Browsing named entities in Adam Badeau, Military history of Ulysses S. Grant from April 1861 to April 1865. Volume 2. You can also browse the collection for Bailey or search for Bailey in all documents.

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tle of, III., 428, 429. Ayres, General R. B., at Weldon road, II. 515; at Hatcher's run, III. 124; at White Oak road, 461; at battle of Five Forks, 480-492. Bailey, Lieutenant-Colonel J., saves Mississippi squadron, II., 78; promoted to brigadier-general 79. Banks, General N. P., expedition against Port Hudson, i., 160; a; rebel fortifications on, 124; Sherman's expedition, December, 1862, 135, tortuous course of, 157; forests and jungles of, 158. Mississippi squadron, saved by Bailey, II., 78. Mississippi valley, character of, i., 156. Mobile, proposed capture of, i., 412, 413; Canby's force before, III., 637; capture of Spanish Fort andon of, 637. Montgomery, occupation of, III., 635. Mott General G., at battle of the Wilderness, II., 110-121; at Spottsylvania, 166, 167; at Deep Bottom and Bailey's creek, 507. Mower, General Joseph A., command transferred to Tennessee, III., 154; at Bentonsville, 431. Murphy, Colonel R. C., abandons Iuka, i., 110; su