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Ran away --From the subscriber, about the last of June, a negro boy Sam. He rode away a medium- sized iron gray mare, branded C. S. Sam is about 14 years old, spare built, ginger-bread color, and has a down-cast expression when spoken to. A liberal reward will be paid for the apprehension of both or either negro or horse. Sam is the properly of Mrs. Macon, and is supposed to be with the army. R P Archer, Major and Q M. jy 14--10t.
Ran away --From the subscriber, about the last of June, a negro boy Sam. He rode away medium sized iron gray mare, branded C S. Sam is about 14 years old, spare built, ginger-bread color, and has a down-cast expression when spoken to. A liberal reward will be paid for the apprehension of both or either negro or horse. Sam in the property of Mrs Macon, and is supposed to be with the army. R P Archer, Major and Q M.s jy 14--10t
Ran away --From the subscriber, about the last of June, a negro boy Sam. He rode away a medium- sized Iron gray mare, branded C S. Sam is about 14 years old, spare built ginger-bread color, and has a down-cost expression when spoken to. A liberal reward will be paid for the apprehension of both or either negro or horse. Sam is the property of Mrs Macon, and is supposed to be with the army. R. P. Archer, Major and Q. M. jy 14--10t
Ran away --From the subscriber, noon, the last of June, a negro boy Sam. He rode away a medium- sized Iron gray mare, branded C S. Sam is about 14 years old, short built, ginger-bread color, and has a down-cast expression when spoken to. A liberal reward will be paid for the apprehension of both or either negro or horse. Sam is the property of Mrs Macon, and is supposed to be with the army. R P Archer, Major and Q M. jy 14--10t
e enemy. Accordingly, all arrangements having been completed, General A. P. Hill, commanding Mahone's and Heth's divisions, attacked them between the hours of 3 and 4 o'clock. General Mahone commanded the troops to the left of the railroad, and General Heth those to the right. The attack was opened by Mahone, and was speedily responded to by Heth on the right, and the battle raged furiously. On the right, General Heth, with the gallant brigades of his divisions — Davis's, Walker's and Archer's — struck the enemy's picket line in the cornfield a short distance beyond Davis's residence.--These were quickly forced back upon the first line of breastworks, held by a formidable force. With a cheer, the Confederate troops bounded forward and swept over all obstruction, pressing the Yankees back with severe loss into their second line; and charging onward, forced them thence with an equal lack of ceremony. Beaten from their works, and defeated in their every effort to retain them, the
nected with the case was made by watchman Rock; but his testimony fell far short of making out a clear case against the accused, and the Mayor therefore dismissed the matter. James M. Spindle and Adolphus Goddin, the parties arrested in the Second Market on Thursday upon the charge of engaging in a pugilistic encounter, were discharged upon ascertaining that an amicable adjustment of their difficulties had been effected between themselves. A negro fellow named Harrison, slave of Major Archer, charged with having a pair of shoes and a horse collar in his possession supposed to have been stolen, proved his claim to the articles in dispute and was discharged. Lizzie, slave of Julins Bear, was charged with stealing $3,000 in Confederate money from her master. Mr. Bear, upon missing his money on Monday last, traced the robbery to Lizzie; and when he accosted her about it, she owned up to her guilt. A part of the money she accounted for and restored it to him, but the larger
Taken from A Negro, A Gold Pen, which he offered for sale. The owner can get the Pen by describing it and paying for this advertisement. Apply to McKINNEY, Dupuy & Archer, Shockoe Ship. oc 15--1t*
Cast Allies. The casualties of Cook's, Archer's and McRae's brigades, Heth's division, in the engagements of September 30th and October 1st, have been received at the Army Intelligence office.
In the battle in the Valley we captured a large amount of valuable medical supplies, (nearly all Sheridan had,) and they were all brought off in safety. Brigadier-General Battle, of Alabama, was wounded in the knee. He has been brought to Richmond and is at Howard's Grove Hospital. General Ramseur was in one of the ambulances captured by the enemy. Death of General Archer. General Archer died in this city on Monday night. He was a native of Maryland and a gallant officer. In the battle in the Valley we captured a large amount of valuable medical supplies, (nearly all Sheridan had,) and they were all brought off in safety. Brigadier-General Battle, of Alabama, was wounded in the knee. He has been brought to Richmond and is at Howard's Grove Hospital. General Ramseur was in one of the ambulances captured by the enemy. Death of General Archer. General Archer died in this city on Monday night. He was a native of Maryland and a gallant officer.
Promotion. Lieutenant-Colonel William Pegram, of Richmond, of the artillery, has been promoted to the rank of brigadier-general in infantry, and placed in command of the brigade of the late General Archer.