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Robert Lewis Dabney, Life and Commands of Lieutenand- General Thomas J. Jackson, Chapter 17: the campaign in Maryland. (search)
ght them beyond the mountains. He therefore put the army in motion, September the 3rd, with the cavalry of Stuart and the fresh division of D. H. Hill in front, followed by the corps of Jackson, which still formed the body of the advanced force. He marched to Drainsville that day, and to Leesburg, the countyseat of Loudoun, the 4th of September. On the 5th, the corps passed the Potomac, at White's Ford, near Edwards' Ferry, a few miles distant, just below the scene of the bloody repulse of Ball's bluff, and established themselves upon the soil of Maryland without opposition. At this place the great river spreads itself out to the width of more than half a mile, over a pebbly and level bed; and its floods, reduced in volume by the summer heats, were but two or three feet deep. The infantry, and even the cannoneers passed, by wading through the water. All day long the column poured across, belting the shining river with a thin, dark line; and as the feet of the men were planted upo
nati, Ohio, en route for Cumberland, Md. They made a splendid appearance, and were enthusiastically received.--Ohio State Journal, June 8. Colonel Corcoran, of the Sixty-ninth N. Y. Regiment, with a detachment of one hundred men, proceeded to Ball's Corner, 5 miles beyond the lines in Virginia, where he arrested a party of five secessionists, one wearing the uniform of a secession sergeant; one, named Richard Meitch, an employee at the capital as watchman, and one named Ball, a rich farmer,ound a muster roll of a rebel company, and in whose house were found arms, bedding, and cooking utensils for a company of at least fifty men. Nine hundred dollars in gold were also found, but returned by the mistaken generosity of the sergeant, to Ball's wife, without the Colonel's knowledge until after their return to the camp--N. Y. Times, June 8. The New York Nineteenth Regiment, from Elmira, commanded by Col. Clark, and the Third Maine Regiment Volunteers, Col. Howard, arrived at Washin
in the foregoing resolution, incompatible with the views of James A. Bayard, now Senator, as expressed in his last speech in the Senate, and his recent addresses to the people of Delaware, we most respectfully request him to resign. Not less than three thousand persons were at the meeting, and great enthusiasm prevailed. A resolution was also passed requesting the Governor to call the Legislature together.--Rochester Union, June 14. An attack was made by the rebels on the outpost of the Pennsylvania Fifth regiment at Alexandria, in which a private of company G was wounded in the arm. His arm was amputated.--N. Y. Commercial Advertiser, June 14. Gen. Beauregard ordered the Fairfax Court-House Company, Capt. Ball, recently prisoners in Washington, to leave the State of Virginia, because they took the oath of allegiance to the United States. Those of them who may be induced to violate it, will, of course, be excepted from the operation of this order.--N. Y. World, June 15.
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 20: commencement of civil War. (search)
ves reached it. They were fired upon by some Virginia sentries, who instantly fled from the town. Ellsworth, ignorant of any negotiations, advanced to the center of the city, and took possession of it in the name of his Government, while the column under Wilcox marched through different streets to the Station of the Orange and Alexandria Railway, and seized it, Ellsworth Zouaves. with much rolling stock. They there captured a small company (thirty-five men) of Virginia cavalry, under Captain Ball. Other Virginians, who had heard the firing of the insurgent pickets, escaped by way of the railroad. Alexandria was now in quiet possession of the National troops, but there were many violent secessionists there who would not submit. Among them was a man named Jackson, the proprietor of an inn called the Marshall House. The Confederate flag had been flying over his premises for many days, and had been plainly seen from the President's House in Washington. on the preceding day (M
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 5: military and naval operations on the coast of South Carolina.--military operations on the line of the Potomac River. (search)
eligible places for batteries, and considered it unwise to attempt the capture of any already completed, unless a campaign was about to be opened in that direction. He concluded that the best way to prevent the erection of batteries, and to keep open navigation, was to have a sufficient naval force patrolling the Potomac. See McClellan's Report, page 50. In a review of the. Peninsula Campaign, Major (then General) Barnard, alluding to this project, says (page 16), if it had been attempted a Ball's Bluff affair, ten times intensified, would have been the certain result. and the project was abandoned. On the assurance of sufficient aid from the Navy Department, it was agreed that a land force should march down the right bank of the Potomac, capture all batteries found there, and take permanent possession of that region. This project was also abandoned, because McClellan believed that the movement might bring on a general engagement, for which he, did not feel prepared. No attemp
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 18: Lee's invasion of Maryland, and his retreat toward Richmond. (search)
ides, expected pontoons had not arrived, and a sudden rain might cut off the occupying force from the main army, and expose it to capture by the rapidly approaching legions of Lee. So no attempt to cross was made. Without a shadow of truth, General Lee encouraged his troops and the deceived people by solemnly declaring in his official report that the advance of General Sumner reached Falmouth on the afternoon of the, 17th, and attempted to cross the Rappahannock, but was driven back by Colonel Ball with the Fifteenth Virginia cavalry, four companies of Mississippi infantry, and Lewis's light battery. Four days after his arrival, when a greater portion of the National army was near Falmouth, and its cannon commanded Fredericksburg, Sumner demanded the surrender of Farmers' bank, Fredericksburg. the city. Nov. 21. The authorities replied, that while it should not be used for offensive operations against the. National army, any attempt of that army to occupy it would be stoutly
oving scarce, Dr. Cornyn, surgeon of the 1st Missouri artillery, volunteered in that capacity, and proved himself a workman who needed not to be ashamed. There was rare virtue inherent in those 22 guns, and men around them who knew how to evoke it. It was hardly 6 o'clock when the Rebel batteries, once more in position, opened, at a distance of a few hundred yards, on our last possible holding-ground. Our next recoil must be over the bank, into the hideous, helpless massacre of a grander Ball's Bluff. Promptly and most efficiently, Webster's guns make reply. Soon, the Rebel infantry was seen crowding up to their guns, opening fire at rather long range, to find our shattered battalious reformed and giving abundant answer. At this moment, the gunboats Tyler and Lexington, which had all day been chafing at their impotence, opened on our left, firing up a deep ravine that seemed to have been cut through the bluff on purpose. Seven-inch shell and 64-pound shot were hurled by them d
ello to Clinton; whence he made a dash at Macon, driving in the enemy's cavalry; but was unable to carry the defenses, which were held by infantry and artillery. He burned a train of cars, and broke up the railroad; covering all the roads which diverged eastward from Macon, by the aid of Wolcott's brigade of infantry, which was sharply assailed from Macon, but worsted and beat off its assailants; while the right wing marched by to Gordon. Howard now advanced Nov. 24-5. to the Oconee at Ball's ferry, where a small force in his van crossed on a raft, but was driven back with loss. When his two corps had been brought up, and a detachment thrown across the swift current in boats, the enemy had decamped. Meantime, the Georgia Central railroad had been demolished, and the right wing pushed on, keeping to the right of that road, and encountering no serious resistance. Sherman was here with Blair; Howard with Osterhaus. Slocum had moved out of Milledgeville simultaneously with How
er guns of Walton's battery, and one company of cavalry. Longstreet's brigade covered Blackburn's Ford, and consisted of Moore's 1st, Garland's 11th and Crose's 17th regiments Virginia volunteers, with two 6-pounder brass guns of Walton's battery. Bonham's brigade held the approaches to Mitchell's Ford; it was composed of Kershaw's 2d, Williams' 3d, Bacon's 7th and Cash's 8th regiments South Carolina volunteers; of Shields' and Del Kemper's batteries, and of Flood's, Radford's, Payne's, Ball's, Wickman's and Powell's companies of Virginia cavalry, under Col. Radford. Cocke's brigade held the Fords below and in vicinity of the Stone Bridge, and consisted of Wither's 18th, Lieutenant-Colonel Strange's 19th, and R. T. Preston's 28th regiments, with Latham's battery and one company of cavalry, Virginia volunteers. Evans held my left flank and protected the Stone Bridge crossing, with Sloane's 4th regiment South Carolina volunteers, Wheat's Special Battalion Louisiana volunteers
rty assures me, and Capt. Allen will, I believe, cordially indorse his statement — that nothing could exceed the magnanimity of the Confederate officers towards their prisoners, wounded or unwounded. Not a harsh word fell from them to mortify or insult the men who had just struggled with them, sword to sword, and bayonet to bayonet; but on the contrary, they displayed a lively solicitude for their comfort. This kindness was especially conspicuous in the artillery and cavalry officers. Capt. Ball, who, whilst a prisoner at Washington, had been guarded by a detachment of the Seventy-first, was assiduous in his hospitable attentions. He and his men (who were not in the fight as has been reported) sent milk, eggs, and brandy. A farmer in the neighborhood, named Rickett, was very kind. He and his wife sent the national wounded soup, gruel, and a young lamb. They feel especially grateful to Capts. White and Patrick, and Col. Barker. The latter said to them, Take good care of yourse