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The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), Fire, sword, and the halter. (search)
ar of the war he commanded the Rockbridge Cavalry, and was a young gentleman of generous impulses and good character. The total destruction of private property in Rockbridge county, by Hunter, was estimated and published in the local papers at the time as over $2,000,000. The burning of the Institute was a public calamity, as it was an educational establishment of great value. From Lexington he proceeded to Buchanan, in Bottetourt county, and camped on the magnificent estate of Colonel John T. Anderson, an elder brother of General Joseph R. Anderson, of the Tredegar Works, at Richmond. Colonel Anderson's estate, on the banks of the Upper James, and his mansion, were baronial in character. The house crowned a high, wooded hill, was very large, and furnished in a style to dispense that lavish hospitality which was the pride of so many of the old-time Virginians. It was the seat of luxury and refinement, and in all respects a place to make the owner contented with his lot in this
The Annals of the Civil War Written by Leading Participants North and South (ed. Alexander Kelly McClure), The burning of Chambersburg. (search)
for the destruction of these properties than could have been given if General Hunter had destroyed every house, barn, or other building, that was standing and in good order, upon his line of march from Staunton to Lynchburg. The property of J. T. Anderson was in the county of Botetourt, and located near the banks of James river, at Buchanan. Mrs. Anderson and a lady relative were the only occupants at the time. I destroyed the bridge across James river to retard Hunter in his march upon Lyncroclamation also stated that this course.had been adopted in retaliation for the destruction of property in Virginia, by the orders of General Hunter, and specified that the houses of Andrew Hunter, A. R. Boteler, E. J. Lee, Governor Letcher, J. T. Anderson, the Virginia Military Institute, and others in Virginia, had been burned by the orders of General D. Hunter, a Federal commander, and that the money demanded from Chambersburg was to be paid to these parties as a compensation for their prope
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4., The battle of New Market, Va., May 15th, 1864. (search)
e, that had been endowed by the Father of his country. This was too much for many of his officers, and they protested, and thus the old college was saved, and is now The Washington and Lee University, where General R. E. Lee quietly ended his days as its President. From Lexington Hunter proceeded to Buchanan in Botetourt County, only slightly impeded by McCausland, who gallantly fought his advance at almost every mile as best he could. At Buchanan the torch again did its work. Colonel John T. Anderson, an old gray-haired man, with his aged wife, occupied a palatial brick mansion a mile above the town. The grand old house, its splendid library and collection of pictures, the furniture and all the family wearing-apparel, made a bonfire that was seen for many a mile around. From Buchanan Hunter crossed the Blue Ridge via the lofty Peaks of Otter, and moved by the shortest route direct to Lynehburg. To defend that place and drive Hunter back General Lee had sent there the Second
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 35. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), Dedication of a bronze tablet in honor of Botetourt Battery (search)
First Baptist Church, and despite inclement weather the edifice was filled. The audience was called to order by Mr. John T. Anderson, son of the first commander of the battery, who introduced Governor James K. Vardaman, who delivered the address of welcome. Mr. Anderson followed tendering the tablet to the United States Government, and it was received by Captain Wm. T. Rigby, Chairman of the Vicksburg Park Commission. The tablet bears the following inscription: Virginia Botetourt Artilished authoress, daughter of the second commander of the battery, was made by General Stephen D. Leeā€”Miss Johnston and Mr. Anderson had been warmly welcomed at Hotel Carroll the preceding day, the 22nd, by Vicksburg ladies of various organizations, Kentucky, in Tennessee, the Carolinas, Georgia and Mississippi. The command known first as the Mountain Rifles, then as Anderson's Battery, and then as the Botetourt Artillery, fought all over. On the banks of the James, a few miles from Fincastl
y private opinion that it will be done in the blood of all who embark in her. I hope the Richardson Guards, in particular, will say their prayers, even if they never did it before, and make their wills in some sort of earnestness, for they never will see Charleston again. It will be another "Baklava charge," without the glory of that superb act of daring that Tennyson has immortalized. God help those who do go, if the tide should turn her round and present her unprotected side to Major Anderson's death-dealers, at only six hundred yards. Only the gun-side is plated, and the roof of that part looks very like an old-fashioned rope-walk.--The machine fell into the water with a strong list to starboard, as the sailors phrase it, drawing on the gun-side full seven feet, while on the other, not more than four! Lieutenant Hamilton is an ambitious man, and first brought himself into Palmetto notice by his extraordinary appeal to his ex-brothers of the American Navy, to tear down the St
About 4 o'clock the visitors returned to the wharf, from whence they were favored with several trials of the great Floyd gun, from which some half a dozen shots and shells were fired. The leave-taking at the wharf was truly interesting. The Marine Band played the Star Spangled Banner, Dixie, and other pieces, with great spirit, and the heartfelt thanks of the excursionists for the hospitality and kindness of the officers and soldiers of the fort, were expressed in speeches by Messrs. John T. Anderson. of the House of Delegates, and Mayor Mayo. The boat moved from the wharf about 4 o'clock, and a few moments afterwards a report like thunder was heard and a ball went whizzing over our heads from the Floyd gun and fell in the bay four and a half miles from where the gun lay. The jollification was kept up on board the boat in eating, drinking, speaking, singing, &c., until our arrival again at West Point, where the party again took the cars and reached Richmond about 11 o'cloc
Interesting exercises. --Quite a large auditory of ladies and gentlemen assembled in the lower hall of the Mechanics' Institute building, Friday evening, to witness the closing exercises of the Night School connected with the Mechanics' Institute. A temporary platform had been erected on the northern side of the hall, which was occupied by the President of the Institute, the teachers of the Night School, the speakers and the committee of the Institute, Messrs. Macfarlane, Anderson and Ainslie, who have charge of the school. The members of the Night School were out nearly in full force, numbering, say, one hundred and thirty pupils present out of 180. The exercises commenced with a brief address from the President, A. M. Bailey, Esq., who urged the claims of the school upon the citizens, and gave the pupils some wholesome advice to guide them in future life.--He then introduced Mr. Salter, senior teacher of the school. Under his direction sundry of the scholars declaimed a
The Daily Dispatch: March 4, 1861., [Electronic resource], The Duke of Newcastle on our Diffculties. (search)
From Fort Sumter --The following is an extract from a letter dated. "Fort Sumter, Monday, Feb. 25, 1861." "There is no truth in the statement circulated in Charleston, and published in some of the papers that Major Anderson has been ill. The command generally is quite healthy, and in good spirits. Dr. Crawford, the medical officer of the command, has been quite ill, but has nearly recovered. Work is still actively going on at the batteries and works around the Fort. New embrasures for heavy guns are in progress of construction on Cumming's Point. These will bear directly upon the rear of the Fort. A large command are now stationed on Morris Island, at the different batteries there. At Fort Moultrie they are still at work at the extension of the places around the south-west side of the work. But few vessels are in port. Some of the soldiers whose terms of enlistment have expired have determined to remain and share the fate of their comrades."
gain information touching postage affairs, and will report to the Convention. They return to Richmond to-morrow, and, it is reported, somewhat depressed with the present aspect of affairs, hoping, however, Lincoln will conservatize his Cabinet. The city is filled with strangers. There are rumors concerning the formation of the Cabinet, but nothing is positively yet known. The Cabinet makers are very active. The Senate is in session to-night. It is understood that Mr. Crittenden makes his valedictory speech. Minister Dallas has sent the Government facts concerning the course of the Chief Justice of England relative to the negro Anderson fugitive slave case, showing a difference between the two Governments concerning the interpretation of the Extradition treaty. No measures of a strictly coercive character has been passed by Congress. The Pacific Railroad bill is dead. Senators Hemphill and Wigfall will leave Tuesday for the Montgomery Convention.
t county, writes: Rumor having reached us that Abraham the 1st had called upon the different States for troops, and knowing that the object could be nothing less than a war upon the seceded States, our volunteer corps was summoned together, and immediate preparations were made to march at a moment's notice to the scene of action. A warlike spirit prevails in our midst, and the company (Mountain Rifles) has received a large addition to its ranks.--Patriotic speeches were made by Col. John T. Anderson, Green James, Esq., Rev. Mr. Hart, Rev. Mr. McGuire, and the Rev. Mr. Corrin; also, by Henry Johnson, Esq., and others. A proposition was then made that funds be raised for the purpose of providing for the families of the volunteers who were to go to the field of battle. No soldier was expected to contribute. The list was immediately headed by a Mr. G--, of Pennsylvania, with the handsome sum of one thousand dollars; and in the course of half an hour about $2,500 were raised, with