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bodies were recovered from the Lewinsville field to-day by a detachment of the Nineteenth Indiana Regiment. No further tidings have been heard of Lieut. Hancock, who was reported killed; but his body not having been found, the presumption is that he was taken prisoner. A man, supposed to be a spy, was arrested to-day in the neighborhood of the Chain Bridge, and was taken to the headquarters of Gen. Smith, heavily ironed. Everything has been remarkably quiet in the neighborhood of Bailey's and Ball's Cross-Roads. The residence of Mr. Ball, to the right of Ball's Cross-Roads, is alternately occupied by our pickets and those of the Confederates--ours during the day and theirs at night. Federal accounts of affairs in Missouri. St. Louis, Sept. 11. --Dr. Franklin, Surgeon of Gen. Lyon's Brigade, arrived from Springfield to- day, and reports that all the Federal wounded remaining at that place have been retained by order of the rebel commander, and are held as hosta
Salt. --A friend has presented us with a sample of salt, made a few days ago, at Mr. Nathaniel Fowler's, on Masonboro', Sound, near Wilmington, by boiling. Two quarts of salt were made from about ten gallons of water, after six hours boiling. We are glad to hear that some gentlemen in that locality are going into the business upon a larger scale, for which purpose they are having pans made at Hart & Bailey's Works, in Wilmington.--Fayetteville Observer.
off the bar blockading. A charge of treason Merged into misdemeanor. On the State docket of the Davidson county (N. C.) superior court the only case that attracted much interest was the Hilton case. Some two months since John W. Hilton was arrested on a charge of treason. When the Sheriff went to serve the warrant, Hilton made violent resistance, but was overpowered and taken before Judge Saunders, who sent him to prison. The acting Solicitor this week, (Levi Scott, Esq.,) as Judge Bailey remarked, very properly abandoned the charge of treason, and only put him on his trial for a misdemeanor in resisting an officer; whereupon Hilton, through his counsel, Messrs. Gorrell and Waddell, submitted, and the court fined him twenty-five dollars, and bound him in a bond of five hundred dollars to demean himself as a good citizen of the State and Confederate States. Extensive robbery in Charleston, S. C. On Thursday night last the house of Mrs. White, corner of Tradd and Gr
terest his name's identified. Not being Picayune Butler stripe, whenever there was a fray, To quell it, with his brave police, he boldly led the way. And when Abe's starving soldiers did begging to him come, He gave them food, and words of cheer, and kindly sent them home; So, while you are rewarding all those who've suffered pain, And privation, in our cause, Jeff., remember Marabal Kane, We had a Captain Smith here, which one I can't decide; Perhaps 'twas him of Halifax, for whom Miss Bailey died; He arrested each small newsboy under ten years old he'd meet, And tore up all your photographs, and strewed them on the street. If you scare them so on paper, oh! Jeff., what will they do, When you come along in person and prepare to put them through? When you conquer Abram and his crew — and there's no such word at fail-- Have the tar and feathers handy — give each a separate lad; And when you've had your fun out with the Abelidon band, Just hang them high as Haman, and purif
his Appeal of the 21st, which is said to be authentic: Brigadier-General Buckner and staff. Brigadier-General B. R. Johnston and staff. Third Tennessee regiment of infantry, Col. Brown. Tenth Tennessee regiment of infantry, Col. Helman. Eighteenth Tennessee regiment of infantry, Col. Palman, of on. Thirtieth Tennessee regiment of infantry, Col. Head. Thirty-second Tennessee regiment of infantry, Col. Cook. Forty-ninth Tennessee regiment of infantry, Col. Bailey. Fiftieth Tennessee regiment of infantry, Col. Sugg. Fifty-first Tennessee regiment of infantry, Col. Brouder. --Tennessee regiment of infantry, Col. Billard. --Tennessee regiment of infantry, Col. Voorhees. --Tennessee regiment of infantry, Col. Abernathey. --Tennessee regiment of infantry, Col. Quaries. --Tennessee regiment of infantry, Col. Varqueson. First Mississippi regiment of infantry, Lt., Col. Hamilton. Third Mississippi regiment of i
nt for horses taken in the service of the State;" and a bill providing for having an accurate list and record made of the military forces of Virginia.--The bill to remove lunatics confined in the Penitentiary to the Lunatic Asylum was, on motion of Mr. Christian, of Augusta, indefinitely postponed. resolutions to authorize the Governor to receive a light infantry company recently raised in Halifax county, was taken up and agreed to. The committee to whom was referred the charges against Cols. Bailey and Snyder, asked to be discharged from the further consideration of the subject because in expedient to legislate on the subject at this time. The committee to whom was referred a resolution of inquiry respecting the troops organized for the defence of the city of Richmond, reported on information derived from the Governor, that two regiments have been organized for the purpose indicated and that no legislation is necessary on the subject. A substitute was adopted to the bill to suspen
Assault with a brickbat. --Wm. D. Bowman was brought before the Mayor yesterday, charged with having assaulted Private Bailey, of the Davis Light Dragoons, with a half brickbat, and inflicting a serious wound. The case was continued until the 10th inst. for further testimony.
nctionary to day to answer the charge of having dangerously wounded Private George Balley, of the Davis Light Dragoons, by striking him on the side of the head with a brickbat. The injury turned out to be more serious than was at first imagined, Bailey, who was taken to the Medical College Hospital, dying yesterday from the effects of the blow. Coroner Sanxay held an inquest over the remains soon after being notified of the death of the party. The evidence before the jury was only as to to the Medical College Hospital, dying yesterday from the effects of the blow. Coroner Sanxay held an inquest over the remains soon after being notified of the death of the party. The evidence before the jury was only as to the result of the blow given Bailey, which medical testimony established had fractured his skull and produced death. The verdict of the jury was in accordance with this fact. Other testimony may be introduced on the examination of the accused before the Mayor to day.
Gone to Europe. --Bishop Bailey, (R. C.,) of the Newark (N. J.) Dioce e, saded for Europe on Wednesday last, on an visit to Rome. He will take several thousand dollars with him, the gift of the of the diocese, to aid the Pope in him troubles.
as any thieve, or murderers that have fallen victims to the majesty of an offended law. The following is a list of the officers captured with the precious crew above referred to end brought here George C Speer. Lieut Col 31st Penn George S Smith. M do Geo W Dorson. Capt Co C. d. W J McCarter, 1st Lieut Co G. 93d Penn. Sem I Cuskader. 1st Lieut Co. D. 32d Penn. Johns A Smith. 2d Lieut Co. B. Soth Penn. Thomas Y. Baher. Capt Co. C. Soth N. Y. G. A. Guerusey. Sergeant Major 93d Penn; M Bailey, Captain Co. E. Penn. N. Y. C. F. Gardner. 1st Lieut Co. F. Penn. N. Y. J. A. N. veil. 1st Lieut Co. D. Penn. N. Y. F. Linch. , Co. E. 100th N. Y. L. Smith, 1st Lieut. C. D, 26th N. Y. E. M. Croll, 2d Lieut Co. E. 101d Penn J. H. Nicholas, Capt Co. C 96th N Y W B Moore. Captain Co B, 100th N Y. A number of the prisoners, though classed as Yankees drew their first breaths over the sea. The man Speer alluded to above received a bullier in the neck. Several of the other officers were als