Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: August 15, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for December, 8 AD or search for December, 8 AD in all documents.

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[for the Richmond Dispatch.]in memory of the gallant dead. Culpeper C. H. Aug. 12. The survivors of a glorious victory should study how to honor the memory of those who contributed by their deaths so much to its achievement. Words of praise cost little, and though they afford but small consolation to the bereaved friends of the gallant dead, their absence is painfully observed. Of those who laid their lives down for the good of their country on the bloody field of Manassas, none deserve more honorable mention than do Holmes and Tucker Conrad, and Peyton Harrison, of Martinsburg. Though educated strictly in the school of Federalism, and conscientiously opposed to Secession, they did not hesitate to take up arms at the first call of their native State. They loved their Virginia with an intensity and ardor almost romantic; and their patriotism was purified and exalted by the deep religious feeling with which it was ever associated. They would have died a thousand deaths
Further from Europe,arrival of the Nova Scotian. Queens Aug. 12. --The steamer Nova Scotian has arrived from Liverpool, with advices to the 2d instant. She brings £140,000 in specie. The North Briton arrived out on the 31st ult., and the steamer Edinburg on the 2d inst. The American horse Starke won the Good-wood cup. The Wizard ran second and the Optimist the third. The Bank of England has reduced its rate of discount to 5 per cent. The various London journals are engaged in speculations on the probable fate of the American loan. The Herald discountenances negotiating it. The Times' city article says it would be dangerous for England to have anything to do with the American loan. The Times announces that Lord Elgin succeeds Canning as Governor-General of India. The weather in England has been fine. A new treaty of commerce is being negotiated between Belgium and France. It is believed that the solution of the Roman question is ne
Affairs in New York. --A New York correspondent, writing under date of August 12, says: During the first ten days of this month recruiting for the general service, in Chatham street and Cedar street, has been even more lethargic than during the quietest times for two years back, only eight men having been enlisted at both offices. Fourteen men were booked at the Hudson street rendezvous for the mounted service. The receiving ship North Carolina, at the Brooklyn Navy-Yard, has almost always a complement of a thousand men on board, and the influx of seamen at the different recruiting depots is at the present time very large. The talk among newspaper people is that the Times and Tribune will shortly discontinue their Sunday editions, the expenses of which are said to greatly exceed their receipts. Horace Greeley has been suffering from an attack of brain fever. Serious fears were entertained a few days since for his recovery, but he is now believed to be out o
arrival. The Washington correspondent of the Baltimore Exchange (Aug. 12) thus alludes to it: The climax of the atrocities of the Admial correspondent of the Baltimore Exchange writes from Washington, Aug. 12: The preparations for the defence of the Capital are vigorous New York Bank statement — meeting of Bank officers New York, Aug. 12 --The weekly statements of the city banks show a decrease inph which are untrue] Another Newspaper Mobbed. Bangor, Me., Aug. 12. --The Bangor Democrat, a Secession sheet, was to-day completail for protection. A privateer in Tangier Sound. New York, Aug. 12. --The schooner Mary Adeline, which has arrived here, reportsy, of about thirty tons. The habeas corpus case. New York, August 12. --In the case of the Baltimore Police Commissioners and oth at a discount of 20 per cent. From Alexandria. Alexandria, Aug. 12. --The Fire Zouaves struck their tents and left for New York