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l. The above announcement has caused various rumors and reports to be circulated and many surmises are rite in respect to the ship not sailing on her usual day; but there can be no doubt whatever the orders must have been received from Lord Lyons at Washington which causes the Africa to wait for important dispatches from that English official. The 62d and 63d, British regiments are under orders for Canada. Capt. Seymour, the Queen's messenger, also a special messenger from Minister Adams left this afternoon by the shore route, via New York, direct for Washington. The leading features of the news have been anticipated from Halifax and Cape Race. The mails by the Europa will reach New York early to-morrow morning. The battle at Alleghany Mountain. The Baltimore News Sheet, formerly the Exchanges, after giving the Federal lying account of the above battle, says: From private sources, by way of Washington, we learn that the fight between the Confed
dependently produced a good impression. The strength of the United States Navy was being canvassed in England, and the London Times had acknowledged that our power on the ocean was not to be despised. England "had done this once, and paid the cost of her thoughtlessness." Demonstrations hostile to the United States were made in some of the English ports, and the naval reserve corps were volunteering for active service in case of a war with this country. It was reported that Mr. Adams, United States Minister in London, regarded his recall as inevitable. In the meantime the English reformers, with Cobden and Bright at their head, had shown a disposition for peace, fearing that a with this country would result in rendering the people of Great Britain mere helpless at the feet of the Tory aristocracy. The British manufacturers and traders were greatly alarmed at the prospect of a war with America, and the reports which we give this morning relative to the excite