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hal, one Sickle, from New-York, having fled with the rest. Bloomfield, once a flourishing town, presents a dreary and deserted appearance, its rebel proclivities have left the mark of Cain upon its once fair face. On the morning of the sixth instant, took up our line of march for Jackson, where the command arrived in safety, having accomplished a distance of two hundred miles in three days, and completely defeated a gang of desperadoes that have been a terror to South-east Missouri from the beginning of the war. The officers and men behaved throughout with credit to themselves and the army. Major Reeder, Adjutant Macklind, W. Pape, Lieut. Chaveaux, and Capt. Bangs, deserve especial notice for their coolness and efficiency. I shall long remember the gallant Major's Close up! Close up! through that dreary night march; and the many courtesies shown me by the officers and men of the command, not forgetting their gallant and efficient commander, Lieut.-Colonel B. F. Lazear. H.
William Alexander Linn, Horace Greeley Founder and Editor of The New York Tribune, Chapter 4: the founding of the New York Tribune (search)
tner Greeley did, and he was fortunate in finding one. Very soon after this note was written, Thomas McElrath surprised him with an offer to become his partner in the new enterprise, and this Greeley gladly accepted, and the announcement of the new firm was made on July 31. McElrath contributed $2,000 in cash as an equivalent for a half-interest. Not until this arrangement was made did Greeley consider the paper fairly on its feet. The new partner was a member of the firm of McElrath & Bangs, who kept a bookstore under the printing-office in which Greeley had set up the Testament, and his natural business tact and his experience supplied something in which the Tribune editor was always lacking. This partnership continued for more than ten years. Greeley has called McElrath's business management never brilliant nor specially energetic, but so safe and judicious that it lifted the responsibility of the publication office from the editor's shoulders. The Weekly Tribune took the p
James Parton, The life of Horace Greeley, Chapter 8: arrival in New York. (search)
ved in a house which was much frequented by journeymen printers. From them he had heard that hands were wanted at West's, No. 85 Chatham street, and he recommended his new acquaintance to make immediate application at that office. Accustomed to country hours, and eager to seize the chance, Horace was in Chatham street and on the steps of the designated house by half-past 5 on Monday morning. West's printing office was in the second story, the ground floor being occupied by Mc-Elrath and Bangs as a bookstore. They were publishers, and West was their printer. Neither store nor office was yet opened, and Horace sat down on the steps to wait. Had Thomas McElrath, Esquire, happened to pass on an early walk to the Battery that morning, and seen our hero sitting on those steps, with his red bundle on his knees, his pale face supported on his hands, his attitude expressive of dejection and anxiety, his attire extremely unornamental, it would not have occurred to Thomas Mc-Elrath, Es
ing who does not resent the spectacle of another human being who dines earlier than himself? It grew warmer, so warm that the canvas walls of the tent seemed to grasp a certain armful of heat and keep it inexorably in; so warm that the out-of-door man was dozing as he leaned against the tent-stake, and only recovered himself at the sound of Madam Delia's penetrating voice, and again began to summon people in, though there was nobody within hearing. It was so warm that Mr. De Marsan, born Bangs, the wedded husband of Madam Delia, dozed as he walked up and down the sidewalk, and had hardly voice enough to testify, as an unconcerned spectator, to the value of the show. Only the unwearied zeal of the show-woman defied alike thermometer and neglect. She kept her eye on everything,--on Old Bill as he fed the monkeys within, on Monsieur Comstock as he hung the trapeze for the performance, on the little girls as they tried to peddle their songs, on the sleepy out-of-door man, and on the
rty of a public enemy, being owned by citizens of Richmond; and the principal question that arises is, whether the citizens of Virginia, which State is now in rebellion, can be considered as public enemies. This will probably be argued at length at some future day. The claimants all say that they are loyal citizens of the United States. A question of fact may, however, arise as to the ownership of 4,700 bags of coffee, in which a British house may prove to have an interest. No claim has been presented by this house as yet; but should they present a solid claim, the coffee will be given up as not belonging to public enemies. Four hundred bags of coffee belong to a Richmond house, and will be disposed of the same way as the vessel. The master of the brig, a resident of Maryland, owned fourteen bags of coffee in the vessel. This morning Mr. Bangs moved that this be restored to him. As he is a citizen of a loyal State no objection was interposed, and the Court granted the motion.
e enemy as to finally drive him back. --Should it not be done? The late Dr. Bangs. A recent letter from New York says: The death of the aged and well-known Dr. Bangs took place on Saturday morning. He has been in falling health for some time past, and the event, therefore, was not unexpected. For sixty years Dr. Dr. Bangs was identified with the Methodist Episcopal Church. He was born May 2, 1778, at Stratford, Conn, and at the age of thirteen removed to Stamford, Delaware. At, the last forty five years of his life were spent in New York and Brooklyn. Dr. Bangs was one of the originators of the Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcoperved it graciously. In 1836 he was chosen Corresponding Secretary. In 1838 Dr. Bangs published the first volume of his widely known "History of Methodism." The l to serve the causes of religion. With the exception of Rev. Dr. Spring, the Rev. Dr. Bangs has been longer in this city than any other clergyman. A chance to