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Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., Bragg's invasion of Kentucky. (search)
o Tennessee and Kentucky, without the disadvantage of an intervening force between the column commanded by Bragg and that under the orders of General Kirby Smith. This movement was determined upon and resulted in what is called the Kentucky Campaign of 1862. Major-General E. Kirby Smith had reached Knoxville March 8th, 1862, and assumed command of the Confederate troops in east Tennessee. The returns for June reported his entire force at 11,768 infantry, 1055 cavalry,; Not including Allston's brigade.--editors. and 635 artillery. The occupation of Cumberland Gap, June 18th, by a Federal division, and the approach of Buell's forces toward Chattanooga seriously threatened his department. Map of North Mississippi and West Tennessee. Map of the Corinth and Iuka region. General Bragg recognized the inadequacy of General Smith's force, and on June 27th he transferred the division commanded by Major-General John P. McCown from. Tupelo to Chattanooga. General Kirby Sm
. The enemy's dead lie scattered along the route down to the point of landing. During the whole engagement they were carrying their wounded and dying to the rear. One man who saw them on their retreat states that he met a continued stream of ambulances going and coming from their boats. On their advance they had killed some sheep, but in the hasty retreat were obliged to leave their plunder. Our troops buried forty of the enemy's dead. The force that first met the enemy consisted of the Rutledge mounted riflemen, Capt. Trenholm; Charleston light dragoons, Capt. Rutledge; Beaufort volunteer artillery, Capt. William Elliott, and an infantry company, who stubbornly and successfully contested the enemy's advance until the arrival of reenforcements. The others afterward engaged were Nelson's Virginia battery, Morgan's squadron of cavalry, Major Abney's First battalion of sharp-shooters, consisting of Capt. Chisholm's company, Capt. Allston's company, and Captain Buist's company.
y admiration. My thanks are due to Major Bryan, Major Brent, Captain G. D. Monson, and Lieutenant Phillips, of my staff, for the meritorious and distinguished manner in which they performed their duties during that day. Lieutenants Eustis and Allston, my Aids-de-camp, discharged their varied duties with zeal and gallantry. Major Bloomfield, my chief Quartermaster, having been sent from the field by General Lee, to Richmond, on important business, returned in time to render me good service. se the services of my gallant and efficient Assistant Adjutant-General Major Henry Bryan, who was twice severely wounded, whilst accompanying Cobb's brigade to the attack on the batteries. My thanks are especially due to my Aids-decamp, Lieutenants Allston, Eustis; Lieutenant-Colonel Cary, Inspector-General; Major Bloom-field, Chief Quartermaster; Major Brent, Chief of Ordnance; Major Hyllested, of the Zouave battalion, Acting Aid-de-camp, Captain Dickinson, Assistant Adjutant-General; Lieut
d profit, have adorned our highways with forest-trees, whose summer shade will soon shelter the fashionable lady in her morning promenade, and the weary animals in their noonday labor. Streets in Medford have received the following names: High, Main, Forest, Salem, Ashland, Oakland, Washington, Fountain, Fulton, Court, Cross, Park, Pleasant, Purchase, South, Middlesex, Water, Ship, Canal, Cherry, Webster, Almont, Cottage, Ash, Oak, Chestnut, Grove, Garden, Paris, Chaplin, Mystic, Brooks, Allston, Vernon, Irving, Auburn, Prescott, West, Laurel. Appropriation for highways from Feb. 1, 1850, to Feb. 1, 1851$1,500.00 Appropriation for highways from Feb. 15, 1854, to Feb. 15, 1855$1,800.00 Expenses of street lamps for the same times$323.75 Bridges. The bridge across Mystic River, in the centre of Medford, is the first that was built over this stream. This primitive structure was exceedingly rude, and dangerously frail. March 4, 1634: The General Court, holden at Newton, m
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 3. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones), chapter 2.9 (search)
roops, are among the inmates also. The newspaper accounts of Sherman's march from Georgia through South Carolina are heartrending. An extract from one of them says: Sherman burnt Columbia on the seventeenth instant. He had burnt six out of seven farm houses on the route of his march. Before he reached Columbia, he had burned Blackville, Graham, Bamburg, Buford's bridge and Lexington, and had not spared the humblest hamlet. After he left Columbia, he gave to the flames the villages of Allston, Pomaria, Winnsboroa, Blackstock, Society Hill, and the towns of Camden and Cheraw. Would that the prisoners at Fort Delaware could be exchanged and sent to confront this ruthless, heartless destroyer of the homes. and subsistence of helpless women and children. We would teach him a wholesome lesson. The paragraph quoted reminds me of a letter written by General Sheridan. After the battle of Fisher's Hill, he wrote from Strasburg as follows: Lieutenant J. R. Meigs, my engineer officer,
Lieutenant Warley, who commanded the Dahlgren channel battery and the school-ship, which was kindly offered by the Board of Directors, was of much service. Lieutenant Rutledge was Acting Inspector-General of Ordnance of the batteries, in which capacity, assisted by Lieutenant Williams, C. S. A., on Morris Island, he was very useful in organizing and distributing ammunition. Captains Childs and Jones, assistant commandants of batteries to Lieutenant-Colonel De Saussure, Captains Winder and Allston, Acting Assistant-Adjutant and Inspector-Generals to General Simons's brigade; Captain Manigault of my staff, attached to General Simons's staff, did efficient and gallant services on Morris Island during the fight. Professor Lewis R. Gibbes, of the Charleston College, and his aids, deserve much praise for their valuable services in operating the Drummond lights, established at the extremities of Sullivan's and Morris Islands. The venerable and gallant Edmund Ruffin, of Virginia, was at t
Frank Preston Stearns, Cambridge Sketches, Sumner. (search)
, Trumbull, Andrew Johnson, Hamilton Fish, and even Lincoln, on the extradition of Mason and Slidell. He tied Johnson down, so that he could only move his tongue. In considering Sumner's oratory, we should bear in mind what Coleridge said to Allston, the painter,--never judge a work of art by its defects. His sentences have not the classic purity of Webster's, and his delivery lacked the ease and elegance of Phillips and Everett. His style was often too florid and his Latin quotations, thave had decidedly the advantage of Burke so far as personal impressiveness is concerned. His Phi Beta Kappa address of 1845 is so rich in material that it is even more interesting to read now than when it was first delivered, and his remarks on Allston in that oration might be considered to advantage by every art critic in the country. It should always be remembered that a speech, like a play, is written not to be read, but to be acted; and those discourses which read so finely in the newspap
mbia was but of a piece with Sherman's record, and the attempt to exculpate him in this particular is but little consistent and plausible in view of his general conduct from the moment when he entered South Carolina. He had burned six out of every seven farmhouses on the route of his march. Before he reached Columbia, he had burned Blackville, Graham, Ramberg, Buford's Bridge, Lexington, and had not spared the humblest hamlet. After he left Columbia, he gave to the flames the villages of Allston, Pomaria, Winnsboroa, Blackstock, Society Hill, and the towns of Camden and Cheraw. Surely when such was the fate of these places, the effort is ill-made to show that an exception was to be made in favour of the State capital of South Carolina, the especial and notorious object of the enemy's hate and revenge, and which, for days before the catastrophe, had been designated as the promised boon of Sherman's army. Fall of Charleston. The march of Sherman, which traversed South Carolina
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Short studies of American authors, Henry James, Jr. (search)
ole sketch of the Wentworth family gives a sense of vagueness. It is not difficult to catch a few unmistakable points, and portray a respectable elderly gentleman reading The daily Advertiser; but all beyond this is indefinite, and, when otherwise, sometimes gives quite an incorrect impression of the place and period described. The family portrayed has access to the best society in Boston; yet the daughter, twenty-three years old, has never seen an artist, though the picturesque figure of Allston had but lately disappeared from the streets, at the time mentioned, and Cheney, Staigg, and Eastman Johnson might be seen there any day, with plenty of other artists less known. The household is perfectly amazed and overwhelmed at the sight of two foreigners, although there probably were more cultivated Europeans in Boston thirty years ago than now, having been drawn thither by the personal celebrity or popularity of Agassiz, Ticknor, Longfellow, Sumner, and Dr. Howe. The whole picture-t
James Russell Lowell, Among my books, Milton. (search)
0, happy this house that harbored him, and that cold stone whereon he rested, this village where he wrought such a miracle. . . . . Thus while all their thoughts were poured out upon circumstances and the gazing after such men as had sat at table with the Apostles, . . . . by this means they lost their time and truanted on the fundamental grounds of saving knowledge, as was seen shortly in their writings. Mr. Masson has so poured out his mind upon circumstances, that his work reminds us of Allston's picture of Elijah in the Wilderness, where a good deal of research at last enables us to guess at the prophet absconded like a conundrum in the landscape where the very ravens could scarce have found him out, except by divine commission. The figure of Milton becomes but a speck on the enormous canvas crowded with the scenery through which he may by any possibility be conjectured to have passed. I will cite a single example of the desperate straits to which Mr. Masson is reduced in order