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A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith) 8 8 Browse Search
Pliny the Elder, The Natural History (ed. John Bostock, M.D., F.R.S., H.T. Riley, Esq., B.A.) 2 2 Browse Search
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome 1 1 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 1 1 Browse Search
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the Macedonian Gulf there are the town of ChalastraIn Mygdonia, at the mouth of the Axius—King Perseus put all its male inhabitants to death. Its site was at or near the modern Kulakia., and, more inland, Piloros; also Lete, and at the extreme bend of the Gulf, ThessalonicaNow Saloniki. Its original name was Thermæ, but it was first made an important city by Cassander, B.C. 315, who gave it its new name in honour of his wife, the sister of Alexander the Great: S, Paul visited it about A.D. 53, and two years after addressed from Corinth two Epistles to his converts in the city., a free city; (from this place to Dyrrhachium it is 245 milesPolybius says, in Strabo, B. vii., 267 miles.,) and then ThermæAs already mentioned, Thermæ became merged in Thessalonica, when refounded by Cassander under that name.. Upon the GulfNow the Gulf of Saloniki. of Thermæ are the towns of Dicæa, PydnaThis is probably an error. Pydna, already mentioned, lay far inland in the district of Pieria., Derra, S
olisNow called Kavallo, on the Strymonic Gulf. The site of Datos appears to be unknown. and Datos. In the interior is the colony of PhilippiNow called Filiba, or Felibejik, on a height of Mount Pangæus, on the river Gangites, between the Nestus and the Strymon. It was founded by Philip, on the site of the ancient town of Crenides, in the vicinity of the gold mines. Here Augustus and Antony defeated Brutus and Cassius, B.C. 42; and here the Apostle Paul first preached the Gospel in Europe, A.D. 53. See Acts xvi. 12., distant from Dyrrhachium 325 miles; also ScotussaIts site seems unknown, but it is evidently a different place from that mentioned in the last Chapter., the city of Topiris, the mouth of the river MestusAlso called Mestus., Mount Pangæus, HeracleaSintica, previously mentioned., OlynthosNow Aco Mamas, at the head of the Toronaic Gulf. It was the most important Greek city on the coast of Macedon. It was taken and destroyed by Philip, B.C. 347, and its inhabitants sold as slav
Samuel Ball Platner, Thomas Ashby, A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome, HORTI TORQUATIANI (search)
the aqua Appia and the aqua Augusta is said to be ' ad spem veterem ' on the boundary between them and other gardens, the name of which cannot be made out. The supplement [Epaphroditia]norum is due to Lanciani, and is accepted by Bennett in the Loeb edition. See HORTI EPAPHRODITIANI. Carcopino (Basilique Pythagoricienne, 67-72) proposes to read Tauria]norum, placing the BASILICA (q.v.) within the limits of these gardens, and pointing out that neither the Horti Epaphroditiani nor the Horti Pallantiani need have come into existence until after the death of Statilius Taurus (53 A.D.), so that the Horti Tauriani may have included the area which they afterwards occupied. He attributes the Horti Torquatiani to D. Iunius Silanus Torquatus, a great- grandson of Augustus, who was forced to commit suicide in 64 A.D. This place is also called AD GEMELLOS (q.v.), and the horti Torquatiani, therefore, were south of the via Praenestina and west of Spes vetus (BC 1874, 53-4; LA 248-249; HJ 364).
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
na displayed the qualities of an accomplished courtezan, and such was the influence of her charms and superior talents over the old emperor, that, in perejudice of his own son, Britannicus, he adopted Domitius, the son of Agrippina by her first husband, Cn. Domitius Ahenobarbus. (A. D. 51.) Agrippina was assisted in her secret plans by Pallas, the perfidious confidant of Claudius. By her intrigues, L. Junius Silanus, the husband of Octavia, the daughter of Claudius, was put to death, and in A. D. 53, Octavia was married to young Nero. Lollia Paullina, once the rival of Agrippina for the hand of the emperor, was accused of high treason and condemned to death; but she put an end to her own life. Domitia Lepida, the sister of Cn. Domitius Ahenobarbus, met with a similar fate. After having thus removed those whose rivalship she dreaded, or whose virtues she envied, Agrippina resolved to get rid of her husband, and to govern the empire through her ascendency over her son Nero, his successor
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), or Anti'ochus Epiphanes or Anti'ochus Epiphanes (search)
et. Cal. 16.) He lived on most intimate terms with Caligula, and he and Herod Agrippa are spoken of as the instructors of the emperor in the art of tyranny. (D. C. 59.24.) This friendship, however, was not of very long continuance, for he was subsequently deposed by Caligula and did not obtain his kingdom again till the accession of Claudius in A. D. 41. (D. C. 60.8.) In A. D. 43 his son, also called Antiochus Epiphanes, was betrothed to Drusilla, the daughter of Agrippa. (J. AJ 19.9.1.) In A. D. 53 Antiochus put down an insurrection of some barbarous tribes in Cilicia, called Clitae. (Tac. Ann. 12.55.) In A. D. 55 he received orders from Nero to levy troops to make war against the Parthians, and in the year 59 he served under Corbulo against Tiridates, brother of the Parthian king Voloeses. (13.7, 37.) In consequence of his services in this war, he obtained in the year 61 part of Armenia. (14.26.) He espoused the side of Vespasian, when he was proclaimed emperor in A. D. 70; and he is
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), Camillus or Camillus Scribonianus (search)
Camillus or Camillus Scribonianus 6. M. Furius Camillus, surnamed SCRIBONIANUS, was consul in the reign of Tiberius, A. D. 32, together with Cn. Domitius. At the beginning of the reign of Claudius he was legate of Dalmatia, and revolted with his legions, probably in the hope of raising himself to the throne. But he was conquered on the fifth day after the beginning of the insurrection, A. D. 42, sent into exile and died in A. D. 53, either of an illness, or, as was commonly reported, by poison. (Tac. Ann. 6.1, 12.52, Hist. 1.89, 2.75; Suet. Cl. 13.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), Camillus or Camillus Scribonianus (search)
Camillus or Camillus Scribonianus 7. Furius Camillus, likewise surnamed SCRIBONIANUS, was sent into exile by the emperor Claudius, together with his mother Junia, A. D. 53, for having consulted the Chaldaeans about the time when Claudius was to die. (Tac. Ann. 12.52, Hist. 2.75.) [L.S]
Hate'rius 5. Q. Haterius Antoninus, probably a son of No. 4, was consul in A. D. 53. (Tac. Ann. 12.58.) He dissipated his patrimonial estate, and in his latter years was a pensionary of Nero. (Tac. ib. 13.34.) He is thought by some to be the professional legacy-hunter mentioned by Seneca (de Ben. 6.30).
s of the weak-minded Claudius, resolved to prevent the marriage, in order that Octatvia might marry her own son Domitius, afterwards the emperor Nero. She had no difficulty in rendering Silanus an object of suspicion to Claudius; and as Silanus saw that he was doomed, he put an end to his life at the beginning of the following year (A. D. 49), on the very day on which Claudius was married to Agrippina. Octavia was now betrothed to the young Domitius, but the marriage did not take place till A. D. 53, the year before the death of Claudius, when Nero, as he was now called, having been adopted by Claudius, was only sixteen years of age, and Octavia but eleven. (Tac. Ann. 12.58.) Suetonius, with less probability, places the marriage still earlier (Ner. 7). Nero from the first never liked his wife, and soon after his succession ceased to pay her any attention. He was first captivated by a freedwoman of the name of Acte, who shortly after had to give way to Poppaea Sabina, the wife of Otho,
Pharasmanes 3. King of Iberia, contemporary with the emperor Tiberius. He assisted his brother Mithridates to establish himself on the throne of Armenia, A. D. 35 [ARSACIDAE, Vol. I. p. 362]; and when the Parthian prince Orodes attempted to dispossess him of his newly-acquired kingdom, Pharasmanes assembled a large army, with which he totally defeated the Parthians in a pitched battle (Tac. Ann. 6.32-35). At a later period (A. D. 53) he instigated his son Rhadamistus, whose ambitious and aspiring character began to give him umbrage, to make war upon his uncle Mithridates, and supported him in his enterprize; but when Rhadamistus was in his turn expelled by the Parthians, after a short reign (A. D. 55), and took refuge again in his father's dominions, the old king, in order to curry favour with the Romans, who had expressed their displeasure at the proceedings of Rhadamistus, put his son to death. (Id. ib. 12.42-48, 13.6, 37.) [E.H.B]