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Eva'grius (*Eu)a/grios). 1. Of ANTIOCH, was a native of Antioch, the son of a citizen of that place, named Pompeianus, and a presbyter apparently of the church of Antioch. He travelled into the west of Europe, and was acquainted with Jerome, who describes him as a man "acris ac ferventis ingenii." During the schism in the patriarchate of Antioch, he was chosen by one of the parties (A. D. 388 or 389) successor to their deceased patriarch Paulinus, in opposition to Flavianus, the patriarch of the other party. According to Theodoret, the manner of his election and ordination was altogether contrary to ecclesiastical rule. The historians Socrates and Sozomen state that Evagrius survived his elevation only a short time; but this expression must not be too strictly interpreted, as it appears from Jerome that he was living in A. D. 392. He was perhaps the Evagrius who instructed Chrysostom in monastic discipline, though it is to be observed that Chrysostom was ordained a presbyter by F
Flacilla or FLACCILLA, AE'LIA (in Greg. Nyss. *Pla/killa, in Chron. Alex. *Fla/kkilla), first wife of Theodosius the Great. Several moderns infer from an obscure passage in Themistius (Orat. xvi. De Saturnino), that she was the daughter of Antonius, who was consul A. D. 382, but this is very doubtful. She appears to have been born in Spain (Claudian, Laus Serenae, vs. 69), and to have had a sister, the mother of Nebridius, who was married after A. D. 388 to Salvina, daughter of Gildo, the Moor. (Hieron. Epist.ad Salvin. vol. iv. p. 663, ed. Benedict.) Flaccilla had at least three children by Theodosius,--namely, Arcadius, born about A. D. 377, Honorius, born A. D. 384, both afterwards emperors; and Pulcheria, who was apparently born before 379, as Claudian (Laus Seren. 113, 136) intimates that Theodosius had more than one child when raised to the throne. This Pulcheria died before her mother, and Gregory Nyssen composed a consolatory discourse upon the occasion. Some have supposed th
Flavian was one of the parties to this agreement: but many of the Eustathians refused to sanction it; so that when Meletius died, while attending the Council of Constantinople, A. D. 381, Flavian, who was also attending the Council, and was elected to succeed him, with the general approval of the Asiatic churches, felt himself at liberty to accept the appointment. The imputation of perjury, to which Flavian thus subjected himself, apparently aggravated the schism; and when Paulinus died, A. D. 388 or 389, his party elected Evagrius to succeed him; but on his death after a short episcopate [EVAGRIUS, No. 1], no successor was chosen; and the schism was healed, though not immediately. Flavian managed to conciliate Theophilus, bishop of Alexandria, and by his intervention, and that of Chrysostom, now bishop of Constantinople, A. D. 397-403, he was acknowledged by the Roman and other Western churches. On occasion of the great sedition at Antioch, A. D. 387, Flavian was one of those who
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), Hiero'nymus or St. Jerome (search)
nauditum," and had resolved (see Praef. in Heb. Quaest.) to examine in like manner all the other books of the Old Testament, a plan which, however, he never executed, and which, in fact, was in a great measure superseded by his more elaborate commentaries, and by his translation of the whole Bible. Written about 388. (Ed. Bened. vol. ii. p. 505.) 2. Commentarii in Ecclesiasten, Commentarii in Ecclesiasten, frequently referred to in his Apology against Rufinus. Written at Bethlehem about A. D. 388. (Ed. Bened. vol. ii. p. 715.) 3. In Canticum Canticorum Tractatus II. In Canticum Canticorum Tractatus II. From the Greek of Origen, who is strongly praised in the preface addressed to Pope Damasus. Translated at Rome in A. D. 383. (Ed. Bened. vol. ii. p. 807 ; comp. vol. v. p. 603.) Vol. IV. 4. Commentarii in Iesaiam, Commentarii in Iesaiam, in eighteen books. The most full and highly finished of all the labours of Jerome in this department. It was commenced apparently as early a
9th Sept. A. D. 384. There is some difference in the ancient authorities, but we agree with Tillemont, who has discussed the matter in a careful note, that Constantinople was his birthplace. (Claudian. In IV. Consulat. Honorii, 121-140.) He was made consul A. D. 386, and appears in the Fasti of Idatius with the designation of Nolilissimus, and in the Chronicon of Prosper Aquitanicus of Nobilissimus Puer; but in the Chronicon of Marcellinus and the Chronicon Paschale with that of Caesar. In A. D. 388 or 389, most probably the latter, at any rate after the usurper Maximus had been defeated, Honorius was sent for from Constantinople into Italy by his faother, whom he accompanied (A. D. 389) when with Valentinian II. he made his triumphal entry into Rome. In A. D. 393, while his father was preparing for the war against Eugenius, he was declared Augustus, or, according to Marcellinus, Caesar. But Marcellinus is in this instance not consistent with himself, having designated Honorius Caes
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
Ma'ximus, Magnus Clemens Roman emperor, A. D. 383-388. in Gaul, Britain, and Spain, was a native of Spain (Zosim. iv. p. 247), but not of England, as modern authors assert. He boasted of being a relation of his contemporary. the emperor Theodosius the Great, though the fact is that he had merely lived some years in the household of that emperor in a subordinate capacity. He was of obscure parentage; an uncle of his, however, is mentioned in history, and also a brother, Marcellinus, whose name will appear again in the course of this sketch. Maximus accompanied Theodosiua on several of his expeditions, was promoted, and, perhaps as early as A. D. 368, proceeded with his master to Britain, where he remained many years in the quality of a general, as it seems, but decidedly not as governor of that province, as some modern writers of eminence pretend. It is said that he married Helena, the daughter of Eudda, a rich noble of Caersegont (Caernarvon in Wales), but the authority is more than
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
h his short and unfortunate reign. He belonged to the high nobility of Rome, and was a descendant, or at any rate a kinsman, of Petronius Probus, who gained so much power in Rome towards the end of the fourth century of our era; it is doubtful whether he was the son of a daughter of the emperor Maximus Magnus; nor is his title to the Anician name sufficiently established, although Tillemont says that there are two inscriptions on which he is called Anicius. Maximus Petronius was born about A. D. 388, or perhaps as late as 395. At the youthful age of 19 he was admitted to the council of the emperor Honorius in his double quality of tribune and notary (407 or 414). In 415 he was comes largitionum, and in 420 he filled the important office of praefectus Romae, discharging his duty with such general satisfaction that, in 421, on the solicitation of the senate and people of Rome, the emperors Honorius and Arcadius caused a statue to be erected to him on the Campus Trajani. In 433 he was se
laces in Palestine. He supposes that it was at this time that he saw several other saints who dwelt in that country, and among them, perhaps (for Palladius does not directly say that he knew him personally), St. Jerome, of whom his impressions, derived chiefly, if not wholly, from the representations of Posidonius, were by no means favourable (100.42, 50, Meurs., 78, 124, Bibl. Patr.). Palladius first visited Alexandria in the second consulship of the emperor Theodosius the Great, i. e. in A. D. 388 (100.3, Meurs., 1, Bibl. Patr.), and by the advice of Isidorus, a presbyter of that city, placed himself under the instruction of Dorotheus, a solitary, whose mode of life was so hard and austere that Palladius was obliged, by sickness, to leave him, without completing the three years which he had intended to stay (100.4, Meurs., 2, Bibl. Pair.) He remained for a short time in the neighbourhood of Alexandria, and then resided for a year among the solitaries in the mountains of the desert o
ognized by both parties. On the death of Meletius, however (A. D. 381), this agreement was not observed by his party, and the election of Flavian [FLAVIANUS, No. 1] disappointed the hopes of Paulinus, and embittered the schism still more. In A. D. 382 Paulinus was present at a council of the Western Church, which had all along recognised his title, and now ardently supported his cause; but the Oriental churches generally recognised Flavian, who was de facto bishop of Antioch. Paulinus died A. D. 388 or 389. His partizans chose Evagrius to succeed him [EVAGRIUS, No. 1]. A confession of faith by Paulinus is preserved by Athanasius and Epiphanius in the works cited below. (Epiphanius, Haeres. 77.21, ed. Petavii; Socrates, H. E. 3.6, 9, 4.2, 5.5, 9, 15; Sozomen, H. E. 5.12, 13, 6.7, 7.3, 10, 11, 15; Theodoret, H. E. 3.5, 5.3, 23; Athanasius, Concil. Alexaradrin. Epistol. seu Tomus ad Antiochenses, 100.9; Hieron. Epistol. ad Eustoch. No. 27, edit. vett., 86, ed. Benedict., 108.6, ed. Valla
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), Sy'meon STYLITES (search)
Sy'meon STYLITES 31. STYLITES (*Sumew/nhs o( *Stuli/ths), the PILLAR-SAINT, a celebrated ascetic of the fifth century, who derived his distinguishing epithet from the pillar on which he passed a considerable part of his life. He was the first of a tolerably numerous class of " Pillar-saints" or " Stylites." He was born at the village of Sisan, on the confines of Syria and Cilicia, about A. D. 388, according to Tillemont, whose dates we follow. After leading an ascetic life for many years in various monasteries and solitary places, he resolved to take his stand on a pillar or pedestal, in order to escape from the honour paid him by men, according to the testimony of Theodoret, though it is not so easy to see how so conspicuous a position consisted with the modesty ascribed to him by that writer. This was in A. D. 423. At first his pillar was only six cubits, or nine feet high; it then rose to twelve cubits, then to twenty-two; and when Theodoret wrote, which was in Symeon's lifetime,