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Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.Richmond soldiers in Camp. Headquarters Young Guard Camp, Near Ashland, Hanover Co., May 11. We are getting along finely in the routine of the soldier's life. Our 1st Sergeant, A. V. England, has proved his capacity in the arduous duties of his position, and every man responds with alacrity to orders, early and late. Among the companies quartered here are the Governor's Mounted Guard and the Henrico Troop. The Young Guard are divided into six squads, and each squad details two of their number to cook. Some of these cooks bra? loudly of their abilities now. We cook in the open air, and form pot-racks of cedar stumps. Corporal E. R. Hopkins, the chief cook of our squad, insists that he will "be able to keep a hotel" if he ever returns to Richmond. Just imagine a fastidous city gent, with his "store clothes" on, who, when at home, would not condescend to approach within forty feet of a kitchen without a twitch of the nasal organ,
hern States to rebellion. A dispatch from Louisville, Ky., May 10, says: The Mayor's veto of the appropriation of $200,000 to arm the city was sustained by the Council. The Mayor says $100,000 is sufficient. The Council has appropriated $10,000 for the relief of the poor. The Legislature of New Jersey has passed a bill to raise a loan of two millions for war purposes. Also, to raise four additional regiments and provide 10,000 stand of arms. A dispatch from Chicago, May 11, says: The Tribune's correspondent says that Gen.Prentiss has received positive information that Gen. Pillow has chartered the steamboats Ohio, Belle Morris and Hill for an attack on Cairo. By the following telegram from Washington, it appears that a California Colonel has "become disgusted:" Col. Lander left for New York this morning. Owing to some misunderstanding, or mismanagement, he has become disgusted and gone North. He wanted the Government to accept of the services
of the Rhode Island Regiment were sent home on Friday night, in command of Major Slocum. This is done as a punishment for intoxication and disorderly conduct. James Sheeby was arrested last evening by several United States soldiers for preaching secession, on the Avenue, and endeavoring to inflame the minds of the military against the Government. He was taken to the Central guard house where he awaits orders from the military authorities. A telegraphic dispatch from New York, May 11th, says: Daniel E. Sickles to-day telegraphed the Secretary of War, tendering the services of a brigade which he has raised, composed of New Yorkers and Philadelphians. The brigade consists of four regiments, including Col. F. P. Montgomery's regiment, of Philadelphia. The men will be equipped as regulars by the city of New York, and will take with them twelve steel rifled cannon, besides a battery of living artillery. Sickles is now acting as Brigadier General, and has his quarters
Boston Alarmed. --A dispatch from Boston, May 11th, says: An attempt was made to cut off the Cochituate water from the city last night, by breaking open the main conduit, near Newton, Lower Falls. The attempt was unsuccessful, the mason work being too substantial for the implements used.
The Daily Dispatch: May 14, 1861., [Electronic resource], English Opinions on the Fort Sumter affair. (search)
From Montgomery. Montgomery, May 11.--The question of the removal of the Provisional seat of Government from this city to Richmond will be decided to-day. It will probably be defeated. It is expected, however, that President Davis will go to Virginia, and head the Army on the border. Secretary Memminger, of the Treasury, has sent in a report of a scheme for raising the funds necessary for the prosecution of the war. This and the tariff are the only questions now remaining for consideration of Congress, which will probably adjourn about the 23d inst., to meet again in the middle of July, unless sooner called together by the President. In regard to funds for carrying on the war, fifty millions will be raised, probably one-half by Treasury notes, one-fourth by customs, and one-fourth by direct taxation. Volunteers will not be received for a less term than three years, or during the war. Field and staff officers will be appointed by the President. In local emergenc
of war. The liberality is explained in the following paragraph from the News: A great parade, in the papers, is being made by some of our banks about the money advanced by them for war purposes, and large claims to patriotism and generosity appear to be founded upon such subscriptions. Such a bank has given so many thousands, and such a one so much, say the war papers. The fact is the banks are only investing in stocks of the State of New York. A dispatch from Frankfort, Ky., May 11, gives the following proceedings of the Kentucky Legislature: Mr. Machen, from the House Committee on Military Affairs, yesterday reported in the Kentucky Legislature a bill appropriating something near six millions of dollars for military purposes, and the organization of a standing army of 10,000 men, with proper portions of artillery and cavalry, and a reserve force of 50,000 Mr. Under wood offered a resolution that the bill be recommitted, with instructions to limit the appropriati
estimated at not less than twenty-one hundred. While Col. Brown's Regiment was marching past the State Minute Men's headquarters, at Fifth and Pine streets, an effort was made by the crowd there to get up an attack on the column. Certain persons proposed to stone the Guards, but the proposal did not elicit a very cordial approbation, and was not complied with. With regard to the first collision, an account of which we published on Monday, a telegraphic dispatch dated St. Louis, May 11, says: There are many and very conflicting rumors relative to the cause of firing on the crowd at Camp Jackson last evening by the Federal troops. Some say that rocks, brickbats and other missiles were hurled at the volunteers, smashing their muskets, and breaking the limbs and otherwise wounding the soldiers. Others assert the contrary. One respectable citizen, who claims to have been an eye-witness and stood a few feet behind the troops that fired, states positively that no ro
The reign of terror at the North. Some of the professedly "conservative" newspapers at the North have exploded a good deal of indignation over the charge that the voice of sympathy is stifled by terrorism in that section. We are permitted to publish a few extracts from a citizen of one of the Northern States, to his son in this city, giving a view of the state of affairs, which, we doubt not, may be taken as an index of the whole. The letter is dated May 11: "I am in great danger here myself. All the unfavorable news that comes exasperates the mobocrats. I dare not say a word now when the most bitter taunts are thrown in my face. They talk of 'wading in and greasing their shoes in Southern blood!' They still have a gallows here, with a rope on it, labelled 'traitors' doom.' I wish to God I was in the South, away from these abolitionists, and there are many others here who have the same feeling. I intend to sell out as soon as I can, and make my home in the South. My
Arrival of the Persia. St. Johns. May 20. --The steamer Persia, from Liverpool, May 11, has arrived. It was asserted in London, but not believed, that letters of marque, issued by the Southern Confederacy, had been granted to vessels at Liverpool and London. Lord Derby expressed the hope, in the House of Lords, that the forthcoming Government proclamation would give a warning that if Englishmen join the privateers their blood will be on their own heads. The London Times says the mediation of England might as well be offered to a hurricane as the United States.
Missouri out of the Union. --The Montgomery Advertiser has been permitted to make the following extract from a private letter received in that city from a citizen of St. Louis, dated May 11th: St. Louis is disgraced; American citizens have no rights. We are at the mercy of 10,000 armed Dutch, commanded by Bisir, Boerstein & Co, and we will be under martial law before night I think the only reliance is that the State will come to our aid. We are helpless to compete with them. The Governor is in town, and Missourians have every confidence in him. All the cars available on the Illinois Central and other roads across the river, are sent after troops. There will be 30,000 or 40,000 to help them enforce martial law to-night or to-morrow. Our roads are not behind. The Iron Mountain, North Missouri and Pacific Railroads have all sent every car and engine out of the State to aid the South, and men are leaving town to go into the country to assist in beating arms with the State