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tes, and alluding to the triumph just reported by telegraph. Mr. Cablile, in his rejoinder, applauded the Star Spangled Banner with equal enthusiasm. He spoke deprecatingly of the act of the Confederate Army in bombarding Fort Sumter, after Major Anderson's last reply to Gen. Beauregard's summons to surrender. Mr. Wise moved to amend Mr. Carlile's motion to strike out, by inserting, (should the blank be created, the following): "The importation of slaves, coolies or persons held to sng out all after the word "prohibited." In the course his of explanatory remarks, Mr. Early said said his heart was to-day bowed down with grief, not so much because the flag of the Union had been conquered, as that his old companion-in-arms, Major Anderson, had been compelled, by the force of overwhelming numbers, to surrender, and that Virginians were rejoicing over it. He intimated that whenever it was attempted to march a Southern army through Virginia to Washington, the invasion would be me
Testimonial to Major Anderson. --The citizens of Taunton, Mass., have just received a magnificent sword, which they design presenting to the gallant commander of Fort Sumter. The blade is of exquisitely tempered steel, the hill of carved ivory, surrounded with a heavily plated figure representing Liberty. The scabbard is of the richest gold plate, with a representation of Fort Sumter, and military emblems. On the handle is a large gold shield, with appropriate Latin phrases. and an Engenting to the gallant commander of Fort Sumter. The blade is of exquisitely tempered steel, the hill of carved ivory, surrounded with a heavily plated figure representing Liberty. The scabbard is of the richest gold plate, with a representation of Fort Sumter, and military emblems. On the handle is a large gold shield, with appropriate Latin phrases. and an English inscription, thus: "The Citizens of Taunton, Mass., to Major Robert Anderson, U.S. A. A tribute to his courage and fidelity."
clock P. M., Col. James Chesnut, Jr., of Gen. Beauregard's staff, accompanied by Cols. Chisholm and Lee, left the city for Fort Sumter, bearing the summons to Major Anderson for the surrender of that fortification. They returned between five and six o'clock with the reply. As the precise nature of his answer has not yet transpironjectures concerning this important mission and the events of the day, but we forbear. At about 10 o'clock the Commanding General again communicated with Maj. Anderson, and he was given until 1 o'clock to return an answer. The city is quiet. Were it not for the uniforms in the streets we would not suppose we were on the t three o'clock a demand for the evacuation of Fort Sumter was made by Gen. Beauregard, through his Aids, Col. Chesnut, Col. Chisholm, and Capt. Lee, and that Major Anderson replied he could not, consistently with his honor as an officer of the United States Army, retire from his post without instructions from his Government. At
More Knock down arguments. --There passed through on last night three more of those Columbiad swivel guns from Anderson & Co., Richmond, Va., to the order of Gov. Brown. Two were ten-inch, and weighed each 15,750 pounds. One was an eight-inch, weighing 9,475 pounds. As accompaniments, a car load of eight-inch shot, weighing sixty-four pounds each, and eight-inch shell, weighing fifty pounds each, went with them. More, making in all 500 shells, weighing fifty pounds each, are on route, destined for Savannah. --Atlanta Commonwealth, 9th.
felt and exuberant joy on the part of the people generally, that we have ever known to be the case before in Richmond. Nothing else was talked of, or thought of, save the great triumph achieved by the heroic troops of the glorious Southern Confederacy in obliterating one of the Illinois ape's standing menaces against the assertion of Southern rights and equality.--So far as the opinion of the people is concerned, it would have been much more to the old rail-splitter's credit had he ordered Anderson to leave Fort Sumter, as an untenable and undesirable place, that to attempt, as he and his coadjutors did, to make the undoubtedly gallant Major the scapegoat of his insidious and damnable views. We repeat, that had wise counsels prevailed, the old ape would have had all the credit between a graceful leave-taking and an ignominious expulsion at the cannon's mouth. As soon as the news was ascertained to be undoubtedly true, crowds of citizens assembled on the different street corners,
y nor forcibly. This boasted stronghold of the Federal Government, which the Northern papers have just proclaimed would silence Fort Moultrie in an hour, has been compelled to succumb in a short space of time before the resistless fire of the Confederate Army, with out inflicting any injury upon its assailants.-- What are we to think of a Government, which, rather than perform the manly and magnanimous act of peacefully surrendering a position which they could not hold, exposed the gallant Anderson and his garrison to almost certain destruction ? They do not deserve to have in their service such an officer, and we earnestly hope, now that he has satisfied the most exacting demands of military honor, he will resign his position in the Army of the United States, and enroll himself under a flag which we are sure must have al the sympathies of his gallant and generous nature. The event has diffused the deepest delight through the Southern States, and the enthusiastic demonstrations o
ring was kept up all night on Fort Sumter. Major Anderson ceased firing at 6 o'clock in the evening, and from Fort Moultrie and Morris' Island fall into Major Anderson's stronghold thick and fast. They can be seen e was seen suddenly to rise from the fort. Major Anderson has ceased to fire for above an hour. His flagr. They have not fired a gun. The entire roofs of Anderson's barracks are in a vast sheet of flame. The e Federal "flag still waves" at the mast-head. Major Anderson appears to be solely occupied in putting out thery shot seems to tell. We anxiously look for Anderson to haul down his flag. [fourth Dispatch.] Charleston, April 13.--Two of Major Anderson's magazines have exploded. Occasional shots are now fired at hihern Confederacy now waves over the walls! Major Anderson hauled down the Federal colors and displayed a to enter the port, for the purpose of taking away Anderson and his men. An armistice has been agreed upon til
anding. He approached a porthole and was met by Maj. Anderson, who said he had just displayed a white flag, bukept up nevertheless. Col. Wigfall replied that Maj. Anderson must haul down the Federal flag; that no parley ld be granted; "surrender or fight" was the word. Anderson then hauled down his flag, and displayed only the esent, subject to the terms of Gen. Beauregard. Major Anderson was allowed to remain with his men in actual pod been previously extinguished by the exertions of Anderson and his men. The fire in the barracks was caught three times during the day. Dr. Crawford, Anderson's surgeon, was slightly wounded in the face. Nonelians are injured. It is positively state that Major Anderson and all of his office and men are yet in Fort Sumter. The editors reported that Anderson said he had surrendered because his quarters and barracks are dly to fy the fleet outside the bar officially that Anderson had surrendered. 'Tis not a town when the Car
The fleet h it is expected, will blockade us. Anderson goes in one of the war vessels. Great excitem --The negotiations were completed last night. Major Anderson, with his command, is to evacuate Fort Sumter ts off the bar. When Sumter was in flames, and Anderson could only fire at long intervals, the men at the divert the fire of a single battery. Five of Anderson's men were slightly wounded. [second Dispatch.el will take Gen. Beauregard to Fort Sumter, which Anderson turns over to the Confederate States. It is now reported that Major Anderson and his command will proceed to New York in the Isabel. [third Dispatch.]Sumter has been turned over to Gen. Beauregard. Major Anderson was allowed to salute his flag, and fifty guns were fired from the parapet and casemates; Anderson embarking on the Isable, direct to New York. [fourth ived from Fort Sumter. During the salute, four of Anderson's men were mortally wounded by the bursting of two
Latest from Washington. Washington, April 14--11 P. M. --It is privately stated that 8,000 troops from Virginia (?) and 3,000 from Maryland, will be called for by the President. Official advices from Montgomery indicate that the Confederate Congress will, on assembling, immediately declare war. It is believed that in the act of declaration a distinction will be made between alien friends and alien enemies; the former including the border States and such citizens of the North as oppose the coercion policy of the Administration. All obligations to this class are as much to be respected as through a time of peace. The Republicans generally blame Anderson. Many of them are still incredulous that Fort Sumter has been evacuated. His gallantry and admiration by the Charlestonians are warmly commended by other parties. The tenor of the President's proclamation is not yet divulged here.