Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: may 6, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for March, 5 AD or search for March, 5 AD in all documents.

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From Washington. The Alexandria Gazette, of Saturday, has the following by special express: Washington,May 3, P. M.--The steamer Pocahontas is on route for this city, having on board one million of gold. Government crafts on New York are of no value or account, and hence this transportation of money, which is to pay the employees of the United States. The proclamation of the President concerning new divisions of the army, and relating to the original boundary of the District of Columbia, is the occasion of much comment and uneasiness by those of our citizens who have friends in the adjoining portions of Virginia, as some still say that the city of Alexandria is by it included in one of the new divisions. Should the Federal forces attempt to invade the State of Virginia, military men say that three routes only lie open to them. These three are, one from Harrisburg, by railroad, through Harper's Ferry to Winchester; one from Washington, over the long bridge, and t
by. Col. Vosburgh says the Seventy-first (N. Y.) shall fire but one shot. The South has made its slaves men by employing them in erecting fortifications. and by organizing them in companies; the Northern troops will, therefore, seize slaves as prisoners of war wherever they are found. Brooks Elias Connor, the individual that tampered with Government dispatches, was tried by court-martial at Annapolis yesterday, and found guilty. Sentence is reserved. From Philadelphia, May 3d, the telegraph advises us that-- All travel to the South is stopped to-day.-- No communication with Baltimore or Washington is permitted by the military authorities. General Patterson refuses to give travelers his pass, and holds the roads exclusively for the transport of troops and munitions of war. Three hundred passengers from Washington reached this city to-day. They have occupied thirty hours in the journey from that capital to this point. Nineteen members of the Sevent
Important from Missouri. St. Louis, May 3. --The Governor's message was delivered to both Houses this morning, after which the House went into secret session. Governor Jackson says the President, in calling out the troops to subdue the seceded States, has threatened civil war, and his act is unconstitutional and illegal, and tending toward consolidated despotisim. -- While he evidently justifies the action of the Confederate States in seceding, he does not recommend immediate itizens in a cordial co-operation for the preservation of our honor, the security of our property, and the performance of all those high duties imposed upon us by our obligations to our families, our country, and our God. Lexington, Mo., May 3. --The Union demonstration, held here last night, was broken up by the secessionists. One Union man was shot, but not seriously injured. There was to be a Union meeting here at 2 o'clock this afternoon, but it has been suppressed by the se
The Daily Dispatch: may 6, 1861., [Electronic resource], Death of a United States Army officer. (search)
Shipwrecks. Montreal, May 3. "There is nothing further concerning the wreck of the steamship United States. Two steamers have left to render assistance. The last accounts state that she was on Bird Rocks, surging over, her flag of distress at half-mast, her high sails loose, no person to be seen on board, and the ship apparently going to pieces. The brig Minnie Dawson is a total wreck, and one man was lost. The ship Spartan is ashore on a sandy beach. Crew saved. The ship Marion is ashore, and is hogged and thumping badly on the rocks. Her crew have left her. The ship Powerful is among the rocks at Cook Point. She is at anchor, and her pumps have to be kept going. The ship Salacia is hard on the rocks, 12 miles below Father Point, and thumping badly. The roads in all directions are blocked up with snow, which has drifted badly.
Fire at Boston — the body of Corporal Needham. Boston, May 3d. --The large brick building, No. 489 Commercial street, used for storing cotton and paper stock, was destroyed by fire last night. It was owned by the Gray's Wharf Corporation. Loss $20,000. Mostly insured. The body of Corporal Needham, who died of his wounds in Baltimore, was to-day delivered up to the Mayor of Lawrence, for interment there. Remarks were made by Gov. Andrew and responded to by the Mayor.
Great earthquake in South American. New York May 3 --The steamer Northern Light, from Aspinwall on the 25th, with 360 passengers and $868,000 in treasure, arrived here this afternoon. She brings Valparaiso dates to the 3d ult. The city of Mendoza had been destroyed by a fearful earthquake, and some eight thousand people killed, on the 20th of March. San Juan was also reported to have been destroyed, the bed of the river having been turned on it by the same earthquake.
Passengers saved. Montreal, May 3. --The passengers of the wrecked steamer United States have arrived at Quebec. One of the steerage passengers are missing.