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uld have been forced to abandon Chattanooga some weeks ago. Even the Federal newspapers admit that the army was reduced to extremity, and that if they had not got possession of the Valley as soon as they did, no alternative would have been left them but retreat or starvation. Previous to the events here related Stevenson had been sent into East Tennessee to observe the movements of Burnside, and preventin junction of his forces with those at Chattanooga. Subsequently, on the 5th of November, Gen. Longstreet being an experienced officer, was sent to relieved Stevenson, who returned with his forces to the main army. Longstreet took with him McLaw's and Hood's divisions, and two divisions of Wheeler's cavalry, Wheeler himself accompanying and commanding his troopers. Of the operations in East Tennessee I shall not here speak, not being sufficiently informed of what has been done in that quarter. It may be stated however, that the expedition was undertaken with the knowledge