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For Hire --A No. 1 Plasterer. Apply to Peyton & Archer Cary street. ja 17--3t
For Hire --A No. 1 Plasterer. Apply to Peyton & Archer, Cary street. ja 17--3t
Fore Hire --A No. 1 Plasterer. Apply to Peyton &Archer, Cary street. ja 17--3t
r, who visited Fort Lafayette on Saturday, says: The gentlemen Secessionists confined within the walls of the fort, are not confined in cells, are not deprived of the comforts of life, are not, in any respect, the objects of persecution. I found the complacent Mr. Serrill, the fiscal agent of Jeff. Davis, as happy as a king, playing chess with another distinguished personage. Pierce Butler was reading Dr. Johnson's Vanity of Human Wishes, and one of the Baltimore Police Commissioners, Archer's Commentaries on the Book of Job. The rest were variously employed, and all seemed to be about as happy as could be expected under the circumstances. There is no restriction upon the conversation or correspondence, except that the latter must be submitted to Colonel Burke, commanding the fort, to see that it contains nothing designed to give aid and comfort to the enemy. Letters of a domestic nature are merely glanced over. In short, the officer in command adheres strictly to the letter
ennedy; and Nicholas Powers for a somewhat singular offence, with the addition of taking lodgings on the pavement. Both were disengaged with some admonitory remarks. Lewis, a slave, the property of Cratap & Jenkins, was awarded several stripes for reaming about minus a pass, a circumstance which led to the suspicion that he was a runaway. John, slave of George W. Gretter, charged with stealing two canteens of whiskey from his master, was sent down under sentence of 39 lashes. Archer, slave of Turpin & Yarborough, arrested for going out at night without a pass, was discharged from custody. Margaret Nicholas, a free woman of color, charged with living in Richmond with no other register of her freedom than that furnished her by the county court of Fluvanna, was dismissed, with an order to leave the city by Tuesday next. Wm. Ruffin, a barber's boy, and Charles, employed by Dr. Cabell, charged with fighting near Lomax Smith's tonsorial establishment, were punished
n, which bore simply the inscription, "Captain Ob J. Wise, 46th Virginia Regiment," was covered by the flag of the Republic and wreaths of evergreens. A few minutes before elsven the procession, a very large one, moved in the following order, to the sound of martial music, to St. James Church, corner of 5th and Marsball streets: Carriage containing Mayor Mayo and Chief Marshal, Col. Dimmeck; Public Guard, under Lieut. Gay, preceded by their band. The Tredegar Battalion, under Col. Archer, consisting of companies A, Capt. Derbyshire, B. Capt. Alvis; C, Capt. Prescott; D, Capt. Archar. A detachment of the Blues, under Lieut Richard S. Sauxay. Officers and privates of the Wise Legion in Virginia. Old members and present members of company F. Metropolitan and other Lodges of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, headed by their officers. The hearse containing the body, drawn by four gray horses. Pall bearers, Cols. Geo. W. Hunford, Thos. B. Bigger, C
The Daily Dispatch: may 28, 1862., [Electronic resource], By the Governor of Virginia — a proclamation. (search)
$50 reward. --Runaway on the night of Sunday last the 25th inst. five Negroes, engaged in cutting wood in Chesterfield county for the Virginia from Manufacturing Company. Caztef, is about thirty-five years of age, about five feet seven inches high and of a gingerbread color. Archer, is about thirty years of age about six feet high, very black, thick lips, and has a very feminine voice. Jacob is about twenty-eight years of age five feet six inches high, yellow, and quite stout. William, is twenty-five years of age, nearly six feet high black, speaks in a low tone. Walking is forty-five years old six feet high, of a gingerbread color inclined to stoop while walking. A reward of ten dollars apiece will be paid for each one of the above, it delivered either to Mr. J. D. Gardner, at Friend's farm, in Chesterfield county, or to Mr. P. O'Nell, at the Westham Iron Works, Lock No. 3d J R. & K. Thos. H. Wynne. my 28--1w Prea't and Agent I M Co.
The Daily Dispatch: May 30, 1862., [Electronic resource], Continued skirmishing — hot work — Gallantry of our men — an incident — a veteran stands to his post — Treacherous Yankee--advance of the enemy, &c. (search)
$50 reward. --Ranaway on the night of Sunday last the 25th inst., five Negroes, engaged in cutting wood in Chesterfield county for the Virginia Iron Manufacturing Company. Carter, is about thirty five years of age, about five feet seven inches high and of a gingerbread color. Archer, is about thirty years of age, about six feet high, very black, thick lips, and has a very feminine voles. Jacob is about twenty-eight years of ages live test six inches high, yellow, and quite stout. William, is twenty-five years of age nearly six feet high, black, speaks in a low tone. Walker, is forty-five years old six feet high, of a gingerbread co or inclined to stoop while walking. A reward of ten dollars apiece will be paid for each one of the above, if delivered either to Mr. J. D. Gardner, at Friend's farm; in Chesterfield county; or to Mr. P. O'Neill, at the Westhant iron Works, Lock No. 3, J. R. & K. Canal. Thos. H. Wynne, my 28--1w Pres't and Agent I.
$50 reward. --Ranaway on the night of Sunday last, the 25th inst., five Negroes, engaged in cutting wood in Chesterfield county for the Virginia Iron Manufacturing Company. Carter, is about thirty-five years of age, about five feet seven inches high and of a gingerbread color. Archer, is about thirty years of age, about six feet high, every black, thick lips, and has a very feminine voice. Jacob. is about twenty-eight years of age, five feet six inches high, yellow, and quite stout. William, is twenty-five years of age, nearly six feet high, black, speaks in a low tone. Walker, is forty-five years old, six feet high, of a gingerbread color, inclined to stoop while walking. A reward of ten dollars apiece will be paid for each one of the above, if delivered either to Mr. J. D. Gardner, at Friend's farm, in Chesterfield county, or to Mr. P. O'Nell, at the Westham Iron Works, Lock No. 3, J. R. & K. Canal. Thos. H. Wynse. my 28--1w Pres't and Agent
$50 reward. --Ranaway on the night of Sunday last, the 25th inst., five Negroes, engaged in cutting wood in Chesterfield county for the Virginia Iron Manufacturing Company. Carter, is about thirty-five years of age, about five feet seven inches high, and of a gingerbread color. Archer, is about thirty years of age, about six feet high, very black, thick lips, and has a very feminine voice. Jacob, is about twenty-eight years of age, five feet six inches high, yellow, and quite stout. William, is twenty-five years of age, nearly six feet high, black, speaks in a low tone. Walker, is forty-five years old, six feet high, of a gingerbread color, inclined to stoop while walking. A reward of ten dollars apiece will be paid for each one of the above, if delivered either to Mr. J. D. Gardner, at Friend's farm, in Chesterfield county, or to Mr. P. O'Neil, at the Westham Iron Works, Lock No. 3, J. R. & K. Canal. Thos. H. Wynne, my 28--1w Pres't and Agent