Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: May 4, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for January, 5 AD or search for January, 5 AD in all documents.

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er anchor-smith of the Navy-Yard, at Washington, has been removed, and a shoemaker, by the name of Brown, appointed in his place. Brown is a Republican. The removal of Mr. Tucker, who is universally esteemed for his moral worth, created much excitement in the yard, and a general stampede, it is said, of the workmen was the consequence. The women and children continue to fly the city. Martial law has not as yet been proclaimed. The following is from another source: Washington, May 1.--Contrary to the often repeated rumors it is reliably ascertained that martial law will not be proclaimed here unless there shall be reason for it, which certainly does not now exist. Among the unfounded reports to-day was one that the War Department had received a dispatch stating that the Confederate States troops were concentrating in Virginia for an immediate raid on Washington, Military men, however, have no fears on that subject. The Government is sedulously and promptl
The Daily Dispatch: May 4, 1861., [Electronic resource], Great Britain and the Southern Confederacy. (search)
nd success, and in my humble judgment these suggestions cannot be acted on a bit too soon. That we have spies in our camp there is no doubt; we have them here, far removed as we are now from the seat of war, and you have a regiment of them in your midst. An Irish company will be formed to-night, to be commanded by James Conner, Esq., late United States District Attorney, and at present District Attorney of the C. S. A. We are all as quiet here as a May morning, and this, the first day of May, is essentially quiet and delightful. And Virginia is to be, so Greeley says, the domain of the vandals of Lincoln breed. --Think of that, you young Virginians — that your lands and homes, and the graves of your fathers and mothers, and everything that you hold dear in this life, is to become the homes and the possessions of the John Browns and the Redpaths, and the Greeleys, and the whole abolition horde of vandals of Yankeedom.--Don't be deceived by this language of the great thi