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lies. At the same time Evans's force was distributed along the river, and our light battery was continually moving from point to point, shelling the enemy's camps. Occasionally they would take up a favorable position, wait for the military train at Point of Rocks, and destroy a locomotive or two; but their favorite practice was firing at canal-boats as they approached Washington with supplies. Confederate forces had rendered the Lower Potomac unnavigable by numerous batteries armed with Armstrong and Whitworth guns, and we endeavored to imitate the example by stopping all traffic on the north banks of the Upper Potomac. These incessant demonstrations and the raids of Ashby's cavalry so incensed the Federal troops that they swore eternal enmity against every Secessionist. Being out on picket, we enjoyed ourselves amazingly among the farmers, who willingly furnished all things needful, and as our camps were near the little town of Waterford, many pleasant hours were spent there
ess was entirely discarded, and the rapidity of fire greatly increased. It requires no great amount of scientific knowledge to see that the rammer and ramrod are totally behind the age, and should be discouraged and disused. All that is required of a good gun can be realized by breech-loading, and, from experience, I can do more with such a weapon than any other. It occupies less room in working, and saves the men from unnecessary exposure and loss. In England, I know, the invention of Armstrong is patronized; they may have potent reasons for the preference, but our men prefer Whitworth's weapon. This was written long before Whitworth was patronized by the English Government. I agree with you entirely, Robins, said the Major, in regard to the ramrod; I think it should be abolished. Half the men you see walking about town with arms in slings have been hit while loading, for the enemy fire high, and had we breechloading muskets in our battles, few would have been struck at a
cers of the regiment, with the string band, started on a serenading expedition. After playing sundry airs and singing divers songs, Ethiopian and otherwise, at the residence of a Mr. Warren, Miss Julia Gurnie, sister of Mrs. Warren, appeared on the veranda and made to us a very pretty Union speech. After a general introduction to the family and a cordial reception, we bade them good-night, and started for another portion of the village. On the way thither we dropped into the store of a Mr. Armstrong, and imbibed rather copiously of apple-jack, to protect us against the night air, which, by the way, is always dangerous when apple-jack is convenient. After thus fortifying ourselves, we proceeded to the residence of a Mr. Storey. His doors were thrown open, and we entered his parlors. Here we had the honor to be introduced to Miss Storey, a handsome young lady, and Lieutenant O'Brien, nephew of Parson Brownlow. Lieutenant O'Brien is an officer of the rebel army. He accompanie
tlett's Station were greenbacks and gold. As these were contained in solid iron safes, of which the key had been lost, it was not the easiest matter in the world to get at them. It was thought, however, a profitable employment of our earliest leisure to investigate General Pope's sub-treasury, and our men had been hammering away at the safes for some time without result, when General Stuart turned round to me and said, laughingly, If nobody can open these strong boxes, we must call on Major Armstrong (a nickname he had given me) to assist us. Accepting the banter at once, I delivered a few heavy blows upon the safes with a serviceable axe, which laid them open, amid the loud cheers of our soldiers, who, with their accustomed idle curiosity, had formed a large circle round us. Two boxes of excellent cigars, which the Yankee Quartermaster had kept in this place of security, doubtless as the Cockney at the French custom-house expressed it, pour fumigation luimeme, fell to me as my sha
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The battle of Beverly ford. (search)
Concentration of troops is often so difficult of attainment when the links of connection are once lost. A conspicuous example of this truth has been lately brought to mind by Dr. Lambdin's admirable narrative read at the Centennial celebration of the battle of Germantown, and even now one can but feel sorry for General Washington as a soldier-thinking of him in the fog before Chew's house, with Sullivan and Wayne groping in front, and no tidings as yet of Greene on the Limekiln road, and Armstrong at the mouth of the Wissahickon. If he had spread his battle-fan outward from his centre on the turnpike, unfolding it as he advanced, perhaps no one would have inquired a century after why the good people of Germantown wished to commemorate a defeat. Be that as it may, General Pleasonton was destined to reap some of the occasional disadvantages of a broken military chain. The force dispatched to Kelly's ford was composed of Gregg's and Duffie's cavalry, and a small brigade of infantry,
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Van Dorn, the hero of Mississippi. (search)
stroyed three months stores for sixty thousand men, and defeated Grant's whole campaign and compelled him to abandon Mississippi. From that time Van Dorn resumed his proper role as a general of cavalry, in which he had no superior in either army. His extrication of his cavalry division from the bend of Duck river, equaled his conduct in the forks of the Hatchie. In the spring of 1863, he was the chief commander of the cavalry of Bragg's army, then at Tullahoma; he had as brigade commanders Armstrong, Jackson, Cosby, and Martin, and, with about eight thousand men, was preparing to move across the Ohio. His command was bivouacked in the fertile region of Middle Tennessee. His headquarters were at Spring Hill, and almost daily he would engage the enemy with one of his brigades while the other three were carefully drilled. His horses were in fine order and his men in better drill, discipline and spirit than our cavalry had ever been. He was assassinated just as he was about to mo
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Morgan's Indiana and Ohio Railroad. (search)
ine forbade us putting such thoughts into words. We were not long to remain ignorant of our enemy's whereabouts. Lieutenant Armstrong, of the Fourteenth Illinois Cavalry, was sent for. The general directed him to proceed with his company-forty-fiveot ordered to load his pieces, nor given the slightest hint to be prepared for a sudden meeting with the enemy. Behind Armstrong's company rode the general and staff, and behind them, and close upon their heels, was Captain Henshaw with a piece of limber chest was hopelessly entangled in a moment, forming an ugly barricade in the lane behind the staff, escort, and Armstrong's company. It was a comical panic — as seen from a later hour, when our nerves and wrath had settled and cooled — to tof our line to the enemy. On the morning of the 19th, the Major insisted on going with the vidette in front of Lieutenant Armstrong's company. I advised him not to go, and other officers pointed out to him the fact that he did not know Gurley, a
Fourth of July, 1868, flung out our banner of beauty and glory to. the breeze. In addition to the arms borne by the captives, fifteen thousand Enfield rifles, intended for the use of Kirby Smith's army, fell into our possession. Kirby's men are badly off for shooting-irons, I am told, and Pemberton was to have made an effort some time since to send the English rifles to him. We have taken twenty-seven eight-inch and ten-inch guns, and several pieces of English manufacture — Brooks, Armstrong, and Whitworth. One hundred and nine pieces of light artillery have already come to light. We captured twelve of their field-batteries at Black River and Champion Hills. They had on hand at the time of surrender, fifteen tons of cannon-powder, besides what was in the different service magazines. Their rifle cartridges were nearly exhausted. Rebel officers told me that at the rate they had been firing they had ammunition enough to last them for two weeks. The following paragraphs ar
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1., Chapter 7: Secession Conventions in six States. (search)
rd (since destroyed), then in charge of Commodore Armstrong, a veteran captain in the Navy. Rumonied by Lieutenant Gilman, he called on Commodore Armstrong, and asked his co-operation. ArmstrongArmstrong declined it, because he had no special orders to do so. Slemmer resolved to do what he might witho easily be re-enforced. It was arranged for Armstrong to send the steamship Wyandot, Captain BerrySlemmer was soon ready for the movement, but Armstrong failed to perform an essential part of his bhe Commodore for an explanation. He charged Armstrong with deception, and inquired, indignantly, h surrender to the authorities of the State. Armstrong was powerless. Of the sixty officers and meemanded the surrender of the Navy Yard, Commodore Armstrong said, that he had served his country faer Walke, who had received instructions from Armstrong to put to sea immediately with the Supply, id. These formed a part of the force to whom Armstrong surrendered his post. When the Ordinance [2 more...]
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 2., Chapter 6: the Army of the Potomac.--the Trent affair.--capture of Roanoke Island. (search)
what's right, my son, or I'll blow you out of the water. --Now, mind you, sir, says the Briton, to a most uncouth American Commodore--no shuffling — an ample apology — or I will put the matter into the hands of my lawyers, Messrs. Whitworth and Armstrong, alluding to the popular cannon invented by men of that name, and then extensively manufactured in England, and afterward furnished in considerable numbers to the Confederates. and the Government itself, without waiting to hear a word from the and powerful transports were called for. The great steam-packet Persia was taken from the mailservice, to be employed in carrying troops to Canada. The immense ironclad Warrior, supposed to be invincible, was fitted out for service in haste. Armstrong and Whitworth cannon were purchased by the score; and preparations were made for sending various conspicuous batteries and regiments to the expected seat of war. It seemed, from the action of the British Government, and the tone of the utteran