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Adama'ntius (*)Adama/ntios), an ancient physician, bearing the title of Iatrosophista (i)atrikw=n lo/gwn sofisth/s, Socrates, Hist. Eccles. 7.13), for the meaning of which see Dict. of Ant. p. 507. Little is known of his personal history, except that he was by birth a Jew, and that he was one of those who fled from Alexandria, at the time of the expulsion of the Jews from that city by the Patriarch St. Cyril, A. D. 415. He went to Constantinople, was persuaded to embrace Christianity, apparently by Atticus the Patriarch of that city, and then returned to Alexandria. (Socrates, l.. c.) Works a Greek treatise on Physiognomy (*Fusiognwmonika\) Adamantius is the author of a Greek treatise on physiognomy, *Fusiognwmonika\, in two books, which is still extant, and which is borrowed in a great measure (as he himself confesses, i. Prooem. p. 314, ed. Franz.) from Polemo's work on the same subject. It is dedicated to Constantius, who is supposed by Fabricius (Biblioth. Graeca, vol. ii. p<
Ania'nus 2. Deacon of Celeda, in Italy, at the beginning of the 5th century, a native of Campania, was the amanuensis of Pelagius, and himself a warm Pelagian. He was present at the synod of Diospolis (A. D. 415), and wrote on the Pelagian controversy against Jerome. (Hieron. Epist. 81.) He also translated into Latin the homilies of Chrysostom on the Gospel of Matthew and on the Apostle Paul, and Chrysostom's Letters to Neophytes. Of all his works there are only extant the translations of the first eight of Chrysostom's homilies on Matthew, which are printed in Montfaucon's edition of Chrysostom. The rest of those homilies were translated by Gregorius (or Georgius) Trapezuntius, but Fabricius regards all up to the 26th as the work of Anianus, but interpolated by Gregory. (Bibl. Graec. viii. p. 552, note.) Sigebert and other writers attribute the translation of Chrysostom to the jurist Anianus, who lived under Alaric; but this is a manifest error, since the preface to the work is addr
r, or " the Little," the son of Tiridates Mezd.--A. D. 325. Diran or Tiranus I., his son.--A. D. 341. Arsaces or Arshag III., his son. --A. D. 370. Bab or Para.--A. D. 377. Waraztad, usurper.--A. D. 382. Arsaces IV. (and Valarsaces or Wagharshag II., his brother).--A. D. 387. Armenia divided.--A. D. 389. Arsaces IV. dies. Cazavon in Roman Armenia, Chosroes or Khosrew III. in Persarmenia.--A. D. 392. Bahram Shapur (Sapor), the brother of Chosroes III.--A. D. 414. Chosroes re-established by Yezdegerd.--A. D. 415. Shapur or Sapor, the son of Yezdegerd--A. D. 419. Interregnum.--A. D. 422. Ardashes or Ardashir (Artasires) IV.--A. D. 428. End of the kingdom of Armenia. (Comp. Vaillant, Regnum Arsacidarum, especially Elenchus Regum Armeniae Majoris, in the 1st. vol.; Du Four de Longuerue, Annales Arsacidarum, Strasb. 1732; Richter, Histor. Krit. Versuch über die A rsaciden und Sassaniden-Dynastien, Göttingen, 1804; St. Martin, Mémoires historiques et géograph. sur l' Arménie, vol. i.)
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), Hesy'chius HIEROSOLYMITANUS (search)
i/ou, Cotel. Eccles. Graec. Monum. vol. iv. p. 31), speaks of Hesychius, "presbyter and teacher of the church," as being with Juvenal patriarch of Jerusalem, when he dedicated the church of the " Laura," or monastery of Euthymius, A. D. 428 or 429. Theophanes records the probolh\, advancement (i.e. ordination ?) of Hesychius, "the presbyter of Jerusalem," A. M. 5906, Alex. era (= = A. D. 414); and notices him again as elninenlt for learning (h)/nqei tai=s didaskali/ais) the year following, A. D. 415. He gives him no higher title when recording his death, A. M. 5926, Alex. era,= = A. D. 434. Photius, who has described some of his works, also calls him" Hesychius, presbyter of Jerusalem," but without mentioning the time when he lived. Yet, notwithstanding these tolerably clear intimations, Miraeus (Auctarium de Scriptor. Eccles. No. clxxv.), Possevinus (Apparatus Sacer, vol. i. p. 739, ed. Col. 1608 ), Cave, and Thorschmidt (Comment. de Hesychio Milesio), consider Hesychius the writer t
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), Hiero'nymus or St. Jerome (search)
III. Apologetici adversus Rufinum Libri III. See RUFINUS. Written about A. D. 402. (Ed. Bened. vol. iv. p. ii. p. 349.) Vol. II. Par. 2. 13. Dialogi contra Pelagianos, Dialogi contra Pelagianos, in three books. See PELAGIUS. Written about A. D. 415. (Ed. Bened. vol. iv. p. ii. p. 483.) 14. De Viris Illustribus De Viris Illustribus s. De Scriptoribus Ecclesiaslicis (see Epist. cxii.), a series of 135 short sketches of the lives and writings of the most distinguished advocates of Christimasumn.) 6. Commentarii in Jeremiam, Commentarii in Jeremiam, in six books, extending to the first thirty-two chapters of the prophet, one or two books being wanting to complete the exposition which was commenced late in life, probably about A. D. 415, frequently interrupted, and not brought down to the point where it concludes until the year of the author's death. (Ed. Bened. vol. iii. p. 526.) Vol. V. 7. Commentarii in Ezechielem, Commentarii in Ezechielem, in fourteen books, written
aken, and executed. [HERACLIANUS.] Ataulphus, who had again proclaimed Attalus emperor, rendered him no effective support; and having married (A. D. 414) Placidia, sister of Honorius [GALLA, No. 3], became sincerely desirous of peace. This was, however, prevented by Constantius, who had also aspired to the hand of Placidia, and who attacked the Visi-Goths, drove them out of Narbonne, which they had taken, and compelled them to retire into Spain, where Ataulphus was soon after assassinated (A. D. 415). Attalus was afterwards taken; and Honorius, whose natural clemency was not now counteracted by his fears, contented himself with banishing him. For other offenders a general amnesty was issued. We have omitted during these stirring events to notice the consulships of Honorius since A. D. 404. He was consul in A. D. 407, 409, 411, or rather 412, 415 and 417. Ravenna was his almost constant residence, except in 407 and 408. The year 417 was distinguished by the marriage of Constantius (
this proceeding; but Cave (Script. Eccl. Hist. Lit. vol. i.) holds this to be incredible, though on no grounds except his own opinion of Cyril's general character. Philostorgius, the Arian historian, urges her death as a charge against the Ilomoousians. Synesius valued her greatly, and addressed to her several letters, inscribed th=| filoso/fw|, in one of which he calls her mother, sister, mistress, and benefactress. Suidas says that she married Isidorus, and wrote some works on astronomy and other subjects. In Stephanus Baluzius (Concil. i. p. 216) an epistle is extant professing to be Hypatia's addressed to Cyril, in which she advocates the cause of Nestorius, and regrets his banishment; but this must be spurious, if it be true, as Socrates asserts that she was killed A. D. 415, for Nestorius was not banished till A. D. 436. (Socrat. 7.15; Niceph. 14.16; Menage, Hist. Mulierum Philosoph. 49; Suidas, s.v. J. Ch. Wernsdorf, Dissertat. Acad. IV. de Hypartia, Viteberg. 1747.) [G.E.L.C]
en in the Concilia (vol. ii. col. 1194, ed. Labbe, vol. iii. col. 943, ed. Mansi). Whether Joannes really cherished opinions at variance with the orthodoxy of that time, or only exercised toward those who held them a forbearance and liberality which drew suspicion on himself ; he was again involved in squabbles with the supporters of orthodox views. He was charged with favouring Pelagius, who was then in Palestine, and who was accused of heresy in the councils of Jerusalem and Diospolis (A. D. 415), but was in the latter council acquitted of the charge, and restored to the communion of the church. The followers of Pelagius are represented as acting with great violence against Jerome. Jerome applied for the support and countenance of Pope Innocent I. (A. D. 402-417), who accordingly wrote to Joannes (Innocentii Epistol. 3, apud Labbe, Concilia, vol. ii. col. 1316; Mansi, Council. vol. iii. col. 1125), with whom Augnustin also remonstrated (Epistola, 252, ed. vett., 179, ed. Caillau,
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
panied by a version of the Anglo-Saxon text into English appeared at London, 4vo. 1773, under the inspection of Daines Barrington and John Reinhold Foster. There are old translations into Gerlman and Italian also; into the former by Hieronymus Bonerus, fol. Colmar, 1539, frequently reprinted; into the latter by Giov. Guerini Da Lanciza, without date or name of place, but apparently belonging to the sixteenth century. II. Liber Apologeticus de Albitrii Libertate written ten in Palestine, A. D. 415. Orosius, having been anathematised by John of Jerusalem as one who maintained that man could not, even by the aid of OGod, fulfil the divine law, published this tract with the double object of proving the injustice of the charge and of defending his own proceedings by demonstrating the fatal tendency of the tenets inculcated by Pelagius. By some oversight on the part of a transcriber, seventeen chapters of the De Natura et Gratia, by Augustine, have been inserted in this piece, a mistake
intelligence that the opinions of Coelestius had been formally reprobated by Aurelius and the Africlan Church (A. D. 412), whose condemnation extended to the master from whose instructions these opinions were derived, a great commotion arose throughout Syria, in which Jerome, instigated probably by Augustine, assumed an attitude of most active, not to say virulent, hostility towards Pelagius, who was formally impeached first before John of Jerusalem, secondly before the Synod of Diospolis (A. D. 415), suntmoned specially to judge this cause, and fully acquitted by both tribunals. Soon afterwards, however, the Synods of Carthage and of Mileum, while they abstained from denouncing any individual, condemned unequivocally those principles which the followers of Pelagius and Coelestius were supposed to maintain, and at length, after much negotiation, Pope Innocentius was induced to anathemnatize the two leaders of what was now termed a deadly heresy, by a decree issued on the 27th of Janua