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their officers, the men gathered between nine hundred and a thousand arms of the most improved patterns, and conveyed them to a place of safety, where they were placed in wagons and sent to the Ordnance Department, under the direction of Capt. Taylor, when Col. Nance returned with his command to camp, near the Tuesday's battle-field. Huger's Division. It may not have been mentioned before that the whole of Huger's division was engaged in the thickest of the fight on Tuesday, the 1st of July; but certainly the due tribute of praise has been given to the different brigades and regiments composing it. Both infantry and artillery fought with determined valor, and the names of those gallant leaders, Mahone, Wright, Armistead, and Ransom, will not soon be forgotten by their country. The list of killed and wounded attests the unflinching bravery of the division. From the South side. The Petersburg Express, of yesterday, has the following: Several of the enemy's gunb
lion would be speedily crushed. He prayed also that the Union might be restored as it was; that the hearts of the slave masters might be softened, so that his brethren might bear the yoke more easily, and that eventually the black race should be forever free. For the welfare of his sister and other relatives he also offered up a feeling prayer, and concluded by praying for the President and all those in authority under him. Condition of affairs in the West. [From the New York World, July 1.] The military situation at the West is not what it should be. Gen. Curtis is retreating, with a prospect that he will lose his army and leave Missouri undefended. Gen. Mitchell is retiring before the Confederates in Tennessee, and Gen. Morgan is marching in the opposite direction from Knoxville. Confederate armies are turning up in every direction, and our forces are nowhere as strong as they should be. The Confederate conscription act, which went into operation in February last, has
on half rations for ten days. He will have to cut his way out or be captured. It is reported that the Yankees are again retreating from Holly Springs. The Nova Scotia has arrived with Liverpool dates to the 22d ult. The Emllie St. Pierre affair has been settled. The correspondent of the Paris Constitutionnel regards the mediation of Europe, respecting the American war, merely a question of time. Public opinion, both in England and France, daily grows in favor of recognition and mediation. In the House of Commons, the motion of Mr. Lindsay respecting British relations with America, expressing the hope that the Confederacy would be recognized, since 'tis now clear that its independence will be achieved, had been postponed to the 11th of July. In the House of Lords, Mr. Hapward stated that he would on 1st July move a resolution that it was the duty of the British Government to use every exertion consistent with the maintenance of peace to end the American war.