, 228, 297.
Scougal, Ienry, 69.
Segur, Comte de, 109.
Shakespeare, William, 291, 292.
Shelley, P. B., 42, 134, 290, 307.
Shepard, Mr., 9.
Sismondi, J. C. L. S. de, 24.
Slavery, American, 10, 12, 14, 126.
Smith, Southwood, 229.
Socrates, 309.
Southey, Robert, 45, 290.
Spring, Edward, 223.
Spring, Marcus and Rebecca, 219, 220, 228, 239.
Spurzheim, J. G., 49.
Stael, Madame de, 30, 37, 45, 109
Stetson, Caleb, 142, 144.
Stone, T. T., 163.
Storer, Mrs. R. B., 3.
Storrow, Miss Ann G., 36.
Storrow, Samuel, 51, 52.
Story, Joseph, 33.
Story, William W., 240.
Story, Mrs. William W., 238, 240, 241, 266, 275 ; narrative of, 241; letter from, 244; letter to, 268.
Summer on the Lakes, 194.
Sumner, Horace, 275.
Tappan, Caroline (Sturgis), 87, 111, 154, 156, 199, 200, 211.
Tasso, by Goethe, translated, 47, 63, 188.
Taylor, Helen, 281.
Tennyson, Alfred, 69, 220.
The great Lawsuit (essay L, Dial ), 200.
The Third thought, 285.
Thoreau, H. D.,
rial Hall, site of, 36, 37.
Menotomy, becomes the Second Parish of Cambridge, 9, 14, 236.
Menotomy Road (Massachusetts Avenue), 133.
Methodist churches, 240.
Middlesex Bank, 303.
Middletown, Conn., settled, 7.
Milestone in Harvard Square, 134.
Milk, Inspector of, 405.
Minute-men, monument to, 135.
Mitchel, Rev. Jonathan, 235.
Mizpah Lodge of Masons, 284.
Monti Luigi, the Young Sicilian, 211.
Morse, Royal, auctioneer, 40.
Morse's hourly, 38.
Moulson, Lady Ann, establishes scholarship at Harvard, 174; Radcliffe College named for, 175.
Moulson, Sir Thomas, 174.
Mount Auburn, location, 139; known as Stone's Woods, 139; also Sweet Auburn, 139; proprietors, 139; use as a cemetery authorized, 139; the tower, 139; first committee for the cemetery, 139, 140; consecration, 140; incorporation, 140; first burials, 140; the chapel, 140; statues, 140, 141; the Sphinx, 140; gateway, 140; monuments, 140, 141; eminent dead, 141; Franklin monument, 141; i
, 41, 61
Drake, Colonel S. A.87, 89
Dudley, Governor12
Duxbury, Mass.16, 62
Edwards, Thomas62
Elector of Saxony10
Elliot, Charles D.74
Ellis, Rev. George E., D. D.97
Emerson, Rev. John, Schoolmaster, 169139, 40
Emerson Genealogy, The40
Emerson, Nathaniel (Thomas)40
Emmanuel College, Cambridge, England 20
English and Classical School, Walpole,
Everett Ave., Somerville44
Everett, Edward1
Fairbanks, Asa104
Fairfield, Conn.11, 13, 62, 63
Faneuil Family, The12
Farmer, Mrs. Ann19
Fernandina, Fla.23
Fisher, Caroline M.27
Fisher, Mary16
Fishkill, N. Y.15
Fitch, Sarah62
Flanagan, Lewis Cass4
Flanagan, Lewis Cass, Works of4, 5
Fletcher, Hope19
Fletcher, John19
Fletcher, William19
Flint Street, Somerville44
Foss, Sam Walter, Poem by77, 82, 83, 84
Forster Schoolhouse, The44
Fort Hill, Boston12
Fosdick, Margaret14
Fosket, Jonathan13
Foster, Anne (Brackenbury)40
Foster, Isaac34, 40, 60
Foster, Hon. Richard, Jr.40
Foster, William40
Fowle, Eliza6
F., h. cor.
Robbins, David C., laborer, h. near M. R. R.
Robbins, George F., b. leather dealer, h. Milk.
Robertson, Robert, h. vicinity of asylum.
Runey, Miss Mary, h. Cross.
Runey, James, potter, h. Medford.
Runey, John, potter, h. Cross.
Runey, George S., civil engineer, h. Cross.
Runey, Horace, wheelwright, h. Cross.
Russell, William A., yeoman, h. Broadway.
Russell, Levi, yeoman, h. Broadway.
Russell, Philemon R., yeoman, h. Russell.
Russell, Mrs. Ann, widow, h. Broadway.
Russell, John, b. grocer, h. Medford.
Russell, Francis, b. merchant, h. Medford.
Russell, Aaron W., mason, h. Bow.
Russell, David, grain dealer, h. Medford.
Sargent, Aaron, Jr., b. accountant.
h. Franklin.
Sawtell, Benjamin, grocer, h. Elm.
Saxton, M. F., b. bookseller, h. Mt. Pleasant.
Sauren, Thomas J., varnish dealer, near L. R. R.
Sanborn, David A., h. Cambridge.
Sanborn, David A., Jr., carpenter, h. Prospect.
Sanborn, Albert & Geor