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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore), Doc. 34. attack on Santa Rosa Island. October 9, 1861. (search)
ield-gun, which, however, did not reach him until the affair was over. As I propose only briefly to allude to the volunteers, I respectfully refer you to the official report, marked A, of the colonel of the regiment. The picket of this regiment and the guards sustained its principal if not entire loss, and behaved well. Capt. Daly's company, on duty with the regulars, did good service, and the Captain is spoken of by Major Arnold in terms of high approbation. He had two men killed. Capt. Bailey's company was at a battery, and not called out. He was performing his appropriate duty during the fight. Major Vogdes, with Companies A, First Artillery, and E, Third Infantry, proceeded beyond the Spanish fort, about a mile from this fort, when, from the obscurity of the night, he found himself and command completely intermingled with the enemy. He was immediately recognized, and made prisoner; the command devolving on Capt. Hildt, of the Third Infantry, who disengaged his command fr
from the cross-trees of the schooner a man who had been seen to fire upon the boats, killing him instantly. I enclose, herewith, a complete list of all engaged in the affair, with the names of the killed and wounded in each boat. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant, William Mervine, Flag-officer Commanding Gulf Blockade Squadron. P. S.--By a strange inadvertency, my mind being so much engrossed with the expedition itself, I omitted to give credit to Capt. Bailey, of this ship, for maturing the plan and taking charge of fitting out the expedition to the minutest detail. It is to his thoughtfulness that a great portion of its success must be ascribed. W. M. To Hon. Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy, Washington, D. C. The Secretary of the Navy issued the following acknowledgment of the gallantry of the Federal forces: Navy Department, October 4, 1861. Sir: The department received Flag-officer Mervine's report of the boat expedition despa
acis — nothing, in fact, to give it the character of a fortification of any kind. It is not even regular in form, but coils loosely and waveringly about the ground, as a huge snake might enfold it. In every respect it looks a squirmy piece of work. There are no embrasures for guns, but upon two of its projections are mounted — what! guns? No, indeed, but old logs, with a black circle painted in the centre of the sawed part to represent a formidable armament. At such a distance as that of Bailey's Roads, the deception might very easily have remained undetected. In the middle of this wretched fort, the remains of a hastily-constructed hut still stood; but, with the exception of a few tress, it contained nothing else. Behind it, on the slope of the hill, were a group of irregular shanties, thrown together for the protection of troops. Their number was sufficient for the accommodation of about one regiment, certainly not more. A considerable quantity of straw, and a few forgotten r
Howe's battery.--Killed--Francis Enwright, private.--Wounded, Michael F. Andrews, Lance Corporal; Cornelius Daniels, private; Andrew Dougherty, severely, since died; George L. Rice, private, severely; John Ledwidge, private, severely. Twenty-Fifth Ohio.--Wounded, John Everingham, private, Company E, slightly; Alex. Pemberton, private, Company E, slightly; Michael Mulgrove, Company E, slightly Twenty-Fourth Ohio.--Killed, John Riddle, Company B, by a six-pound shot.--Wounded, John Bailey, Company B, private; Christ. Reiner, Company B, private; and William F. Fuller, Company F, private, all slightly. Ninth Indiana.--Killed, Albert I. Abbott, private, Company C; Lewis E. Smith, private, Company H.--Wounded, James Arrick, Sergt., Company D; Murray McConnell, private, Company E; Thomas S. Bull, Sergeant, Company F; Henry Bishop, private, Company G; John H. Natus, private, Company F; Isaac S. Bryant, Corporal, Company E. Fourteenth Indiana.--Killed, Amos Boyd, private,
h were on hand at the post, and his department was conducted with system and efficiency. Major Tower, Surgeon Campbell, and Assistant Surgeon Sutherland, in their respective duties, sustained their high reputations. Captains Robertson, Duryea, and Blunt, and Lieutenants Pennington and Seeley respectively commanded batteries Lincoln, Scott, Totten, and Cameron, and a small battery at Spanish Fort, and the other officers batteries in the fort with distinguished ability. Captains Dobies' and Bailey's companies were with the batteries at Lincoln and Cameron, and did their duty faithfully and efficiently. The companies of Captains Renberer and Duffy, of the Sixth regiment New York Volunteers, were successively on duty at the fort, and rendered cheerfully important assistance to me. The regular companies engaged at the batteries, all of whom performed their duty so efficiently as to preclude my making a distinction, are Companies A, F, and L, First Artillery, C, H and K, Second Artillery
nd nine pieces of artillery. The following are the officers who were engaged on the right, all of whom, it is said, behaved well to the last: Colonel Jones, Twenty-fifth Ohio; Captains Charlesworth, Crowell, Johnson, and Askew; Lieutenants Dirlam, Bowlus, Merriman, Wood, and Haughton, of the Twenty-fifth Ohio; Lieut. Aide-de-Camp McDonald, of General Reynolds' staff, Major Dobbs, Adjutant C. H. Ross, Captains Newland, Johnson, Harrington, Clinton, Kirkpatrick, Myers, Smith, Delong, Shields, Bailey, Durbin, Jones, (killed,) and many others, of the Thirteenth Indiana; Captain Hamilton and Lieutenant Brent, of the Thirty-second Ohio. All of these did their duty manfully, and made great slaughter among the rebels. Owing to the very bad road which the Ninth Indiana and the Second Virginia had to travel, and the amount of fallen timber thrown in their way by the rebels the day previous, their march was much impeded, so that they did not reach in time to make a simultaneous attack with G
ost dangerous enemy who values not his own life, and has insured success by resolving on suicide. Sixteen vessels will be sunk on the bar at the river entrance. Here is the list: AmazonCapt. SwiftNew Bedford. AmericaCapt. ChaseNew Bedford. AmericanCapt. BeardNew Bedford. ArcherCapt. WorthNew Bedford. CourierCapt. BraytonNew Bedford. FortuneCapt. RiceNew London. HeraldCapt. GiffordNew Bedford. KensingtonCapt. TiltonNew Bedford. LeonidasCapt. HowlandNew Bedford. Maria TheresaCapt. BaileyNew Bedford. PotomacCapt. BrownNew Bedford. Rebecca SimmsCapt. WillisNew Bedford. L. C. RichmondCapt. MaloyNew Bedford. Robin HoodCapt. SkinnerNew London. TenedosCapt. SissonNew London. William LeeCapt. LakeNew Bedford. They range from two hundred and seventy-five to five hundred tons, are all old whalers, heavily loaded with large blocks of granite, and cost the Government from two thousand five hundred dollars to five thousand dollars each. Some of them were once famous ships
ing, Lincoln County, both thighs; W. H. Vaughn, Lincoln County, throat; C. McDonald, St. Charles County, both thighs; Abram Bramberger, Calloway County, left breast; J. E. McConnell, Montgomery County, right thigh; L. Davis, Breckinridge County, right cheek and neck; F. G. Henderson, St. Charles County, hand; R. S. Montford, Calloway County, calf of leg; J. Crossman, Boone County, small of back; C. Cuisenberry, Boone County, right breast;----Kernan, St. Charles County, left hand and face; John Bailey, Warren County, thigh; Captain Myers, Warren County, side; W. R. Smith, Pike County, left shoulder;----Martin, Pike County, leg; Lawrence Jacobie, Pike County, hand. Four names not obtained, dangerously wounded. Slightly Wounded.--Captain J. T. Harland, Company A; F. S. Morris, Company A; Joseph Washburne, Company A; Daniel Barret, Company A; J. H. Warnesbry, Company B; James Eagle, do.; Marion Morrell, Company C; Thos. Phillipot, do.; Henry Ferguson, do.; John Wessell, do.; Thomas Ki
b. June 27, 1782.   Robert B., b. Mar. 15, 1784.   Hon. William Willis has kindly furnished me with these facts, and is better informed on the genealogy of the family than any person now living. His antiquarian taste has found this a welcome field for research.   Charles Willis, in all probability a brother of the forementioned Benjamin, m. Anna Ingols, 1727, and had--   Charles, b. Aug. 21, 1728.   Anna, b. Dec. 29, 1731.   Charles Willis, jun., m. Abigail Belknap, gr.-dau. of Rev. John Bailey, of Watertown, and had--   Charles.   Nathaniel, b. 1760; d. 1832.   Abigail, m. Isaac Collins.   Of these,--   Nathaniel Willis m. Lucy Douglass, of New London, and had--   Andrew, d. young.   Nathaniel, b. June 6, 1780.   Rebecca, b. 1782; m. Samuel Richards.   He m., 2d, Mary Cartmell, and had--   Sarah, m. Judge Easton, of La.   Mary, m.----McDonald.   Eliza, m. D. R. Ferguson.   Catharine, m.----Carpenter.   Madeline, m. Hiram Still.
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Henry Walcott Boynton, Reader's History of American Literature, Chapter 6: the Cambridge group (search)
mbridge Common to the fight at Bunker Hill. It led through what is now Kirkland Street, passing the house where Holmes was born, through Brattle Street, past Longfellow's house, through Elmwood Avenue and Mt. Auburn Street, past the house where Lowell was born and died. It then passed on beyond Mt. Auburn to the original village of Watertown, now marked by a deserted burial-ground only — on whose crumbling stones the curious schoolboy still notices such quaint inscriptions as that of Mr. John Bailey, minister of the gospel, a pious and painfull preacher, or of his wife described as one who was good betimes and best at last, went off singing and left us weeping, and who walked with God until translated. It is a matter of interest to recall the fact that the three poets who have been mentioned were born, lived, or died there, and made it from the point of view of literature the most memorable highway in America. Longfellow and Whittier. The American traveler in England who ta