued with great earnestness and learning. In every case save one they were decided as Bell or my elf had decided them. That case was an appeal to the general; and his decision was sustained. This applies to evert. Davis. Col. Shoffer. Col. French. Capt. Haggerty. Lieut. Chark. Lieut.-Col. Kinsman. Major strong. General Butler. Major Bell. Gen. Benj. F. Butler and staff. Engraved from photograph in possession of Gen. Butler. To this letter I received
Benjamnin F. Butler, Butler's Book: Autobiography and Personal Reminiscences of Major-General Benjamin Butler, Chapter 19: observations upon matters connected with the War. (search)
e he taught me what a hospital should be, and the necessity of my giving active and personal attention to the inspection of my hospitals, and I followed his suggestions in that regard during my whole term of service. Of my personal staff, Maj. Joseph Bell left his large practice as a lawyer to go with me to the South with the New England division. If I knew any words that I could add to what I have said of him I would say them. Capt. R. S. Davis, of Boston, was upon my staff, holding the ns whom I have already noticed were assigned to duty, and need not be further mentioned. Maj. J. L. Stackpole, the judge advocate-general of the Department of Virginia and North Carolina, who had been acting as provost judge, I replaced with Major Bell, and remitted Major Stackpole to his duties as judge advocate-general, in the performance of which I found him one of the most competent officers that I have ever seen filling that position. He was faithful, diligent, and a good lawyer, and he
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), Life of George Ticknor. (search)
it, which turned out nearly right. This, however, with a tolerably good knowledge of the higher algebra, was all I ever acquired in mathematics, and it was soon forgotten. I was idle in college, and learnt little; but I led a happy life, and ran into no wildness or excesses. Indeed, in that village life, there was small opportunity for such things, and those with whom I lived and associated, both in college and in the society of the place, were excellent people. Of my classmates, Joseph Bell afterwards became an eminent lawyer; Hunt, the father of the artist and the architect, was a member of Congress; Newcombe distinguished himself in the navy. But the two whom I knew the most were Holbrook—a gentle, careful, but not very successful scholar, who died at the South, where he was a schoolmaster—and Thayer, Sylvanus Thayer, who was the first scholar in the class, and with whom my intimacy, for sixty years, has never been at any time impaired. He made West Point what it has be
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), chapter 26 (search)
as, 411. Barnard, Mr., 459. Baudissin, Count, 467, 468, 473 and note, 475, 476, 482, 491. Baudissin, Countess, 467. Bauer, Mademoiselle, 469, 478 and note. Bavaria, Crown Prince of (Ludwig I.), 177. Beaumont, Gustave de, 421. Beauvillers, M., 122. Beck, Dr., Professor at Harvard College, 351, 352. Beck, Professor, 108. Beckford, William, 246 and note. Bedford, Sixth Duke of, 268-270. Belem Church and Convent, 244. Bell, J., 248, 249. Bell, John, 173, 174, 180. Bell, Joseph, 7. Benci, 174. Benecke, Professor, 70, 76, 79, 82. Berchet, Giovanni, 450. Berg, President von, 122. Berlin, visits, 109, 493-503. Bernard, General, 350. Bertrand, Favre, 153, 155. Bigelow, Dr., Jacob, 12, 316 note, 319. Bigelow, Timothy, 13. Blake, George, 20. Bligh, President, 372. Blumenbach, Madame, 103. Blumenbach, Professor, 70, 71, 80, 85, 94, 103-105, 121. Blumner, Madame de, 481. Bohl von Faber, 236 and note. Bologna, visits, 166. Bombelles, Count H.,
George Ticknor, Life, letters and journals of George Ticknor (ed. George Hillard), chapter 30 (search)
I. 246 and note. Bedford, Sixth Duke of, I. 268, 269, 270, I. 466. Belem, Church and Convent, I. 244. Belgiojoso, Princess, II. 124, 126, 127, 130. Belhaven, Lord, II. 368. Bell, J., I. 248, 249. Bell, John, 1. 173, 174, 180. Bell, Joseph, I. 7. Bell, Professor, II. 162. Bell, Sir, Charles, II. 163, 164; Lady, 163, 164, 360. Bellinghausen, Baron, II. 314. Bellocq, L., II. 48, 89, 90. Benci, I. 174. Benecke, Professor, I. 70, 76, 79, 82. Benedictine Monasteries Bell, Professor, II. 162. Bell, Sir, Charles, II. 163, 164; Lady, 163, 164, 360. Bellinghausen, Baron, II. 314. Bellocq, L., II. 48, 89, 90. Benci, I. 174. Benecke, Professor, I. 70, 76, 79, 82. Benedictine Monasteries in Austria, II. 22-30. Benvenuti, II. 76. Berchet, Giovanni, I. 450, II. 101. Berg. President von, I. 122. Berlin, visits, I. 109, 493-503, II. 313, 314, 330, 331-333. Bernard, General, I. 350. Bernstorff, Count and Countess, II. 373. Berryer, P. A. . II. 130, 138. Bertrand, Favre, I. 153, 155. Bethune, Mademoiselle de, II. 125. Bigelow, Dr., Jacob, I. 12, 316 note, 319, II. 438, 493. Bigelow, J. P., II. 305. Bigelow, Timothy, I. 13. Binney, Horace, II. 37, 46.
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Paroles of the Army of Northern Virginia. (search)
x. Pope, Private B. S. Renan, F. M. Rice, J. L. Smith, L. C. N. Smith, Joel Tew, J. R. Woodham, H. C. Yelverton. Co. I. 1st Sergeant R. C. Smedley, 2d Sergeant H. A. Thompson, 4th Sergeant B. G. Barnett, 1st Corporal I. N. Andress, 2d Corporal W. J. McAllister, 4th Corporal J. D. Jones, Private J. P. Ballard, Private Joseph Harris, James Hill, Jno. Jackson, G. W. Linton, J. W. McCarra, Wm. McLeod, Jno. McLendon, Private S. H. Burgess, Jno. Bennett, Joseph Bell, F. D. Champion, W. S. Coleman, Jno. Catrell, J. F. Folman, T. J. C. Freeman, T. A. Gray, A. B. Graham, J. T. Hightower, Private J. H. Osborne, T. B. Raley, J. T. Rushing, D. Strand, M. J. Seegars, B. Stricklan, C. S. Smedley, H. L. Wolfe, J. H. Wolfe, Thomas Wilson, C. M. Wilson. Co. K. Corporal J. R. Watts, Private A. Bennett, J. L. Cade, N. Cummings, B. F. Culpepper, Private E. Grice, J. M. Laflin, A. J. Roberts, J. C. Wicker, J. C. Moore. Co. L.
g day, and bury such of the slain as he should find unburied.— Heath. The British dead were, many of them, buried near the wall and close to the brook which runs through the old grave-yard, in the spot used for the burial-place of the slaves.—Smith. The Danvers men, by being thus surrounded at Menotomy, lost heavily of their number. Their slain, seven in all—see their names in a previous note—were buried in their own town. Two were wounded-Nathan Putnam and Dennison Wallis. One, Joseph Bell, was missing after the battle, being taken prisoner and carried into Boston, where he was imprisoned two months in an English frigate. Although she was farther from Lexington than any of her sister towns who were represented at the battle, yet she lost more of her children than any other town except Lexington. Hanson, Hist. Danvera, p. 91. The Beverly men injured, and probably here, were Reuben Kennison killed, and Nathaniel Cleaves, Samuel Woodbury and William Dodge wounded. Of m
Company, 163, 164; name of West Cambridge changed to, 4,160; Public Library, 142, 163, 165; Schools, 163, 165; Water Works, 162, 163 Autobiography of Rev. Samuel Cooke, 29, 31, 89-92 Baptists, 49, 86, 104-106, 125,133,176, 176 Baptist Society, 175, 176 Bass viol, 109, 114, 116, 242 Bathing tub, 136 Battle (Capt.) of Dedham, detailed with his company, April 20, 1775, 70, 79 Battle of April 19, 1775, 62-83, 85, 93, 99, 121, 147 Belfry, church, 22, 48, 85, 101, 110, 116 Bell, parish, 34, 48, 101, 108, 114, 116, 122, 131, 136, 138, 142 Beverly men in action, April 19, 1775, 68, 71, 73 Births, abstracts of 101, 102 Black Horse Tavern, at Menotomy, 59 Book of Psalms and Hymns, 127 British Military occupation of Boston, 43, 46, 46, 47, 60, 82, 99; officer's account of the Battle of April 19, 1776, 54-56; British private soldiers' letters, 55; wagon train captured, 61, 62, 63 Bull's Creek, 11 Burying cloth, 34, 103 Burying Place, 12, 22, 32, 41,