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to the vicinity of Strasburg, the enemy making no advance until a late hour in the forenoon. The proportion of wounded to the number killed of Gen. J's men, is large, yet it is gratifying to know that but few are seriously or mortally wounded. The regiments engaged were the 2d Virginia, (Col. Allen,) 4th Va., 5th Va. 33d Va., (Colonel Cummings,) 27th Virginia, (Colonel Echols, who was wounded in the right arm) 23d Virginia, 37th Virginia, the far famed Irish Battalion, the 21st Va., Ashby's Cavalry, Rockbridge Battery, (Col. Pendleton, who lost two Parrott guns.) West Augusta Battery, Carpenter's Battery, and Chew's Battery. Gen. Jackson has returned to Mt. Jackson, and will be ready, should the enemy come up the Valley high enough, to give him a chance to try his mettle again. Let every man now rally to the standard of the heroic Jackson, and assist in driving out the invader of our peaceful homes. Our Valley is surely worth the effort for its preservation cally, then
ade seems beyond all parallel — Had our enemies been in our condition and we in theirs, it is evident that their whole army would have been overthrown. As it was, they were repulsed three times Skirmishing commenced in the morning between Col. Ashby's and the Yankee cavalry, and continued all day with successful defence upon our part. The 27th Regiment was brought up on the left at a about half-past 4 o'clock P. M., and with the gallant Col. Echols commanding, did dreadful execution wtcy. Our loss in killed and wounded is small when compared with the enemy's. As an eye-witness of that terrific fight at Kernstown, let me say, that the self-possession and mile courage of Col. Echols; the endurance, daring and success of Col. Ashby; the unflinching bravery of Gen Garnett; the cool, determined valor of our ever-undaunted Cols Cummings and Jones, and the resolute, active and over soldiers-like conduct of Maj. Gen. Jackson, make them the admiration of every true-hearted sold