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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 4 4 Browse Search
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 2 2 Browse Search
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Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, NAUMACHIA AUGUSTI (search)
AUGUSTI, SEP. C. ET L. CAESARIS. CIL vi. 31566), and perhaps gardens (cf. Suet. Tib. 72). In the centre of the basin was an island (Cass. Dio lxvi. 25), and Pliny speaks twice (NH xvi. 190, 200) of a pons naumachiarius, restored by Tiberius after fire, which may have been built across the basin to serve as a support for some of the apparatus of the games. This naumachia was used by Nero (Cass. Dio lxii. 20; Suet. Nero 12 ?) and Titus (Cass. Dio lxvi. 25; Suet. Tit. 7), and is mentioned in 95 A.D. (Stat. Silv. iv. 4. 5), but fell into disuse later, for in the time of Alexander Severus only parts of it remained (Cass. Dio Iv. IO). For a possible restoration, see NAUMACHIA PHILIPPI. This naumachia was previously located nearly opposite the theatre of Pompeius, between the villa Lante and the Lungara, just north of the villa Corsini (HJ 640-642, 652-656; cf. LA 343; BC 1914 393); but the recent discovery of the specus of the AQUA ALSIETINA (q.v.) has necessitated a change of view, and t
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, SEP. Q. SULPICII MAXIMI (search)
SEP. Q. SULPICII MAXIMI the tomb of Q. Sulpicius Maximus, who died at the age of eleven years, after having won the first prize in extemporaneous verse at the third celebration of the ludi Capitolini in 95 A.D. (CIL vi. 33976). It was found in 1871 in the interior of the east tower of the Porta Salaria, which had been built over it (Bull. d. Inst. 1871, 98-113; Visconti, Il sepolcro del fanciullo Q. Sulpicius Maximus, Rome 1871; Lanciani, Pagan and Christian Rome 280-282; Cons. 149).
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Clemens, T. Fla'vius was cousin to the emperor Domitian, and his colleague in the consulship, A. D. 95, and married Domitilla, also a relation of Domitian. His father was Flavius Sabinus, the elder brother of the emperor Vespasian, and his brother Flavius Sabinus, who was put to death by Domitian. (Suet. Domit. 10.) Domitian had destined the sons of Clemens to succeed him in the empire, and, changing their original names had called one Vespasian and the other Domitian; but he subsequently put Clemens to death during the consulship of the latter. (Suet. Domit. 15.) Dio Cassius says (67.14), that Clemens was put to death on a charge of atheism, for which, he adds, many others who went over to the Jewish opinions were executed. This must imply that he had become a Christian; and for the same reason his wife was banished to Pandataria by Domitian. (Comp. Philostr. Apoll. 8.15; Euseb. Hist. Eccl. 3.14; Hieronym. Ep. 27.) To this Clemens in all probability is dedicated the church of St. Cle
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
adrian lost his father at the age of ten, and received his kinsman Ulpius Trajanus (afterwards the emperor Trajan) and Caelins Attianus as his guardians. He was from his earliest age very fond of the Greek language and literature, which he appears to have studied with zeal, while he neglected his mother tongue. At the age of fifteen he left Rome and went to Spain, where he entered upon his military career; but he was soon called back, and obtained the office of decemvir stlitibus; and about A. D. 95 that of military tribune, in which capacity he served in Lower Moesia. When Trajan was adopted by Nerva, A. D. 97, Hadrian hastened from Moesia to Lower Germany, to be the first to congratulate Trajan; and in the year following he again travelled on foot from Upper to Lower Germany, to inform Trajan of the demise of Nerva ; and this he did with such rapidity, that he arrived even before the express messengers sent by Servianus, who was married to his sister Paulina. Trajan now became more a
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
January, A. D. 94. The second book could not have been written until after the commencement of the Dacian war (2.2), that is, not before A. D. 86, nor the sixth until after the triumph over the Dacians and Germans (A. D. 91); the seventh was written while the Sarmatian war, which began in A. D. 93, was still in progress, and reaches to the end of that year. The eighth book opens in January, A. D. 94, the ninth also refers to the same epoch, but may, as Clinton supposes, have been written in A. D. 95. The whole of these were composed at Rome, except the third, which was written during a tour in Gallia Togata. The tenth book was published twice: the first edition was given hastily to the world; the second, that which we now read (10.2), celebrates the arrival of Trajan at Rome, after his accession to the throne (10.6, 7, 34, 72). Now, since this event took place A. D. 99, and since the twenty-fourth epigram of this book was written in honour of the author's fifty-seventh birthday, we are
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
divided into five books. To each book is prefixed a dedication in prose, addressed to some friend. The metre chiefly employed is the heroic hexameter, but four of the pieces (1.6, 2.7, 4.3, 9), are in Phalaecian hendecasyllabics, one (4.5) in the Alcaic, and one (4.7) in the Sapphic stanza. The first book was written about A. D. 90 (1.4. 91), the third after the commencement of A.D. 94 (3.3. 171), the first piece in the fourth book was composed expressly to celebrate the kalends of January, A. D. 95, when Domitian entered upon his 17th consulship, and the fifth book appears to have been brought to a close in the following year. II. Thebaidos Libri XII. Thebaidos Libri XII., an heroic poem in twelve books, embodying the ancient legends with regard to the expedition of the Seven against Thebes. It occupied the author for twelve years (12.811), and was not finished until after the Dacian war, which commenced in A. D. 86 (1.20), but had been published before the completion of the first