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The Daily Dispatch: November 7, 1860., [Electronic resource], Land and Slaves in the county of Amelia, for sale privately. (search)
rnals of the United Kingdom stamped between December, 1857, and June, 1859. We only quote the returns for one quarter, selecting those papers which are the best known. Of the daily journals, the number of stamped copies issued between the 1st April and the 30th June, 1859, were: the Times816,058 the Morning Post72,500 the Morning Herald51,000 the Globe50,000 the Daily News49,789 the Morning Advertiser20,000 the Morning Chronicle15,000 the Standard11,000 the Morning Star9,000 of the weekly journals stamped during the same period, (1st April to 30th June, 1859,) the numbers were: the Illustrated London News432,923 the News of the World118,400 the Record114,500 Bell's Weekly Messenger113,000 Bell's Life in London83,000 the Weekly Dispatch75,000 the Weekly Times62,000 the Saturday Review53,000 the Athenæum24,000 these numbers, which have reference to the stamped copies only, do not, it is said, give an accurate representation of the cir
nst whom judgments have been rendered for the taxes of 1860, the said Auditor shall remit all damages except so much only as may be necessary to pay expenses of the collection of said judgments, provided that said taxes are paid prior to the 1st day of April next." At the suggestion of Mr. Pate, it was further amended so as to provide that Sheriffs shall have the number of days now allowed them for traveling, after the 1st of April, to make such payments. The resolution as amended, wa1st of April, to make such payments. The resolution as amended, was adopted by a vote of ayes 29, noes 10. The President laid before the Senate a communication from the Executive, as follows: Gentlemen of the Senate and House of Delegates: Shortly after the adjournment of the last session of the General Assembly, I appointed Col. Angus McDonald, whom I considered well qualified for the service, an agent, to proceed to England, and to obtain from them all record and documentary evidence tending to ascertain and establish the true line of bounda
was not considered. Mr.Medley said he did not think outsiders should be allowed to witness the uproar in the House. He therefore moved to clear the galleries. [Uproarious applause.] Mr.Collier moved to amend the resolution by substituting the following: Resolved, That on and after Monday next this House will meet at 8 o'clock A. M., and sit all day, taking 20 minutes recess at 1 o'clock P. M. Not considered. Mr.Cowan moved to amend by substituting Monday week, (April 1st, the day fixed on for adjournment sine die,) for Monday next.--Lost. The resolution was then agreed to, (more than an hour was consumed in debating the resolution and amendments,) and the greatest confusion prevailed. Mr.McKenzie addressed the House, while eating an apple, in favor of a motion made by Mr.Keen, to strike out that section of the Code requiring merchants to take an oath that they would not pass notes of a lower denomination than five dollars. Mr.Medley rose to a poi
ty. "Independent," its intelligent Washington correspondent, speaks as follows: "We have now reached the point when it must soon be determined in some positive form whether the revenue laws are to be enforced throughout the Union, which the President has declared is not impaired by the acts of secession, or whether secession is to be acknowledged as a fixed fact.--This is the choice of alternates presented to the new Administration, and it is the practical question which, after the 1st of April, must test the purpose and nerve of those in power. If foreign merchandize can be entered at Southern ports 10 or 15 per cent. below the duties exacted at Northern ports, and then allowed unmolested transit for distribution, of course it will seek them, because the cost of transportation, insurance, and other charges, would still leave a large margin of profit for the importer. The revenue from this source under our present relations would never go into the Treasury of the United States
Too good to Lose. --The Charleston Courier drily says: "Some of the Northern Governors, Generals, and Mayors, who fired salutes in honor of Major Anderson, on the 8th January, may feel like saluting themselves on the 1st April."
The delegates from Mobile, in the Alabama Convention, have published their protest against the adoption of the Confederate Constitution, without submitting it to the people. Both Houses of the Legislature of Michigan have, by large majorities, restored the ale, beer and cider clause to the prohibitory liquor law. The election in Connecticut for members of Congress and State officers, will come off on Monday, the 1st of April, and will probably bring out a very full vote. The Louisiana Convention has a resolution before it, declaring in favor of "entire free trade" with the Western States, slave and free, by the Confederated States. The Jail at Vienna, Dooly county, Ga., and a negro, confined therein, were burnt on Saturday morning last. Mrs. Lieut. Slemmer is on a visit to Burlington, N. J., and has, as usual, been "serenaded." A patent has been issued to C. A. McEvoy of Richmond, for an improvement in the mode of loading fire-arms. Lindsay M.
All fools day. --Monday is the 1st of April, with those who shall be spared to see it. Any quantity of pranks are allowable on all fools day — a designation which, by common consent, appertains to the occasion named. The Legislature had resolved to terminate their present existence on Monday, but, yesterday an enterprising member of the Senate, with "an eye wholly to the public interest," (whose brightness, we hope, may never be quenched by an untimely take off,) resolved that the members should have legal authority to exist till the 4th of April, (Thursday,) and as conducive to that end, introduced a joint resolution, which passed the upper House, and was sent to the lower.
-Arr'd, schr. Lion, Norfolk. Norfolk, March 31.--Arr'd, schrs. Alekina, Richmond; Hardscrabble. do. Baltimore, April 1.--Cl'd, schrs. Henry M. Smith. Fredericksburg; Providence, Norfolk. New York, March 31.--Cl'd, schrs. Medora, Richmond; Margaret, Petersburg. April 1.-- Arr'd, schrs. S. B. Parker, Norfolk; Olivia, do.; Ocean Star, do., for Camden; Flora, do, for Salem. Philadelphia, April 1.--Cl'd, schr. Elizabeth, Norfolk. Alexandria, April 1.--Arr'd, schr. S. ApplApril 1.--Cl'd, schr. Elizabeth, Norfolk. Alexandria, April 1.--Arr'd, schr. S. Applegate, Richmond. Disaster. Schr. Southerner, Smith, from Richmond for Mobile, ashore on French Reef, 12th, was assisted off by wreckers, and taken to Key West, 15th.--She was not much injured, and will receive no repairs. As soon as her salvaApril 1.--Arr'd, schr. S. Applegate, Richmond. Disaster. Schr. Southerner, Smith, from Richmond for Mobile, ashore on French Reef, 12th, was assisted off by wreckers, and taken to Key West, 15th.--She was not much injured, and will receive no repairs. As soon as her salvage is arranged she will sail for her port of destination.
Twenty dollars reward. Runaway from the subscriber, on Monday, 1st April. a Negro Woman, named Nancy, calls herself Nancy Werner. Said woman is about thirty-five years of age, rather above the medium size of women, light ginger-bread color, downcast look when spoken to, upper front teeth out, broad, full face, and finger next to the little finger on the left hand cut off at the second joint. She is supposed to be lurking about the city, as she has a sister living at the Clifton House, and some acquaintances living at Brackett's Tavern. She may have made her escape to Fredericksburg, as she came from that place, and has a mother living there. I will give the above reward, if she is returned to me in Richmond. [ap 3--it *] R. H. Higgins.
Movements of steamers. Portland, April 1. --The steamship North American, from Liverpool on the 14th ult., arrived this morning. Her advices have been anticipated. The steamer Bohemian sailed at 9 o' clock on Saturday evening, for Liverpool. New York, April 1. --The steamship Teutonic sailed at noon with 112 passengers. She carried out no specie. Movements of steamers. Portland, April 1. --The steamship North American, from Liverpool on the 14th ult., arrived this morning. Her advices have been anticipated. The steamer Bohemian sailed at 9 o' clock on Saturday evening, for Liverpool. New York, April 1. --The steamship Teutonic sailed at noon with 112 passengers. She carried out no specie.