Your search returned 128 results in 68 document sections:

.251 1/4.14335/1616 1/2.161.751 1/4.163.7533/820 1/2.1921 1/4.194.753 1/23/1612.5 5/8.08.07271 1/4.2563 1/21/415 5/8.0911 1/2.143.53 1/25/1618.5 5/8.131.51 1/2.174.253 1/23/822 5/8.1621 1/2.19543/1612 5/8.202.51 1/2.236.541/416 5/8.222.751 1/2.27845/1621 3/4.08.09691 3/4.13443/825 3/4.101.251 3/4.1754 1/23/1614 3/4.121.751 3/4.216.54 1/21/418 3/4.162.251 3/4.278.551/420 3/4.2032.154.7553/831 3/ Lead—pipe Tin′ning. The first attempts in this direction were by Alderson in England, who patented his invention in 1804, which consisted in putting an interior casing of tin pipe within the leaden one. Dobbs, in 1820, gave a coating of resin to the lead pipe, and then placed it in a mold, a core being also placed in the center, or axial position. Tin was then cast upon it and within it, the two becoming perfectly united. It is then ready for drawing or rolling, whichever may be preferred. Warner treats the lead pipe with resin, so as to encourage the jun
as to be uninjurious, yet it is found in practice that, owing to various causes, all water used for domestic purposes containing air and more or less mineral impurities, the water after its passage through lead pipes is found to become charged to a greater or less extent with the poisonous salts of lead. Tin is much less subject to be thus acted on, and its salts are comparatively innocuous. The earliest attempt to remedy this evil by lining the tin pipe with lead appears to be found in Alderson's English patent of January 26, 1804. Machine for making tin-lined lead-pipe. In this the lead was cast around a core or mandrel in a twopart mold, the mandrel was then withdrawn and replaced by a smaller one, around which the fused tin was poured. A reversal of the process was provided for, the tin lining being first cast, and the lead afterward poured around it. The compound pipe was afterward lengthened by being drawn out upon a mandrel. A method of drawing out the tin lining upo
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2, Chapter 17: London again.—characters of judges.—Oxford.—Cambridge— November and December, 1838.—Age, 27. (search)
the most quiet way the social experiences of his long life; Poole, the author of Paul Pry, sitting silently and tremblingly in a corner, beneath a fine painting of John Kemble; the editors of the Times and Globe laughing and dining together, not remembering the morning and evening severities in which they had indulged; Hayward, poor in health, taking a light dinner; Stephen Price sipping his gin and water, &c. Next I dined with Mr. Justice Vaughan and Lady St. John en famille; next with Baron Alderson, where we had Sir Gregory Lewin, Sir Gregory A. Lewin died in 1845, aged fifty-one. He served in the navy from 1808 to 1818; then studied at Cambridge, and made choice of the law as his profession. He joined the Northern Circuit; and, in 1842, became Recorder of Doncaster. He wrote upon the Poor Laws. He accompanied Sumner to Oxford; arranged for his visit to the Thames Tunnel; and invited him to breakfast at 32 Upper Harley Street. Sir Francis Palgrave, 1788-1861. He wrote sev
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2, Chapter 18: Stratford-on-avon.—Warwick.—London.—Characters of judges and lawyers.—authors.—society.—January, 1839, to March, 1839.—Age, 28. (search)
at I dined in company with Mr. Erskine at Baron Alderson's the day of his appointment. He is a vertency he added last term a jealousy of Barons Alderson and Parke. He wants the judicial capacity: hcompared with him are Alderson and Patteson. Alderson is hasty and crotchety. Parke is also open, hich has been republished here. Next is Baron Alderson. Ante, Vol. I. p. 362. He and Baron Park. I have written you so much and often about Alderson that I have little to add. Like Parke, he is than any other judge in Westminster Hall. Lady Alderson is a modest, quiet person, with a young fawager of the late Lord Gifford. It was to Baron Alderson that I was indebted for an introduction to. Maltby—was at one time the private tutor of Alderson. Lockhart seems to be quite a friend of AlderAlderson. I have always met him when I have been at the Baron's. Alderson has a good deal of dry humor. Alderson has a good deal of dry humor. It was he who said, on Brougham being made Lord Chancellor: If his Lordship knew a little law, he w[4 more...]
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2, Jan. 16, 1839. (search)
however, lapidary, being too long. Brougham told me that his own Greek epigram was the worst of all. You will see an allusion to this story in a note in the last Quarterly Review, to which I first called Chantrey's attention. I have spoken of Courtenay as the great gastronomer; I shall not neglect to add that he is as good a scholar as epicure. When we were speaking of Greek epigrams, he and Brougham alternately quoted to me several, which were circulating in English society, written by Alderson and Williams; and when I quoted an out-of-the-way line from Juvenal, Courtenay at once gave the next one. Indeed, in the fine English society you will be struck by this thorough. ness of classical education, which makes a Latin or Greek epigram a choice morsel even for a dainty epicure. Strange union that in Brougham! I have met few men who seemed such critics of food. Courtenay had been in Germany; and Brougham said to Miss C., I understand you have been flirting with the King of Bava
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 36: first session in Congress.—welcome to Kossuth.—public lands in the West.—the Fugitive Slave Law.—1851-1852. (search)
intend to imply that they excluded the summary of the speech from the telegraphic dispatches. The Springfield Republican, August 28, mingled satire and praise in about equal proportion; but it denounced, September 2, without stint, the coarseness of Clemens's remarks. The reason for this reserve was obvious. Finding nothing in the speech which could be the subject of cavil, they would not, by drawing public attention to it, strengthen the position of its author. Of English friends who expressed warmly their approval of the speech, were Alderson and Cresswell among judges; Adolphus, the reporter, now a county judge; W. E. Forster, then a contributor to the Westminster Review on the slavery question; Nassau W. Senior, Joseph Parkes, John Kenyon, George Combe, and the most affectionate of all Sumner's English friends, the Earl of Carlisle. These, as well as other Englishmen, rarely closed their letters without the expression of an earnest desire to see him again in their country.
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Atlantic Essays, Ought women to learn the alphabet? (search)
; when Petersdorff asserts that the husband has the right of imposing such corporeal restraints as he may deem necessary, and Bacon that the husband hath, by law, power and dominion over his wife, and may keep her by force within the bounds of duty, and may beat her, but not in a violent or cruel manner ; when Mr. Justice Coleridge rules that the husband, in certain cases, has a right to confine his wife in his own dwelling-house, and restrain her from liberty for an indefinite time, and Baron Alderson sums it all up tersely, The wife is only the servant of her husband, --these high authorities simply reaffirm the dogma of the Gentoo code, four thousand years old and more. A man, both day and night, must keep his wife so much in subjection that she by no means be mistress of her own actions. If the wife have her own free will, notwithstanding she be of a superior caste, she will behave amiss. Yet behind these unchanging institutions, a pressure has been for centuries becoming conc
rizing the payment of forfeited commissions and damages to the executor of Charles Holden, dec'd, late Sheriff of Harrison county; amending an act concerning colporteurs. Resolutions.--The following resolutions were read and referred: By Mr. Wilson, of amending chapter 198 of the Code of Virginia, so as the more effectually to prevent the circulation of abolition and incendiary publications; by Mr. Magruder, of amending the 8th section, chapter 200, of the new edition of the Code; by Mr. Alderson, of making an appropriation on the two and three-fifths principle to construct a bridge across the Little Kanawha, in Braxton county. Petitions, &c., Presented and Referred.--By Mr. McGruder, the remonstrance of certain citizens of Henrico against the extension of the corporate limits of Richmond; by Mr. Bassel, the petition of citizens of Randolph and upshur, praying an appropriation for the construction of a road on State account; by Mr. McKenzie, the petition of citizens of Alexan
hall hereafter be made returnable to quarterly Courts, instead of monthly rules. Petitions.--The following petitions were presented and referred; By Mr. Baily, the petition of citizens of McDowell county in relation to the removal of the Court-House of said county; by Mr. Bessel, the petition of citizens of Upshur county, asking to have refunded certain sums of money by them erroneously paid; also, by same, petition of citizens of the same county, asking the passage of a stay law; by Mr. Alderson, for the formation of a new county out of parts of Greenbrier, Fayette and Nicholas; by Mr. Harrison, of citizens of Rockingham county, for the relief of John Robinson. The Covington and Ohio Railroad.--A bill for the suspension of the sale of State bonds, and to provide for the completion of the contracts lately made on the Covington and Ohio Railroad, came up on its second reading. Mr. Caperton hoped the bill would be read the requisite number of times and ordered to be engros
assessment of his lands. Adverse Reports.--Adverse reports were returned from the committees to the proposition for the formation of a Rifle volunteer company in Green county, with less than the minimum number prescribed by law, and to the petition of Maj. Richard Chapman for relief. Resolutions of Inquiry into Expediency.--By Mr. Gibson, of Hampshire, of repealing so much of the law as requires the publication of the annual tabular statement of the Banks of the Commonwealth; by Mr. Alderson, of relieving the securities of Wm. Abbott, late Sheriff of Raleigh county; by Mr. Evans, of refunding to the county of Middlesex, the amount of money paid by said county for a set of weights and measures, which were not received by said county; by Mr. Porter, of amending the charter of the Hollidays Gove Railroad Company; by Mr. Magruder, of amending the 15th sec. of chap. 191 of the Code; by Mr. Preston, of amending the law authorizing a Branch Bank at Abingdon; by Mr. McKenzie, of pro