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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Abbott, Edward, (search)
Abbott, Edward, Fourth son of Jacob Abbott, was born July 15, 1841; was graduated at the University of the City of New York in 1860. During 1862 and 1863 he was connected with the Sanitary Commission of the Army of the Potomac. He was a Congregational minister from 1863 to 1878. when he entered the Protestant Episcopal Church. Among his published writings are Paragraph histories of the Revolution; Revolutionary times; United States, etc.
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Indiana, (search)
near the site of Lafayette, called Ouiatenon......1719 Sieur de Vincennes mentioned as commandant at the poste de Ouabache (English, Wabash), now Vincennes......1727 [Supposed to have been settled about 1722.] Mission established at Post Vincennes by Sebastian L. Meurin......1749 Garrison at Ouiatenon, under Lieutenant Jenkins, surrenders to Indians, who distribute the English prisoners among neighboring French traders......1763 On a proclamation by the British commandant, Edward Abbott, many inhabitants of Post Vincennes swear allegiance to Great Britain......May, 1777 Inhabitants of Vincennes throw off allegiance to Great Britain and declare themselves citizens of the United States at the suggestion of Col. George R. Clarke......July 18, 1778 Captain Helm placed in charge of Post Vincennes by Colonel Clarke and his garrison of one man surrenders, with the honors of war, to British force under Gov. Henry Hamilton......Dec. 15, 1778 Governor Hamilton surrende
the Third Corps, and labored there till that as well as the other field hospitals were broken up, when she devoted herself to the wounded in Camp Letterman. Here she was attacked with miasmatic fever, but struggled against it with all the energy of her nature, remaining for three weeks ill in her tent. She was at length carried home, but as soon as she was convalescent, went to Camp Parole at Annapolis, as agent of the Sanitary Commission, to fill the place of Miss Clara Davis, (now Mrs. Edward Abbott), who was prostrated by severe illness induced by her severe and continued labors. In December, 1863, she accepted the position of matron to her old hospital, (Third Division of the Third Corps), then located at Brandy Station, where she remained till General Grant's order issued on the 15th of April caused the removal of all civilians from the army. A month had not elapsed, before the terrible slaughter of the Wilderness and Spottsylvania, had made that part of Virginia a field
Husband's account of her at Frederick City, Harper's Ferry, and Antietam Agent of the Sanitary Commission at camp Parole, Annapolis, Maryland is seized with typhoid fever here when partially recovered, she resumes her labors, but is again attacked and compelled to withdraw from her work her other labors for the soldiers, both sick and well obtaining furloughs sending home the bodies of dead soldiers providing head-boards for the soldiers' graves This lady, now the wife of the Rev. Edward Abbott, of Cambridgeport, Massachusetts, was one of the earliest, most indefatigable and useful of the laborers for Union soldiers during the war. Her labors commenced early in the winter of 1861-62, in the hospitals of Philadelphia, in which city she was then residing. Her visits were at first confined to the Broad and Cherry Street Hospital, and her purpose at first was to minister entirely to the religious wants of the sick, wounded and dying soldiers. Her interest in the inmates of
ist Magazine and of The Trumpet. But the list of Cambridge men who have been prominently known as journalists and editors and writers for magazines strings out to a portentous length. Among many others there are Francis Ellingwood Abbott, Rev. Edward Abbott, Professor Charles F. Dunbar, Mr. Joseph Henry Allen, Francis Foxcroft, Professors Francis Bowen, Charles Eliot Norton, and Andrews Norton, Rev. William Ware, William Brewster, William D. Howells, Samuel H. Scudder, Horace E. Scudder, and Toiding sensationalism. Among the contributors to the Tribune during the past eighteen years are numbered the poets Longfellow, Lowell, and Holmes, Thomas Wentworth Higginson, William Winter, Rev. Drs. A. P. Peabody, Alexander McKenzie, and Edward Abbott, Rt. Rev. William Lawrence, D. D., Andrew MacFarland Davis, Professors Charles Eliot Norton, William James, and Albert B. Hart, Arthur Gilman, Caroline F. Orne, Charlotte Fiske Bates, and scores of others almost as well known. The Cambridg
friends, Dr. Albro and Dr. Newell. The parish of St. Peter's Church was organized in 1842. Its first house of worship was on Prospect Street. In 1867 the new church on Massachusetts Avenue was opened. St. James's Parish, in North Cambridge, was organized in 1866. A mission of the Protestant Episcopal Church had been sustained in that part of the city for eighteen months, under the charge of the Rev. Andrew Croswell. He was followed by Rev. W. H. Fultz and Rev. T. S. Tyng. In 1878 Rev. Edward Abbott took charge of the parish, and has remained its rector. In 1889 a fine stone church was completed. The parish has enjoyed an increasing prosperity in its enlarged work. There are other Episcopal churches in different parts of the city. The Episcopal Theological School was incorporated in 1867. This is described elsewhere. In other parts of the city Episcopal services are sustained. A few years since a Reformed Episcopal Church was established in Cambridgeport. Following now t
he summer), and have done some remarkably good work. A similar conference was formed in East Cambridge in the spring of 1894, so that the whole city is now included in the system of friendly visiting, so far as the comparatively small number of visitors will permit. The society was incorporated January 16, 1883, and the late Dr. A. P. Peabody was chosen president. He was succeeded by Mr. J. B. Warner in October, 1884, and by Rev. E. H. Hall in 1891; after Mr. Hall's resignation, Rev. Dr. Edward Abbott was elected president, and now holds the office. Mr. William Taggard Piper succeeded Dr. Emerton as secretary in March, 1882, and he was followed in 1889 by Mr. Arthur E. Jones, the present secretary. Dr. Vaughan performed invaluable service as director until his departure for California, in 1895; and Mr. John Graham Brooks has made his special knowledge in the field of organized charity and social questions of great advantage in the enlargement of the work now being effected.
Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877, with a genealogical register, Chapter 16: ecclesiastical History. (search)
was at that time city missionary, was employed to preach on Sabbath afternoons. In 1864, Rev. Edward Abbott, Univ. of the City of New York, 1860, was invited to take charge of this mission, with thh was organized Nov. 21, 1865, under the name of the Stearns Chapel Congregational Church, and Mr. Abbott was installed as its pastor. Fifty-one persons constituted the church at its formation, of whfrom different and distant churches. Manual and Historical Sketch of Stearns Chapel Church. Mr. Abbott was dismissed, at his own request, in November, 1869; he became assistant editor of the Congreooks, and performed other literary work. After the change of name and removal of this church, Mr. Abbott returned to the scene of his former labors, and gathered a new congregation, out of which the ath-school and religious services on the Lord's day were continued at Stearns Chapel, by the Rev. Edward Abbott, the former pastor of the church. A new church was organized Oct. 16, 1872, under the n
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Harvard Memorial Biographies, 1860. (search)
be very noisy and create quite a disturbance. Abbott ordered him to be put out; but the man being the others hung back and hesitated a little. Abbott immediately left the platform where he was prebrother officer writes, that at that early day Abbott had his compare completely in hand. He was acown, followed closely by the enemy's cavalry. Abbott's company had stopped to rest and had taken ofense eagerness for the subsequent command; But Abbott, seeing that the enemy were not near enough yeemember perfectly how regularly and coolly Captain Abbott deployed his company, insisting even at thshots and the unseasonable hours, but that Captain Abbott and his company were on drill. In the iment reached the woods, and there it was that Abbott fell, shot directly through the neck. One of ons of the Harvard crew the sobriquet of Crazy Abbott. But his madness was that which inspires hero soldierly appearance, and in esprit de corps, Abbott's company was the best in the regiment. His m[27 more...]