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Opening of the Welland Canal. St. Catherines, March 23. --The Welland Canal will be open on the 8th of April.
ly important news from Charleston.preparations for Attacking Fort Sumter.five thousand troops ordered out. Charleston, April 8, 2 P. M.--There is great excitement in this city to-day. The supplies to Fort Sumter have been stopped. Maj. to go over to Fort Sumter unless he brings an order for its evacuation. Virginius. [Second Dispatch.] Charleston, April 8. --Gen. Beauregard yesterday morning issued orders and sent them by a special messenger to Maj. Anderson, giving hie Confederacy are much enlivened at the prospect of some decisive course of action. [third Dispatch.] Charleston, April 8. --Maj. Anderson's mail facilities are not cut off as reported, only his supplies. [Fourth Dispatch.] Charlef as reported, only his supplies. [Fourth Dispatch.] Charleston, April 8. --Gen. Beauregard has ordered out 5,000 troops. The companies are constantly arriving and being put in position. New batteries are also being constructed.
[special Dispatch to the Richmond Dispatch.]the New York naval movement. New York, April 8. --The war preparations on a large scale continue. The naval receiving stations have been re-opened. The Harriet Lane sailed to-day with sealed orders. The Illinois and Baltic are taking in heavy armaments, mortars, cannhe tide. Her destination is said to be Fort Pickens and Texas. In Texas, Gen. Houston is to avail himself of her aid. Allen. [Second Dispatch.] New York, April 8. --The cutter Harriet Lane sailed for the South this morning, flying the stars and stripes, instead of the usual bunting. The steamer Vixen has gone to the Navy-Yard. Large shipments of army stores were placed aboard the Illinois and Baltic to-day. [third Dispatch.]Sailing of the Baltic. New York, April 8, 10 P. M. --The Baltic sailed this evening at 7 o'clock, accompanied by the tug-boats Freeborn and Yankee, chartered by the Government for a short voyage. Le
Later from Europe.arrival of the Canadian. Portland, Me., April 8. --The steamer Canadian, from Liverpool on the 28th, via Londondery on the 29th ult., has arrived. The ship Middlesex, from Liverpool, bound for New York, was abandoned at sea. The water was up to the main deck, and all but one of her six boats were lost. The one saved reached the coast at Kerry, containing the captain, first, second and third mates, boatswain, carpenter, five men and four passengers. They were exposed five days at sea, during which two passengers died. The ship is insured at Liverpool. Parliament had adjourned until the 8th inst. The strike of the London building trades had assumed serious proportions. The turbulence among the Lancashire weavers was increasing, and some rioting had occurred. Napoleon received an address from the corps Legislative on the 23d. In returning thanks he said, notwithstanding the warmest debate, he by no means regretted to such discussion. H
From Washington. Washington, April 8. --Alexander Duval is appointed Collector of Customs at Richmond. The State Department replied to-day to the Confederate Commissioners, declining to receive them officially, but expressing deference for them as gentlemen. The Secretary indicated a peaceful policy on the part of the Government, declaring a purpose only to defend when assailed. The Commissioners' reply was of such a character as to require a continuation of the correspondence. It is not known when the Commissioners will leave — not, however, for some days.
More shipments of Ammunition. Boston, April 8. --Sixty tons of cannon balls left the arsenal at Watertown Saturday for New York.
Naval. Norfolk, April 8. --The U. S. steamer Pawnee, from Washington, has arrived. She brings dispatches to Com. Pendergrast here.
Sailing of the Pawnee. Norfolk, April 8. --The Pawnee sails to-morrow morning for the South under sealed orders. It is stated here that she lands 250 troops at Fort Monroe at night.
The markets. New York, April 8. --Cotton quiet — Upland middling 12 5/8@12¼c. Flour heavy — Southern $5.40@$3.65. Wheat dull — white 1@2 lower. Corn has a declining tendency — mixed 66@67 cts., Southern white 68@70, yellow 67@70. Lard 9@10Ȃc. Whiskey steady at 18½c. Sugar steady — Muscovado 4¼@5¼c., Havana 6¼c. Coffee steady — Rio 11¾@13, Java 10¾c. Turpentine firm at 36 Stocks active but lower — Va. 6's 73½c.; N. Y. Centrals 75@75Ȃc.; Mo. 6's 61Ȃc. Baltimore,April 8.--Flou. Whiskey steady at 18½c. Sugar steady — Muscovado 4¼@5¼c., Havana 6¼c. Coffee steady — Rio 11¾@13, Java 10¾c. Turpentine firm at 36 Stocks active but lower — Va. 6's 73½c.; N. Y. Centrals 75@75Ȃc.; Mo. 6's 61Ȃc. Baltimore,April 8.--Flour dull-- Howard, Ohio, and City Mills held at $5.50. Wheat firm — Red $1.30@1.38; White $1.50@1.70. Corn active — Mixed 55@59; Yellow 60@62; White 60@64. Pork steady — Mess $17. Lard quiet at 9¼@10. Coff
Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch.things in Chester field. Chester field. Co., April 8 Notwithstanding the mist and rain, we had a hsing secession meeting to-day, at which strong resolutions were passed, condemning the vote of our delegate (J. H. Cox) against the reference of the Ordinance of Secession to the voters at the Spring elections — approving the course of our delegates in the Legislature; also that of Hon. D. O. Dejarnette in Congress. The change in this county from Union in Secession is immense, and is gaining ground hourly. The examining trial of Fore, for the murder of his slave, was deferred until the next term of the Court. He has retained Mr. M. Johnson and Gen.August as his counsel. A large number of licenses were granted. The wheat is growing finely now, and this rain will benefit the oats very much. Several of our largest planters leave here for the South, to look at and purchase lands, in a few days. E. W.