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h he repented and confessed his errors, could enter the bosom of the church without forfeiting his ecclesiastical rank, and that all bishops and others who admitted the claims of such persons to a full restoration of their privileges became themselves tainted and outcasts -- a doctrine which, had it been acknowledged at this period in its full extent, would have had the effect of excommunicating nearly the whole Christian world. Lucifer died during the reign of Valentinian, pro-bably about A. D. 370. Other Works The works of this fierce polemic, which, although all alike deformed by the same unseemly harshness and passion, are extremely valuable, on account of the numerous quotations from Scripture every where introduced, may be arranged in the following order: I. Epistola ad Eusebium, written in the month of March or April, 355. II. De non conveniendo cum Haereticis, written between 356 and 358, at Germanica, while suffering under the persecution of Eudoxius, the Arian. bishop
ed. In a season of scarcity (A. D. 367, 368?) such was his benevolent exertion to provide for the destitute, that they flocked to him from all parts, and gave to the thinly-peopled neighbourhood in which he resided the appearance of a populous town. He had the satisfaction of being present with his sister at his mother's death-bed, and received her dying benediction. Her death appears to have occurred about the time of Basil's elevation to the bishoprick of the Cappadocian Caesareia, about A. D. 370 : soon after which, apparently, Peter received from Basil ordination to the office of presbyter, probably of the church of Caesareia ; for Basil appears to have employed his brother as his confidential agent in some affairs. (Basil. Maritimis Episcopis Epistola editt. vett., cciii. edit. Benedictin.) Peter, however, retained a house, which Basil describes as near Neocaesareia (Basil, Meletio Epistola cclxxii. editt. vett., ccxvi. edit. Benedictin), but which was probably at or near Annesi,
Athanaric, who opposed him with a numerous army. He returned to Marcianopolis, intending to pass another winter there, but the Goths sued for peace, which was granted on the condition that they should not cross the Danube, and should only be allowed to trade at two towns on the river. The treaty between Valens and Athanaric was concluded on vessels in the Danube, for Athanaric refused to set his foot on the Roman territory. At the end of this year, Valens was at Constantinople. The year A. D. 370 is memorable for the cruel punishment of eighty ecclesiastics. The Arians were persecuted by the Catholics at Constantinople, and the Catholics sent a deputation of eighty ecclesiastics to Valens, who was then at Nicomedia. It is said that Valens ordered them to be put to death, and that his order was executed by Modestus, Praefectus Praetorio, by placing them in a vessel on the sea, and setting fire to it. "This inhumanity," observes Tillemont, "was punished by a famine which desolated Ph
A Dictionary of Greek and Roman biography and mythology (ed. William Smith), (search)
ustius of defrauding a widow, and he was ordered to make restitution. Instead of doing this he appealed from the judgment, and the widow was advised to present her petition to Valentinian when he was seated in the Circus. The eunuch was near his master, when the widow presented her petition, and the emperor immediately ordered the eunuch to be seized, to be carried round the Circus while proclamation of his crime was made, land then to be burnt alive in the presence of the spectators. In A. D. 370 Valentinian was still at Trèves, or near it, as appears from the constitutions promulgated in this year. The Saxons now broke loose on the Roman territory, where they plundered all before them; but they were alarmed by the appearance of Severus, commander of the infantry (peditum magister), who made place With them on condition of their retiring. But the Romans treacherously laid an ambuscade, and destroyed the Saxons on their march back, at a place called Deuso, according to Hieronymus, w